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Where are you Aussie gals?

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Where are you all? I am hoping I am not the only one!!!
Here to share and support our ttc journey.
I am Queenslander who moved to NSW. Lol who does that?
Ttc num. 3 for a year now! I am 10 dpo waiting for the witch.Waving to you all.

687 Replies • 10 years ago



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Nope I didn't and I have pain o cramps so I'm gunna say tomorrow will be to late sadly :( hope not but think it will be

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Tracey don't be disheartened my doctor told me a healthy egg can live for 12-36 hours so if you've only just started feeling go pain you have plenty of time!!

10 years ago

I'm just feeling really let down right now I think and the cramps are very painful n known !
I was so hopeful actually O ing earlier than cd 21 (cd15 today) but just not as hopeful now. Guess well see after the tww :(

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Oh Tracey I'm sorry, but don't count yourself out yet. I hope you can get an insemination tomorrow. X

10 years ago

He'll be here in the morning as far as planned but I'm sure it will be too late

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Hi ladies,

Sorry, haven't been around much lately. I've had a lot going on :-/

O is due to happen in the next few days for me so hoping hubby is as ready to get back in the game as I am. We haven't tried since January (too much to explain why but a lot of reasons) so we definitely need to work out what's been going on with us.

I'm not holding out much hope for this cycle either, judging on recent months, but would just be happy at this point to even know that we will (one day) try again.

Good luck to all :-)

10 years ago

Really crampy and quite painful in my right side this morning so maybe it hasn't happened just yet ? God knows ??
I'm a little cranky at DD but I guess he has a life as well, just hope that it's still enough to catch that egg.

Is it worth doing tomorrow as well girls ???

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Tracey I hope you still catch the egg, the O pains today are a great sign you can still catch it, definitely do again tomorrow I think. I'm sure it would be frustrating getting the donor timing right. :(

Welcome back Mel, I'd wondered how you are and i hope everything is ok. It is such a difficult struggle and I know from experience how damaging infertility can be to a marriage. Please know we are here for you, no matter where you're at in terms of TTC or not. *hugs* x Jodi x

10 years ago

Great news Tracey!! I would definitely do one tomorrow too for goodluck!!

Mel I hope you're doing ok I too know how you feel, the OH and I haven't been at this for long but I think he expected it to just happen first go and when he didn't he became a little distant. He's fine now but does get less enthusiastic towards the end of the fertile window but hopefully in time that will pass!!

Jodi I'm confused as to where you are in your cycle but I think you're getting ready to O? And in regards to the sickness I forgot to respond to I hope it's left your system and I apologise for passing it on lol. The OH and I looked at it this way though.... My body was working to hard to fight off my illness so they were too preoccupied to fight off the sperm lol wishful thinking huh?

My nausea seems to have intensified it's disgusting at least once and hour today I'm fighting back the urge to vomit... Probably not a good idea as I start work in a couple of hours so it will probably win the battle while I'm at work.. Maybe in getting sick as I still got a bfn this morning? Still early days but I was under the impression the nausea shouldn't start until the hcg levels rise which would result in a bfp?

10 years ago

well i got a coverline and first time ever !! And it says today being ovulation day so god only knows and we're going for tomorrow as well...i'm cranky cos i had a set plan that seemed all perfect for this cycle :( and my body had other plans ...who knows... think i'll just wait this one out and see if AF come before i test at all ..just feel like i'm out altogether before it's even started...
sorry girls i'm not much help today.

Hopefully my spirits pick up in a few days and i get over it and onto next month :)

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

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