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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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541 - 550 of 697 Replies | Last Page

@rice: I am sorry your short term disability is crappy :( At least you get something though. I know a lot of people that get nothing. How much sick and vacation do you get a year? I will supplement my std with sick time and get full pay for about 8 weeks. The description of your slide show made me cry!!! How sweet! I bet both sets of parents were over the mood. That is so creative and very sweet! I am so so so happy for you! Dec 13th can't come soon enough!! Will you have a u/s that day? They can also hone in on the due date when you have a u/s. But even then it can be +/- 10 days. Because I triggered I know exactly when I ovulated yet my baby girl was measuring 5 days ahead at my 20 week u/s.

@luv: Twins!! Maybe you'll be rewarded with twins since its taken so long to conceive!!

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10 years ago

SMH oh lord TWINS! I don't know if I could handle that, haha ;) Not sure if I'd want two kids but if I did want two kids I would want them at the same time, given what a pain in the ass TTC has been!

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: I completely agree. I am so scared that it'll take us another 15 months to conceive baby #2. I think you'd do great with twins! And because you are so tall the babies would have plenty of room to grow grow grow! So are you going to test on Thanksgiving morning? :)

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10 years ago

Ladies I want to cry so bad right now....happy tears my hsg is scheduled for Wednesday @2pm I'm so excited!

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10 years ago

Luv those are all good signs!! And Hurray for the awesome Pregesterone level!!!

SMH- This job does have it's ups and downs. When things go bad it is very tragic. Part of the reason I will prob be a nervous wreck my entire pregnancy, that and my first pregnancy was not easy or normal. But I have such a compassion for the job it keeps me going.

Blue- Sorry for the BFN, but lets hope it is because you are only 4dpo!

Beyond I am sorry hun=0(

Ist I am so Happy you are back!

Rice- Love the way your announced!!

Cam- I will be thinking of you on Wednesday!!!!

AFM- CD 12 OPK still very dark and having the normal O feelings. Temp was up a little this morning, but not the normal jump I see, so hopefully I will see the temp rise tomorrow for sure. Other then that just wishing this 3 day work week would hurry up!!!

10 years ago

SMH LOL I never thought of the height thing ;) Yep I am testing on Thanksgiving with a FRER! Please lord let me get a positive. It'd be a very happy thanksgiving indeed!

Cam I am so glad you're getting that done! And so soon! It'll probably help you out for this very cycle!! :-D

afmedic thanks girl! And yay for O! You'll get a big jump tomorrow I know it! *dancing* :)

10 years ago • Post starter

@Camasia- good luck Wednesday!!

@afmedic109 - that's what I am afraid of! I didn't do enough bding for 4 dpo. But lots for 9 dpo. :( Hopefully you ovulate soon!

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10 years ago

Okay, so I read EVERYTHING and it's hard to respond to all of it so I have to do it mostly from memory since you can only see so many posts at once. Sorry in advance if I miss anything.

Rice--that is soooo sweet. It sounds like you have an amazing support system in both of your families. did you already make your first appointment? sorry, i don't remember. I swear I'm getting pregnancy brain already. lol. Okay, that's just an excuse for my extreme forgetfulness.

Luv--YAY!! Such high numbers. That's awesome. Wow, your tww is halfway over. I have my fx'd and I'm praying for you beautiful.

SMH--I bought the FF onions today so the green bean casserole will be made! :)

beyond--sorry beautiful. I know it's always a doozie to see AF. I guess closure is nice though instead of waiting and wondering.

admedic--3 day work week! woohoo. are you doing much cooking for Thanksgiving?

1st--welcome back! I know it's hard. the thought of a MC is overwhelming. I'm already freaking out over the thought.

Cam--such a bummer that you barely get any relaxation time. I hope you make the most of it!

AFM...saw Catching Fire with DH today. It was quite good. Also went Thanksgiving shopping and got my blood drawn for my second beta. I should know the results by tomorrow. I took another HPT today..the cheapie walmart ones suck so badly. They barely change colors but I can sort of tell they're getting darker. Anywho...that's about it for me. Hope you're all having a great Monday.

10 years ago

@cam: I am so happy for you! That is awesome they got you in so fast AND it works with your schedule!!

@afmedic: I forgot - did you give us the details of your first pregnancy before? Would you mind sharing again? If its too painful then that's ok too. I know you had your little girl so it must have ended ok. That is great you love your job so much but I am sorry it will make you on edge during your pregnancy. I am keeping my fingers crossed your temp raises tomorrow! I guess no wine with turkey dinner for you either. I am really going to miss being semi-snockered during Thanksgiving!

@luv: I am keeping EVERYTHING crossed for you! What a glorious Thankgiving it will be!

@bluerose: Hopefully you bd'd enough to be covered!! Since you haven't had a positive opk I'd bd every other day until you get one. Good luck!

AFM: with each second that passes I am getting more excited for Gobbler Day!

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10 years ago

Thanks ladies i was so happy that I didn't have to wait another cycle.

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10 years ago

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