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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hi sweet ladies!

Missytwoshoes, how was your appointment on Tuesday?? I'll be cheering for good news for your big scan next Tuesday!! Too bad the rain crashed the Halloween party (especially if that caused sickness :-s)... I can totally understand that it must be hard work, being pregnant, working and having two little girls... I already felt exhausted now that my husband was ill, and I was really wondering how those women who already have kids survive pregnancy :-s So I can only have great admiration!!!

Nikolina, I'm sorry to hear you were disappointed about your appointment, I totally understand... I'm sure you're already looking forward to that next private and extensive appointment!! :-) Man, I really would not be able to wait that long to find out gender :-) You have a strong will ;-) Oow, so nice you feel baby kicking so much now, and your husband got to see and feel it too!!! :-) It's nice to feel them kicking, isn't it :-) Unless it's in your ribs or bladder :-p You're totally right, time seems to be flying by, 20 weeks!!! :-) Half way there, hun!!! :-)

Jada, how are you, hun, how is everything going?

Emmy, thinking of you and hoping you are well!

AFM, very busy lately, trying to finish some stuff at work and prepping for the baby, and keep everything running. My husband is FINALLY feeling better, it was indeed hard to see him suffer so much... I'm glad he's better now...

Lots of love!!!


8 years ago

Hi ladies, good to hear that you all are going so great! I know with life, tiredness, and preparing for babies you may not be on much but it is good to hear from you.

I'm doing ok, still healing and learning all about IVF. I have my follow up post op appointment on Monday, so hoping to have a plan and way ahead.

I will keep you all posted and hope y'all do the same.


8 years ago

Jada, how was your follow-up appointment? Did you get the plan you were hoping for?

Lots of love!


8 years ago


Hey, how are you feeling? We have decided to move forward with IVF, just trying to lock down financing. I have an appointment on Monday and we are hoping the Army will cover it all, so we shall see. AF started showing her face tonight, so I'm going in for baselines in the morning! Aside from that I'm fighting a cold :(

So glad to hear from you!


8 years ago

Hi Jada!

I'm sorry to hear about your cold, those can be nasty. I hope you'll be rid of it soon! That's wonderful that you've decided to go for IVF! I do hope the army will cover your expenses! That would be one less thing to worry about, right? I'll cross my fingers that they will!!! Keep us updated!

AFM, I'm doing okay, but SUPERbusy at work. I can't believe I'm spending my last weeks working in the weekends, I hate it. Moreover, I have a deadline PAST the start of my relief. Really sucks big time.

Best wishes and the best of luck at your appointment tomorrow!!!


8 years ago


Glad you are still around and reaching out...I hope the others are doing well.

That is crazy you are having to work so much, I do hope you are able to find some ways, even small ways, to relax? How will you workout the deadline situation? When is your due date again??

Well we are really trying to figure out which way to go. TriCare (Military insurance) technically doesn't cover IVF, but they will allow Soldiers and spouses to go to certain military facilities that have an agreement with ART facilities near them that discount the price. But with that being said, there's still travel, time from work, possible time from my dh, so a lot to consider especially since we will still have out-of-pocket expenses. On the other hand I have an ART facility here where we live and I really like them. They are willing to discount some things, so we may just stay here, which is really what I want to do. Plus we already have some of the needed meds, which helps our costs. So now I am just trying to narrow everything down so we can make the decision. Apparently it takes about 6-8 weeks for everything, so I am hoping to start in December with the suppression and planned transfer in January. I will keep you posted if you would like?


8 years ago

How are my ladies?? I've missed you! <3

Nikolina, oh I hear you! I wish I had a fire to relax by! My in laws do so sometimes I go over there and it makes me happy lol. My appt went well. Not much to report. They gave me the admission paperwork though so that was nice. We also took the hospital tour. :) oh man, I can't believe you're going to wait to find out!! I totally wanted to wait but I'm so glad I didn't since we're having another girl, I need all this time to come to terms with it. But I sure can't wait for your birth to hear what it is!!! Your scan is in a few days, how exciting!! Can't wait to hear all is well and hear how baby is measuring! So awesome you're feeling baby move around! So special!

Alice, Appt went well, nothing to report. Scan went great and baby is perfect! Yes, the rain contributed to the girls getting sick but luckily it didn't stick around for long. :) Awe, thank you for the admiration! If you want lots of kids I'm sure you'll be here soon too. ;) It's a lot of work and VERY exhausting, but always ALWAYS worth it. <3 Btw, did you get my message? I hope it went through! Let me know if you didn't.

Jada, how exciting you're going through with IVF. It's a lot to do and deal with but will be worth it in the end if it takes! Financing is always hard I know.. it's crazy expensive! Maybe you can set up a fund account? Maybe friends and family would be willing to contribute? Hopefully you get to do the transfer in January like you said, I know you feel like you've been on this roller coaster ride long enough! Please do keep us all updated! The good bad and ugly! Even though I don't post as often anymore I def care and want to hear all about everything. <3

Emmy... thinking of you sweetie! Sending you lots of love!

AFM, been busy working, and was busy planning my SIL's baby shower but that was last weekend so I get a little of a breather before I have to start prepping for my oldest turning 6 Dec 16th. And thanksgiving and black friday before that... then her birthday, christmas, and then 2 (or 3) weeks later is my baby sprinkle. LOTS going on! I'm having a bunk bed built for my girls so I can move all their toys into their room to make room for baby in the other room which was their play room..and they're getting that for christmas so hopefully soon after that I can start prepping Aubrie's nursery. :) At my ultrasound last Tuesday baby girl weighed in at 1lb 1oz and doc said everything looks great with her. Happy news! I was terrified something was going to be wrong like she was going to be missing an arm or something. I'm just so glad all is well. Other than being busy and tired (this little girl doesn't like to let me sleep at night it would seem) all is well over here. :)

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

8 years ago

Hello Beautiful Ladies :)

Alice hun, only few weeks left for lil girls arrival!! Are you getting nervous? Ahhh hun is sucks to be working soo much, this is the time when you should be relaxing and enjoying your sleep befor lil baby arrives!! Donno where you get all that energy from lol, i bet at that stage all i will be doing is sleep lol So glad to hear your hubby is doing better, and can help you with all the bits. Have yea tough of baby girls name? When is your DD? Aww can not believe how fast time has gone past! :) Sending you lods lods love hun :) Soon you will have lil baby in your arms :)

Hay Jada hun. How are you doing? It must be hard to come in terms about IVF, and that beeing soo expensive!!! You are strong women, and you will hold your own baby in your arms very soon hun !!! Are yea thinking of going ahead after Christmas? How is your hubby feeling about it? I hope everything will work out hun and you will get transfer in January, and lil miracle will be here before next Christmas :) Do you have to pay for every transfer, or its one set price for all together? Sending you hun lods lods love and super positive vibes!!!! xxx

Hay Missytwoeshoes!!! Aww i think we all now super busy with soo much going on :) So glad that your appointment went well hun!!! You are blessed with another healthy and happy baby!!! Aubrie??? Hun what a lovely name!!! Are yea set on this one or have some others in mind? How you managing 2 lil ones and beeing pregnant? You are superwomen lol :) When is your next appointment?? Its such a great feeling knowing that lil one is healthy and doing well is in it? Lol does your lil one is active at night aswel? The same here, as soon as i lie down, the kicking and moving starts, sometimes i wake up in middle of night from kicks, but is such a great feeling :) Sending you lods love hun and hope you will find some time to relax hun :)

Emmy hun, thinking of you. Hope you are doing well xxx

Well, i had my Anomaly scan on saturday :) I was soooo nervous, just was so scared that something was not right. The nurse at private clinic was super nice and she took her time with everything, she kept going back to lil ones face so we can see what the baby is up to!!! Sooo cutte!!! Its all perfect :) So relived!!! Baby at 22w3d weighted 1 pound 5oz, nurse said - well fed baby lol I not gona lie, it did cross my mind to find out the sex of the baby, and i was looking v hard just in case i spot something lol but managed to control myself lol but it was v v hard. I asked nurse at the end does she knows, and she said she has pretty good idea lol And it turns out that my hubby was doing the same, trying to see if its boy or girl lol but we didnt find out, ahhh but it was hard... But so blessed that baby is healthy and happy in there :)
Im so sorry ladies that i havent been hereso much, but been soo busy with painting house, getting everything and Christmas around the corner ahhh soo much to do!! Ive been working extra hrs at work aswell, i just asked my boss for it cos im so full of energy at the moment that its great to be working bit extra, as i know i will have to cut a day or so after new years.
Sending you all ladies lods lods love!! Im always here to check in, and i always thinking of yea!!! :)



8 years ago • Post starter

Hi sweet ladies!!

So sorry it took me so long to reply :-$ No baby yet :-p

Jada, too bad that the army doesn't cover the IVF :-( Yet the ART facilities sound good! Have you made a decision? Did you get used to the idea of IVF? Hun, definitely keep us posted!! :-) We are here to cheer for you all the way!!!

Missy, I got your message! :-) I hope you got mine too :-) Lol, I definitely will never have 3 children, no way I could work that! :-) I'm so glad everything went well at your scan, I know you were scared for it. Sounds like you are well ahead prepping everything for the baby, seems like you're very busy!! How are your girls feeling about getting a little sister to play with? :-)

Nikolina, so glad to hear your scan went so well! Superfunny that your husband and you were both secretly trying to find out gender :-d I don't think I would be able to resist finding out :-) That's impressive, hun!!! And so is the extra work you're doing! :-p But I guess your reasoning makes perfect sense :-) My due date is the 10th of December, and we're almost settled regarding her name :-) Yet not a 100% certain ;-)

Emmy, hun, I hope you are alright... Sending you lots of love!!

AFM, I went to the hospital yesterday, cause I lost some (tiny bit of) fluid and wanted to be sure it was not amniotic. So they put me on the monitor and turns out I had quite some (small) contractions and was 3cm dilated! Tomorrow I'll be 38 weeks. Unfortunately, the dilation does not really tell me anything about how long she will take to eventually get here :-) But on the plus side: I've almost finished my work, thank goodness. I need the rest more than ever now :-) I'll keep you posted!! :-)

Sending you lots and lots of love!!!


8 years ago

Aww Alice, Lil one is on the way :) 3 cm wow, i tought thats means that you already in labor :) And do you feel contractions? How exciting hun!!! Can not believe how fast time has past!!! Can not wait for amazing news from you!! Any day now :) And so glad to hear that all your work is done, and you can now rest and relax before all the big changes in your life hun!!! Ah sometimes i get so scared of toughs of all big changes coming up in our life's!!! But for sure is good change :) How are you feeling?? Can you sleep at night? I already some nights find uncomfortable to sleep, so i keep extra pillow on side and snuggle around it :) Hope your hospital bags are packed and ready to go!! :) We are doing ours after xmas just to have them ready :)

Yea, im amazed at myself aswell of not founding out sex of the baby, oh im strong women lol we got our report on anomaly the other day, all perfect, and it stated that gender is noted lol so they know, and i dont know, had a tought to ring them and ask what is it, but have to control myself lol lol lol just keep saying myself - its not long to wait :)
Been busy working now, and we painted our sitting room yesterday, ohhh took as all day :) My hubby got me this super mask, so i dont have to breath in the paint :) He is so thoughtful :) Yea, so im so tired today, but have to do a bit cleaning, cos my pugs managed to step in paint and walk all over the house, lil messers :)
Otherwise im still feeling great :) Feeling lods kicks, and my hubby can easly feel them aswell :) Such amazing feeling :) I could lie down for hrs and watch my belly move lol I say we all do that :)

Sending you lods lods love hun!!! Can not wait for amazing news!!! :)

Jada and Missy hope yea ladies are doing well!!! Lods lods love :)


8 years ago • Post starter

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