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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Jada--thanks girlie! have fun today!

10 years ago

@lawbride88 - Glad to hear everything went well!

@JLHart22- Hope your ceremony went well!

21 dpo. I have started analyzing my chart to see if I could be off. I don't think so? It looks as if I ovulated 21 days ago? Tests negative, boobs quite sore, horrible cramping with intercourse!

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10 years ago

good afternoon everyone. I talked to the ivf nurse at the re's office and my levels from tuesday were at 251. todays levels came back at 683. So she saiid everything looks really good and set up my ultrasound for Heart beat on 4/24. i am glad everything looks okay i was nervous as to what the numbers were. Now i feel like a weight has been lifted. I have to stay on the meds until my apt and then if everything looks good from there i will be able to stop the meds and they will transfer me back to my OB from there on out. thank you again everyone for you support!!

Blue: That is really strange if everything lines up good and your temps are up but you are still getting negatives!! At this point you would think something would show. HMM im stumped. Have you called your Dr. maybe they can have you come in to do a blood draw just to make sure. Im sorry you are going through this, i just wish you could find out one way or the other.

Luv: Sorry your dr's were being such a pain. Glad you were able to speak to them eventually. I would of thought they would have given you the estrogen even if it just put your mind at ease rather than "we think' the femara will thicken it enough...sorry things arent going so smooth for you!!!

Law: glad everything checked out great with your Dr. Go ahead and be gluttonous every once and awhile and dont feel guilty. You know when you are over doing things and just try not to stress about anything!!

Cloves: good to see you and thank you!! good luck with potty training!! i know it isnt always easy some kids are just stubborn when it comes to that but great otherwise. i was always told they will do it when they are ready!!

10 years ago

amag-thats fantastic! So happy that your numbers are perfect! Oh, I've been beyond gluttonous--that was the problem. I think I had maybe 7-8 days in the last 4 weeks of utter insanity. Indian buffet, sushi buffet (with other stuff too), tapas restaurant 2x, pizza 2x (too much of it--pizza itself isn't the issue), and probably another random time or two that was just random food stuffs. I'm over it once I do it--it's just the going forward I try to be more conscious--I'm not about deprivation in the slightest, just mindfulness. :)

Blue--that would be a lot of days to be off and a rather long cycle. Are your cycles ever this long? Are you still temping?

10 years ago

Amag: those are awesome numbers!! I am so happy for you!! What a great way to start a weekend!! Can't wait until the 24th!!

Sorry I'm behind again ladies. :(

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10 years ago

@ lawbride88 - They haven't been this long since after they were sorting themselves out after my miscarriage. They have actually been shorter. Ovulation cd 15 and 29 day cycle last month! Yes, I am still temping and it's still above where a coverline should be. However, such a long cycle these programs no longer know what to do. ha

@amag11- Glad to hear that you numbers are good!! Hope all goes well at your ultrasound.

Called the clinic today. I can't get in until my appt on the 14th. And still no af.

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10 years ago

blue--well, that's a bummer that you can't get in for another 10 days. I so hope this is it for you!

10 years ago

Hey ladies, it is just so hard to log on during the week lately, work is just soo busy!!

Amag- CONGRATS!!! I am sending you tons of thought and prayers!!

Blue- Sorry you do not have a clear answer to what is going on. I am hoping this all works in your favor, and you have a sticky bean in there!!!

Luv- I hope the meds work to thicken your lining. I am glad you will be able to get some BDing in at the right time with your Hubby going out of country. I know you are not feeling it this cycle, but I am sending you positive thoughts and prayers, wouldn't it be crazy if it happened this one. Anything is possible!!

SMH- Glad the mothers milk helped some!

Law- 10lbs is not bad at all for how far a long you are. I am watching mine really carefully. My mom and sister gained 80 in their pregnancies and to me that is just insane!!!! unfortunately in the military I have 6 months, to lose the baby weight and pass our PT test, so I feel I have to be very careful, but wish I didn't not that I would want to gain a a lot. Honestly with my daughter I put her in a lot of one piece dresses in the summer, was so easy to change her diaper and she would not be too hot.

Nico- I am sorry things have been so crazy for you!! I am glad there is a plan now and am praying for great things!

1st Glad things are going good for you!!!! I feel like a whale right now though I am not really showing, I am trying to hold off on the maternity uniform for another 2 weeks.

Jada- Yea for getting more visit to the RE. Does the base your at have a military one or are you being referred to civilian?

Jan- Sorry for the bad news on the labs=0( I hope you get to start the clomid soon, will they do your pap early?

If I missed anyone sorry!! I am sending happy thoughts to you all!!!

10 years ago

afmedic--nope, not at all. but i didn't mention gaining 10 pounds, that was 1st ;) I'm hoping to be reasonably fit by 6 months post partum. That would be really really nice! I'll do my best--it seems possible. What is your PT test like? One piece dresses? Aren't all dresses one piece? Sorry if that's a stupid question. I haven't bought that much stuff for her yet because we're moving and because we haven't had a shower yet and i don't want HEAPS of clothes for newborn to 3 months.

10 years ago

Sorry Law LOL was trying to read everything though got mixed up. A lot of baby dresses come with little bloomers I just never used them, I would just slide the dress on. She was born in August and it was really hot. It's based on scale and points, but it is a waist measurement, BMI, Push ups, sit ups and a mile in a half run. It was a little hard after my first pregnancy because of having a C-section. I had tons of clothes for my daughter she honestly did not wear them all I ended up donating a lot, to a single mom group and a battered women's shelter.

10 years ago

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