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Been at this a while...Private "Testers" Support G

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Hey! So the "Testers" thread was getting way too big, and way too chaotic, so I decided to make this thread hidden away in the Long-Term board... Because I know a lot of us have been at this for a while and we had such a close knit group and I don't want to lose that. So if you ladies want to join me here, please do! Hope nobody is offended by my doing this, I just cannot keep up with the new folks and honestly a lot of them do not "get it" at all. :(

752 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

521 - 530 of 752 Replies | Last Page

SMH thanks girl! Hope you get through work okay and get good sleep this weekend!

1stTTC thanks :) I think it will definitely help!

lawbride glad you got an u/s today! Your docs are so nice :)

JLH yay for soreness but boo for gas! That is never fun. It's always awkward at the gym to be gassy too, LOL ;)

bluerose holy crap that is a lot of hours this week! So glad you're done with that! You are one tough lady to deal with that long a week plus getting AF. Bummer dude.

AFM spotting has increased and I am definitely expecting full-on AF any second now. I will call the doc on Monday to schedule the HSG! I'm sure I won't be able to get it until next Friday at the earliest.

10 years ago • Post starter

@JLHart: I hope you had a fabulous afternoon! And I sure hope you are met with a BFP and not AF next week!!

@law: So happy everything is perfectly perfect with your little babes. And you are super lucky you are not completely miserable in the 1st trimester! Though at the same time I sure there is a part of you that wishes you had some symptoms to really feel pregnant.

@blue: So how are you going to go about asking for help? OB or RE? Or asking the OB for a referral to an RE? I am excited for you to take the next step!! Good luck with the winter storm warning!!

@luv: I got through the work day and will hopefully get some good sleep this weekend. I am so sorry about the increased spotting and impendng AF :( I am looking forward to your next cycle though! Maybe they'll increase the clomid too! You should ask ;)

AFM: Done with work for the week.. A LONG 2 day week! Lol! I am so super excited for 2 days of football! All of the games will be televised so I won't have to miss any of them!! Other than the fact we have Christmas with dh's family - it was rescheduled due to everyone being sick. Hopefully we'll have the games on during it or at least I'll be able to dvr them and watch them later. My BIL's like football so I am sure we can out number my MIL to watch the games :)

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10 years ago

Aruba coconut. I'm doing ok today, getting the girls hair done now preparing for school Monday. Not looking forward to working my entire anniversary...that sux!

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10 years ago

Luv sorry about af but yay for hsg. Blue sorry about af stay warm. LJT prayers for tor pending ultrasound next month. Law tell that itching to go away. Smh thanks for always being you. Jada bring on that BFP. Somebody hey pregnant now! I'm looking forward to more bfps on here. Luv thanks for starting this thread You are the best.I can't believe it's been a year with you guys. Next month 2/5 will be a year since my last pregnancy loss. I'm still hopeful.

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10 years ago

Law I'm sooo happy you saw your peanut!!!

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10 years ago

@cam: Aruba Coconut? Was that some sort of wild auto correct or am I missing something? Lol! Last month, actually 12/31 (I stalked the forum for 2 weeks before I talked), marked a year for me with you lovely ladies. Crazy how close we've all gotten :) I agree. We need some more BFPs!

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10 years ago

Lol Smh it is called Aruba coconut! Yes December made my one year as well.

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10 years ago

Smh I just went back and realized LJT welcomed me back in November 12,2012. Wow that's when I met luv as well. Time is flying by ladies.I just love this group all from the beginning to now.

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10 years ago

@smh- well first I have to go back to the nurse practitioner. She will then refer me to an ob for testing. And then we will go from there. Enjoy your Christmas!!

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10 years ago

@cam: Ahhhh!!! The lotion scent!! That's the Aruba Coconut!! I get it now! Lol!

@blue: Hopefully the referral process happens quickly! Did you call to make your appointment yet?

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10 years ago

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