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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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@lawbride - I am working nights. So I am sleeping while the lab is open. And it is closed on weekends. I do have an ultrasound at the end of the month if all else fails. ha. I am honestly not too concerned about it anymore. I am 99% sure I am not pregnant. Just waiting for af.

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10 years ago

michgurl that is awesome and it will definitely give you lots of opportunities when you graduate!

JLH congrats on the weight loss! What CD are you? EWCM is always a good thing haha!

janise yeah that is weird that it's that far away and they won't give you Clomid! I took it CD 3 -7 but I know other docs might have you do it CD 5-9.

lawbride cervix cramps are no fun! They're not necessarily worse than other cramps, they're just very very very localized, LOL! Hope you are gaining weight at the right speed. I'm sure your doc would have said something if you weren't!

bluerose I'm starting to think "I'm sure I'm NOT pregnant" is the perfect attitude for TTC! It sure beats getting one's hopes up and being disappointed! I hope that tomorrow you either get a definite BFP (preferable) or AF (boo, but if the witch is inevitable might as well get it over with!). FX for you hun!

AFM just chillin'. Not much going on around here!

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--I'm really just referring to my rate of weight gain the past 4 weeks--between appointments--I've been fine up until now. With only 15-20 pounds that I can gain I can easily let it get out of control and exceed that quite quickly--even in 4 weeks if I gain too much it's conceivable that I'd have added 1/3 of my TOTAL weight gain in that short of a period. I'm short and don't have much room to expand--if Harper grows too quickly the chances of a premature birth go up and that's not okay...not if it's something I can prevent. Anyhow, how are you feeling?

Blue--I see. Well, I hope AF shows her face so that you can just move on with it.

10 years ago

Morning ladies. Well, I woke up with a food hangover...I had the most delicious, indulgent meal last night. Not much going on with me...appt tomorrow. Not so thrilled about it--no ultrasound or anything fun. I hope you're all well!

10 years ago

@ lawbride88- What did you eat!?

Just got home from work and am getting ready for bed but figured I would quickly stop in. 20 dpo. No sign of af. No longer cramping. Maybe every now and then. Breasts are now a little bit sore. So something new! haha Haven't taken my temp. Will do so when I wake up this evening.

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10 years ago

Blue--I had dinner at a tapas restaurant--so I ate lots of bread (which I'm not supposed to eat but i did it anyway because it was fresh and delicious), chicken empanadas, fried potatoes with some sort of sauce, fried sweet potatoes with honey and goat cheese, cheese from a cheese plate, fideo with lobster, shrimp (in some sort of sauce), marinated green beans with almonds and sun dried tomatoes, roasted cauliflower, and probably other stuff that I'm forgetting.

10 years ago


Blue, hope you sleep well...and I am still holding out for a BFP for you!

Law, food hangover, what did you have?!!

Luv, hey there! I am CD23 today...didn't notice any cm this mentally preparing for AF in a few days. And to be honest that's not the worst thing in the world and here's why...if I am not currently pregnant then the RE will be able to go in and see what's going on with the fibroids I have now. He has a plan of attack that will create a better environment for a baby...that would be the optimal situation for me ya know?

Ladies, I hope the rest of you are doing well!!

I have a recognition ceremony tomorrow for the Army so I am taking the day off :) The hubs has to work this weekend so I have already scheduled my massage, LOL!

10 years ago

good morning ladies sorry i was so busy yesterday byt the time i got home i went right to sleep until this morning. Dh and i didnt do anything extravagent to tell him. I was going to wait until i got home to listen to the message with him but i couldnt and he said i could listen to it so i did. so he called me back like 10 minutes later and asked what they said if it was yes or no so i said yes and he just sat there saying soooo you are pregnanct... he was excited but at work so he really didnt say much but when we both got home later that night and talked about it he was estatic and excited. he has been very loving since. the past two mornings he wakes me up saying your going to be a mommy!!! and with the dogs wanting to be all over me he keeps pushing them away and off me!! i havent had time to really process it i guess im still trying to wait to make sure tomorrow that the levels are going up like they are supposed to before i really get excited. i have told my mom but Dh wants to wait until after tomorrow to tell his then everyone we will wait to tell until 12 weeks!! I am currently still taking both the vivelle estrogen patches. i take two and change them everyother day!! and i am still on the prometrium which is a vaginal suppository 3 x a day. plus the prenatal and the levothyroxine. i have been starting to get the side effects of pregnancy already , today no matter what i drink or eat i still have that metallic taste in my mouth which is making it hard to stomache anything. felt a little nausea this morning but after i ate somthing small i felt much better, have been extremely tired and having light cramping but i believe its just gas pain from constipation i will let you all know the results of my next blood draw tomorrow as well as the starting #'s. im thinking all the additional symptoms i have been having last night and today are a good sign that they are going up!!

10 years ago

Blue: your symptoms at this point sound relaly promising and im hoping that those temps keep rising and Af stays away!! when will you test again?

Jada: i am soo jealous i could go for a massage soo bad. After doing them all last night i really could use one myself but ill have to wait now!! good luck with your ceremony!!

law: you are making me hungry!! all of that sounds amazing right now except for maybe the seafood. i have never been big on any of that to beging with...but ugh i feel like i could gorge right

Luv: im really hoping with this new plan you will be announcing your bfp next cycle for sure!! where about are you in your cycle now? And i agree with you and blue at least in theory thats whay i had been trying to do just so that way I dont get too disappointed and really depressed about the BFN or when Af would show!!

Michgurl: business management is a good field with a lot of options!! Good luck hope things are going well!!

if i forgot anyone im sorry!!

10 years ago

@law: For this upcoming term I'll be taking Intro to Business and Principles of Macroeconomics. I'm hoping that they aren't too difficult.

@luv: Yes I'm counting on the fact that there will be plenty of opportunities once I graduate. Lucky for me I already have some of the classes needed done. Still going to take 2 years til I can graduate but that's only cause I'm only going to take 2 classes per term. I don't plan on stopping til I have my Bachelor's degree. Maybe even my Master's.

@JLH: Lol yea if my children end up being as stubborn as I was growing up I'll be praying for some serious patience. Probably wouldn't hear the end of it from my mother either. Thank you... :) I feel like I'm going to need a lot of luck. Feels like I'm a freshman all over again, with no clue what they're doing. Lol. I'll probably spend the next few months figuring what I want my concentration to be.

@amag: As long as I get to where I'll be an analyst of some kind it will be worth it all.

10 years ago

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