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40 and TTC # 2 after 19 yrs

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Hello Ladies,
I am 40 and DH is 50. We are trying to conceive our first together. I had a TR in August of 2013 and we stated trying in November 2013. I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

709 Replies • 11 years ago



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Oh Rebecca! I'm praying for you. I was spotting from week 4 to week 5 and it then went away. I read that some women spot at around the time their periods would be due as your body is still trying to get used to the pregnancy. Also, if you're not cramping then it's probably left over blood from your last ultrasound. Get some rest, put your feet up and don't lift anything heavy. We are all praying for you and your baby.

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10 years ago

Good morning ladies
Rebecca: I'm praying for you. Just relax. Just as Praying4Alil1 said. .if you're not cramping it's probably just old blood.

10 years ago • Post starter

Thoughts and prayers sent your way!! *hugs*

10 years ago

Thanks ladies. Where before they'd just put us on a "no intercourse" restriction, now we're on complete pelvic rest. They say not to worry since it's old blood and I have no cramping. Of course my dh wants me lying in bed all day - Lol! - but he's just trying to watch out for me as best he can. My next appt is Thursday. We'll see what they say then.

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10 years ago

Good to hear Rebecca. Will continue praying for you <3


10 years ago

welp... I'm ok... on to cycle 4. Just went out and bought OPK's and trying that this month. I've never used them before so hopefully it will help me pinpoint b/c I keep missing it by a day! lol

10 years ago

Ctymom: are you tempting? I have been using the opk for a while now and I usually start testing on cd9. Because when I take the soy iso I ovulate 3/4 days early. I also test two times a day stating cd12. I usually get my positive cd13 and my temp drops cd14. To confirm that ovulation did take place. Good luck with them.

Afm cd10. I started testing with opk this morning. I didn't get a chance to use fmu because I forgot it was cd10. Lol so I tested with smu. It had a almost positive. So I think I will probably O a day or so earlier this cycle. I'm thinking like cd12/13.

I pray you guys are having a great day.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

Ctymom - sorry AF got you, but hope the opks help out.

Zuberi - Good luck to you in the next few days!

Afm - well, we heard the heartbeat today, but the dr was awful. They said they were surprised to get the heartbeat since I'm so fat! The dr didn't seem to have a clue why I was there, and even asked me what she could do for me....I said, well, how about try to help me not lose this one? Her was response was, "oh, ok" and to giggle. Ladies she was 65 if she was a day. Giggling and acting like she didn't have a clue didn't inspire confidence. She also said that whatever was going to happen was going to happen, so I could basically do whatever I wanted, and if we travel 12 hrs away in April like we'd planned (to see our new niece in NC) and I miscarried down there, it wasn't anything I needed to handle while we were down there. I could just wait the rest of the week out and "take care" of things when we got back to MA. Excuse me?! I've wound up in the ER twice with a miscarriage, and had to have surgery twice. But I can "wait a week and take care of things when I get back home"?! What planet is she on? She also didn't have a clue how far along I am...they said I was just 9wks 3days. When I told her I was 10 wks today, she ran out to check her paperwork (which she never brought into the room) and came back in and said I was actually 10wks 3days. Whatever. By that time I was ready to just get up and leave. Then she decided to give me a physical - and CHECKED MY TEETH. I swear to God, that's what she did.

I know they can't perform miracles and stop bad things from happening unless they have something concrete to work with, and sometimes not even then. But she just acted like she didn't know what was going on, that she didn't really care, and she certainly didn't offer any special or different care or treatment than my regular OB would offer. In fact, my regular OB was willing to go a lot further in helping me feel comfortable than this lady.

So I'm trying to get back in with my regular OB. Hope I can do it!

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10 years ago

Rebecca you have really got to get a better dr! No one should have to go through that.
I went to a new dr once who I had a physical with & upon checking my boobs said that he knew someone that did great enlargements if I was interested. I was so upset & insecure & never went back! There are always going to be idiots out there, but we can choose to get rid of them.
Hugs <3
Today I got the "O"dip so ovulating now til probably tomorrow; usually day 13 for me which is tomorrow; then the wait begins again :-)
Used green tea, cut B6 & primrose (again) this cycle. More cm with primrose I've found & EWCM today.
Fingers crossed for everyone!!


10 years ago

Rebecca: I am soooooo proud of you! I would have lost it. Please, please find another Dr. That lady is crazy.

Bettyboop: I'm praying you guys caught the egg.

10 years ago • Post starter

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