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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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@Amag: Ohhh... that's so exciting!!! :) I am sure that number will go up just beautifully :) Keep us all updated :)

@Luv: HEY!!! :) Hope you are having a good day :)

10 years ago

luv: No they did not say what the levels were but i will be sure to ask them when i speak to them i was just so in shock i didnt think to

10 years ago

@amag: Eeeeeeeeek!!!!!! I am soooo flipping excited for you!!!! I told my mom about you this morning and just gave her your good news and she is over the moon for you as well! You deserve this so much sweetie!!! I am seriously smiling ear to ear for you! You should call the RE back and ask for the beta number! I'm soooo curious! Huge hugs! I'm just so happy right now!

@1stTTC: I got a couple hairline stretch marks on my upper thighs and love handles but you only can see them in perfect light.

Afm: about ready to fall asleep typing on my phone...

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10 years ago do you plan to tell the hubby or have you?

10 years ago

amag--YAY! So so so happy for you. That's fantastic news! Are you taking progesterone or anything at the moment? Wow freaking exciting!

1st--I'm 22w2days today..I have an anterior placenta so I barely feel anything right now even though most people seem to feel quite a bit. I'm just glad I'm finally feeling something. I'm the same with my weight except I don't look at the doctors office either--actually, I can't look...the scale is attached to a computer screen that faces away from the patient so only the nurse can see it. The only way I find out is if my doctor says something to me which has happened twice. So, yeah...I just want to gain a healthy amount for Harper--not expecting to gain less or anything like that.

Jada--thanks girlie! I don't actually have those creepers because I do most of my Harper shopping at Kohl's and Target but I plan to buy them soon...once I have enough stuff in my cart to get free shipping! :)

Blue--man. I'd be going crazy if I were you. That's rather long for a luteal phase and it doesn't look like you're getting any sign of AF...I hope you've got a positive on the way!

10 years ago

@ SMH: That sounds awesome!!! :) Definitely hope I get lucky like that :)

@Law: Yea, having an anterior placenta can definitely "muffle" her movements some, but hopefully when she gets bigger you will still get to feel her move more :) And what did your doctor say to you about your weight? And I know.. I am the same way. I definitely don't expect to gain less either.. We both just want healthy babies :) And yay for you being 22 weeks :) ... We are right there with each other :)

10 years ago

1st--one doctor just mentioned how much I had gained and the other time was at my first visit with my OB at 10 weeks when he just basically said my weight aloud. Nothing bad has been said yet...but i have a feeling I'm going to hear it this week. EEKS! I don't want that. I'm really hoping I just FEEL bigger than I actually am. I don't see how my stomach has expanded this much without me having gained like 6+ pounds in the last 4 weeks (which is much much much too fast for how much I'm supposed to gain).

10 years ago

@Law: Well, I'm sure you probably just feel bigger than you really are as far as weight goes. Try not to stress too much. But I know that's easier said than done.

10 years ago

Hey ladies!

Amag: Congratulations girlie! A happy and healthy 9 months!

Nico: welcome back. So sorry you had to go through all that you did.

Luv: hope things get better for you next month

Jada: glad you enjoyed your trip girl!

Blue: wish I could wave a wand so we could figure out what's going on for you

SMH: poor Miss Rella. Hope she is doing much better. How are you coping with it?

Hey 1stTTC: glad things are going ok for you!

Law: what a scare!!? Happy you and Harper are fine!

Went fo my OB for my results foday.
FSH 1.8
LH 2.5
Prog 9.1

She says my low prog means I didnt O. So what was that that I felt? Can't figure out if I am overly optimistic or just confused. CD2 by fhe way.

10 years ago

Amag: I knew it!!!!! Best news. Can just imagine how big your smiling. What did your DH say? This bub is lucky to have you as a mum.

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10 years ago

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