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November 2015 Babies!!

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It's a little early to start this forum, but since I'm skipping October because of a CP I figured I'd go ahead and start this anyway.

750 Replies • 9 years ago



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YAHHHHHH for Gina :-) So glad you got a good BFP this morning. I am due to start tomorrow so my temp always drops the day before the witch shows. I just have to decide to stay on Clomid or try Femara. What were you on?

9 years ago

Thanks ladies!

Ginabee-congrats!! I'm holding off on joining any pregnancy boards until after the ultrasound.

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

Wow this board is really busy.

Mandy - I'm sorry got you. for next cycle

Mama & TTC - You have u/s on March 10th and I will be testing that morning. that we all get good news.


I can't remember everybody so for those still waiting to O Happy BD for those who got good luck next month.

AFM - I'm officially half way thru my tww so I'm now counting it as a 1 week wait. I'm super excited. I have been feeling little cramps and twinges so I'm very hopeful that IVF worked for us.

9 years ago

Good morning ladies,

xomandyxocheyxo - I'm so sorry your temp dropped

Ginabee - OMG!!! YAY!! on your BFP!!

nharty - I'm sorry the witch showed. Your comment about ice cream just made me really want some. FX that you get a 2015 baby.

Kelley - have you tested today? did your temps stay up?

AFM - nothing much going on here. All I want is to go home from work and read my book. I'm actually tempted to go somewhere on my lunch break so that I can read. In other news my temp increased again today... I'm now confused if I should have said I O'd around the time that my temp started increasing or if I should have said I O'd around the time that it made a coverline? The good part of this indecision is that because I don't know when I O'd I haven't been driving myself crazy symptom spotting.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

yeah i'm in the same boat.. bfn this morning.. no af temp still above coverline but is has been slowly dropping so I can only assume that within the next few days it will drop below coverline and af will finally show...
this has been the worst cycle ever.. think its time for me to give up or take a break.. but keep on thinking I don't have much time left I'm 35. Will my daughter ever be able to call herself sister?
I feel in tears..

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9 years ago

Xomandy I'm sorry AF seems to be on her way. FX you'll get a Christmas baby!

Carla I really hope a baby (or two!) is the reason for those cramps and twinges!!! FXFU!!

Margie I'm definitely no expert on temps, but if I had to guess I'd say your set O date looks correct. And you got quite a few BDs in around that time (I'm impressed!), so FX you have a little bean burrowing inside you soon!! Also, I'm way into reading right now too. I swear, the library is the most magical place in the world. So many options and you don't have to spend a dime!

Kelley If your cycle had a face I would deck it! I wish I could reach through the computer and hug you, but this is the best I can do I'm thinking of you hun.

AFM, I'm on cd16 and I'm hoping to O tomorrow. My OPK was darker yesterday, so I'm hoping it'll be darker today and tomorrow too. We shall see!

9 years ago • Post starter

Thanks, ladies. I think I am going to skip the December board. We are of course going to keep trying, but I am going to try and focus less on the whole thing. OPKs are all I'll be doing this month, just so I know when I ovulate. I'll be sticking around on here, though, so I can get updates on everyone's u/s and BFPs! BTW, I told my husband I needed the tub of ice cream and snickers bar, but he waited so late to ask if I wanted him to go pick it up that I talked myself out of it, LOL!

9 years ago

TTC and mama - I can't wait to hear all about your ultrasound!

Mandy - I'm SO sorry your temp dropped! :(

Gina, so glad you got some reassurance this morning! Have you told your husband yet?

nharty - I'm SO sorry!! :( I totally understand your disappointment!

Carla - I'm hoping all those things you are feeling are your little baby getting super cozy in there!

Margie - I have to agree with you that would be nice to not symptom spot! Sorry you can't go home and read! I have days like that too!

Kelley - Your cycle has been all over the place this month! SO frustrating, I'm SO sorry! I hope your wrong about the witch coming though, I hope you get your BFP.

IDK - Maybe we will be TWW buddies :) Or at least close anyway. Good luck! I hope you catch that egg!

AFM I'm CD 10 still haven't had a positive OPK yet, which is find since my miscarriage I have been pretty close to ovulating on the cd 14 every month. I'm KIND of hoping I will stick to that this month because if I do I will get a positive OPK on the weekend and that is SO much better than trying to make it work during the week! I'm feeling PRETTY positive about this cycle but DUDE if work doesn't stop stressing me out. And most of the time its because other people aren't listening to me, or stuff important stuff just disappears UGH! Anyway it'll work out!

Jessica Married to Jeremiah 05/10/2003 Mom to Alyssa 11/14/2003 Autumn 05/15/2008 and our 10/30/2014 Asher Jeremiah due 11/30/2015 User Image

9 years ago

How many BFPs do we have? 5 right now? Mama, TTClate, TSB, SheRa, and Gina...did I miss anyone?! It's so exciting!! Congratulations ladies!!! Love the updates on how everything is progressing.

Jessyann and IDK: Good luck with O, only a matter of days!

nharty: Sorry you're feeling rough, the break sounds like a great idea. I took off for the Oct. board, it was refreshing, hope it does the trick for you!

kelley: I'm with IDK, if you're cycle had a cheek I'd slap the sh*t out of it. It wasn't that long ago I was having weird cycles with no explanation, feels like torture. Hope you find some awesome medical team members, it really helps take the burden off.

xomandy: So sorry your temp went down!

Margie: I'm having a "wishing I was home" day too. It's rainy season in HI, good soup and book weather :)

Carla: I think you and I are close together in our cycles. I'm also down to about a 1 week wait, GL with yours! Are you planning to test?

AFM: Sorry using fertility friend this cycle so I'll give the snap shots. 7-8DPO (O'ed either 2/24 or 25) and noooooo symptoms. I usually have tender breasts and nipples through 9DPO so that's interesting. Temps are high 98.4-98.6. This is my first cycle on chinese herbs and acupuncture so things are bound to be different. Maybe testing on Friday or Saturday.

Forgot who else brought it up but there is SERIOUS baby magic out in the world. I currently have 3 first cousins and 2 best friends all in their first trimesters. How crazy is that?? Also worth small mention: 2 of my ex's wives gave birth this month (thanks a lot, Facebook) AND my stepson's (non-custodial) biological mother gave birth in Jan. Countless other acquaintances, co-workers, etc. I have gone through every feeling in the feelings handbook and settled on plain excited for my sweet friends, due in August (BOY) and October (baby #2, hoping for a boy). Also feeling somehow responsible for creating this baby storm with my TTC obsession.

Interesting tidbit for everyone from my LAc/ND: It's important to avoid stress around implantation day because cortisol (stress hormone) can interfere with progesterone production. If progesterone is absent, your immune system can attack the newly hatched embryo before it implants. Wish I had known that before!!

Longest post ever. Good job if you got to the end!!
Mahalo kokua wahine nui

9 years ago

TTclate- I'm being a complete stalker on these boards (no shame) but im so happy to see your BFP! Congrats girl!

9 years ago

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