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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Yummy fx and sending you tons and tons of sticky vibes!!!!! Praying your number doubles in 48 hours!!!!! Having faith for you!!!

Maggie: gl and sticky vibes for you too... keep banging it out... i do get tired and stop too but not this cycle...i was looking at a few peoples bbt chart who got their bfp's and man they do lots of bd'ing so i think i need to up my game :)

Good luck everyone else!!! 4dpo i think. I didnt bbt before the positive opk so idk what my temp should be but 5 days ago opk was clear positive and now its stark white no line at all... so hoping for a bfp next week :) will test dec. 12th.

11 years ago

MarsMama - thank you for your response. It would be lovely to get to 8 weeks along and then find out but I'm too impatient and this would never happen to me. This would be my first so I have no idea what to expect or how I would feel!! I'm just going on what other ladies are experiencing and advice.

Everyone seems to know so much on this site. I it!!

Wishing you all the luck when you decide to test

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11 years ago

Coral, I didn't go 8 weeks without knowing by choice! i could never do that! We just decided that we would see what happens. After 2-3 months of that, I got pregnant. I wasn't paying any attention to my periods and I was not feeling well one day, or for a series of days, and a friend asked me "Well, are you pregnant?". DOH! I can't believe I didn't think of that! The next morning I took a test and BAM. I wish I could do it so mindlessly this time around but alas, I am not at that point anymore. I feel like now I know too much about the process. For my first, it was more "lets have a baby" and we just continued as before, without pulling out and it happened fairly quickly. Now, 10 months of REALLY trying, i feel like I have a huge understanding of exactly how this all works and it's not happening. Yet! Good luck to you! When are you testing? I'm going to do my very best and wait until next Wed, when my period is due but I suspect I will be testing sooner, as I majorly lack self control in this department!

11 years ago

It's still amazing that you had no idea and what a lovely way for for it to happen. No worrying or stress!! It must be awfully heart breaking ttc for such a long time without any luck. I can only imagine but i'm sure it WILL definitely happen when you least expect it. Fingers crossed you'll get a BFP when you test.

I am hoping to wait till next Thurs to test as that's when i'm due but I know i'll test before won't be able to help myself!

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11 years ago

Hi Ladies! AF finally came, 5 days late! I'm so irritated. AF hasn't been this late since High School. My husband will be going to China this month, so we will miss ovulation and most of my fertile days. So I'm probably out for next month too.

11 years ago

Hi ladies! I know I'm late to the party, but I wanted to join all of you and hope you all the best.

I'm currently 12DPO and super duper impatient to find out what's going on in my body! I've gotten three super duper faint squinter positives, but I'm afraid I'm just fooling myself :( So I'm going to TRY to wait a couple more days and test again.

kzayn19, I'm really sorry about AF coming :( And I really hope that things work out for you soon! Waiting to try again would be torture to me.

But if AF comes for me this month, that's what I'll be doing too. Hubby and I decided we don't want to have a baby in September, as much as we want a baby, because we've both got September birthdays and then we got married in September too. Or maybe we should try. I bet that would be our month, lol.

To all the ladies that got this month. And to all the ladies still in this month!

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11 years ago

That's too bad about AF and trip to China :( Ya never know though... absence makes the uterus grow more fertile?? lol

I wouldn't worry a whole lot about a september birthday. It's not an exact science so baby dance away!! Maybe you'll have a nice healthy October baby. If it happens it happens :)

11 years ago

coral - now that you have decided to wait until after your wedding I bet it will happen. That is the way it always seems to work, you decide 'okay we will do this and try again later' and boom! :) Praying for you. And to answer your question, I had some weird pains and AF type cramps for the first few weeks... they have since gone away but I was told it is normal! Lots of baby dust and sticky vibes heading your way!

PBC - praying for you! Keep us posted! Lots and lots of baby dust my dear!

lyssa - everything crossed for you lady! Can't wait to hear what tomorrow brings!

Marsmama - Good luck to you!

Oooooohhhh Jess - so super excited and can't wait for you to test! Big prayers!

Kzayn19 - I am so sorry the witch got you... praying for you. I wish there was a way to just freeze his stuff ya know? LOL! Then you can do it with out the cost of the doctors office!

AFM, I am still waiting for Thursday to get here... for some reason it has decided to slow down and take it's sweet time. I just want to see our little bean and know all is okay... seeing nothing last time was heart breaking! So I am here patiently waiting and stalking the forum like a crazy woman! LOL! I am praying for each and every one of you to get your BFP!

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11 years ago

Hey ladies.

I am feeling sooo out this cycle. I'm 13dpo with just a stack of really white wondfos to show for it. Starting to feel a little down. I thought maybe we had a chance this cycle.

Sapphire - I know what you mean. I'm a Sept birthday and our wedding anniversary is in Sept too! Starting to feel like a bit much all in one month. But at this point I'm starting to feel a little desperate about completing my family before the clock runs out on my old eggos.

Cristi - hang in there hun. It's probably the longest wait of your life huh? I'm thinking healthy sticky protection vibes at your bean.

Congrats to all the bfps! H&H9mos.

I'm heading out of town tomorrow and won't be back for a week so you may not hear much from me. But I'll be thinking good thoughts for you all and sending sticky vibes to all our preggos.

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Alright Ladies.. I took another OPK test this morning and it was POSITIVE ( I POSTED ANOTHER PIC)!! I thank the Most high for bring me and my family this far, cause i know without him WE wouldnt be here!!! However, Congrats to those that got those BFP'S and those that are about to start testing this week!!! Cant wait to start my count down, Lord willing!!!

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11 years ago

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