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In the TWW. Looking for friends to commiserate with

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Hi all!

I got my birth control out in January and we have been trying for the past couple of months. I'm in my TWW now and I'm 8 DPO.

Before having my first, we suffered through 2 chemical pregnancies and a miscarriage. Son is now 2 years old and will turn 3 in June.

I'm looking for people to connect with so that we can cheer each other on and commiserate about life with.

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357 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hello lovely ladies!

Been a while, feel like I've got a lot to catch up on!

How are you feeling Rocio? Still getting those nice BFPs? How many dpo are you now?

Mummum2, SOrry to hear the witch showed!! Hope you can get your cylce all figured out and it helps to catch that egg this next cylce!

Mummytummy I feel your frustration and heart ache girl!! It IS so terribly hard to maintain that positive attitude! I wish that I had words of wisdom to share but I just don't! I do feel happy though chatting with you ladies, knowing we are not alone in this battle.

Friendc2: Welcome! I've heard it can be a difficult struggle sometimes coming off bc, I never really had trouble myself, with that anyways! I hope your body adjusts quickly and you get that BFP soon!

Lyssa: so will you be testing in 3 days then?? Are your temps still high? Sounds like you've got a lot of symptoms, hoping that is a good sign!

Hey GinSue: Isn't it sooo hard NOT to over analyze everything!! My first 2 cycles were similar to yours at first coming off of bc then I got my first BFP (that I later lost) that 3rd cylce! So hopefully real soon your body will be ready for baby! I do think about that irony you mentioned about spending years preventing! If we only knew!! Ahh well

Smart baby: Hang in there!! I know how slow these days before AF go!

AFM: Though AF has not officially shown yet, and was due (I thought) yesterday or today, I am finally seeing signs that tomorrow will be the day. I've been testing too and all BFN. Soooo today I called and got a 'consultation' set up with my OB to discuss what options I have next. I'm reeeeally hoping I can try Clomid. With one tube, I'm thinking maybe the dominate ovary is the side that doesn't have the tube and maybe that's why TTC is so hard for me. I guess we shall see. I see him next week Friday, YAY.

7 years ago

Hello ladies I I'm probably 15dpo but not to sure I tested this morning and sill had BFP but around 10 am I started getting really bad cramps so I'm scared another chemical might happen this is how last one started I'm really hoping not but the pain doesn't go away what do u ladies think

7 years ago

Akj976: Glad to see you're back to the thread!

7 years ago

Rocio: Unfortunately, there is really no way to tell. If you have a history of chemical/miscarriage I would suggest you call your doctor and ask for their advice. They might suggest some supplements that you could take or other options for you. If they don't take you seriously then I would suggest finding another doctor.

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7 years ago • Post starter

AKJ976: Welcome back! Yes, they are still on the high side. I had a drop in temperature on 6dpo and its been back up since and even higher now than before the drop, It's been 2 days past my dip in temperature so I tested this morning and I don't think I see anything but a shadow or indent i'm guessing. I will try again in a few days to see if something more distinct comes up.

Smartbaby: I'm not even 100 percent sure what dpo I am either. FF says today that I am 7DPO, CTP says Im 9 DPO off their calculations and from BBT I would say I should be 8 dpo today. So confusing to know which one is the most accurate.

GinSue, Smartbaby, Friendc2 & AKJ976: Did AF finally show ?

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers TTC Baby #1 Diagnosed PCOS 07/2017 -- DH No Issues 1st Round Femara 5mg in August 2017 -- BFN 2nd round Femara 5mg in Sept. 2017 + Scheduled HSG 09/13/17 BFN HSG Test - Completely Normal -- no issues 3rd Round Clomid 50MG November 2017 -- Due August 16th , HR 160

7 years ago

Rocio.jim: Keeping my fingers crossed and saying a prayer for you. Has your doctor given you a reason why you have had chemicals? Can doctors even know? In the meantime, maybe stay away from caffeine if you are not already, foods with nitrites and probably other preservatives, meat/poultry/fruit/veggies that are not organic, soft/unprocessed cheeses, allergy and cold meds... I'm sure you already know. Also, try to keep any computer stuff and cell phones away from your stomach.

LyssaJade: I hope you get your BFP this cycle! Just a few more days.

7 years ago

Sorry to hear that you feel like that Rocio! Have you contacted your doc or nurse? Maybe even give your local maternity hospital a call and query it.

I am currently 15dpo and CD37 which is a long ass cycle! I have had no sign of AF which is about 2 days late. I did do a HPT on Sun & Mon this week and got a BFN at 12dpo and 13dpo. Anyone know if you would get a BFP later than that?

Haven't had any major symptoms of AF or pregnancy that I know of! I might test again at the weekend if AF does not show.

Wishing you all the luck in the world ladies

7 years ago

Mummum2: I really do hope so! I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but at the same time I am trying to stay positive and not stress over it.

If not, I will still be happy for this cycle. For months I couldn't find any indication that I could even ovulate on my own. I made an appt for the OB for her to tell me she won't help for 6 more months. I broke down for a couple days and something in my head told me go out and buy more opk's. I started taking them that night and 3 days later I got my first positive! Ovulation was also confirmed by a BBT shift this cycle. So knowing I could actually ovulate on my own is awesome! A BFP would be a great bonus! lol

Rocio: Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I would definitely call and question it. Especially with the history. Never hurts to make sure and keep your mind at ease.

GinSue: I've heard stories of people not getting their BFP until after they are late. So it could happen. I would say you aren't out yet until AF shows.

As for me, the past 2 days i have been really nauseous. Like any minute I am going to toss my cookies. lol Still have sore boobs, high temps, and today I had some strange light green tinged cm when I wiped. I remember thinking, what in the world!. It looked like snot, not to be gross. I've been looking it up online and i'm getting conflicting stories. Some say they had the same thing and got a BFP a couple days later. So we will see.. have any of you ladies experienced this before? BFP or Not?

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers TTC Baby #1 Diagnosed PCOS 07/2017 -- DH No Issues 1st Round Femara 5mg in August 2017 -- BFN 2nd round Femara 5mg in Sept. 2017 + Scheduled HSG 09/13/17 BFN HSG Test - Completely Normal -- no issues 3rd Round Clomid 50MG November 2017 -- Due August 16th , HR 160

7 years ago

Hi guys! Sorry I've also been MIA and have a lot to catch up on.. I'm on my phone so I'm going to go off memory:

Rocio- I'm so sorry to hear you're cramping but hat may not be a bad thing... it may just mean that your uterus is just stretching to make room for your little fetus! I do hope it's not another miscarriage or chemical sweetie, please keep us posted!

AKJ- agh hate this BFNs but sounds like you have a great plan to talk to your OB or even if you go to a specialist to see what other options you may have. I think for sure the fact that you have one tube delays your BFP because like you said you may ovulate from the side you have not tube...

Lyssajade- funny you say that about the snotty looking cm... I'm having the same thing... I noticed something light green too today when I wiped and i also had some cm resembling egg white but it was more white than clear a couple days ago.. anyway, sorry to be sounding gross.. hope it's good news... I'm 10DPO today and it should arrive any day now. Hope your AF stays away! How many DPO are you?

Ginsue- the fact that AF is so late is a great first sign! I would test again maybe with another brand??? Good luck!! Hope it's a BFP soon!!!

Smartbaby- hi! I felt the same this morning! I thought AF would show any minute but so far a no show!! I'm hoping it just doesn't come!!
What happened with you??? You must know by now!!!

AFM- I'm 10DPO and like clockwork on 10DPO is when I get AF.
I felt like she was coming this morning but all the feelings went away this afternoon... so maybe tonight or hopefully not at all... ha!!

Hugs to all!!

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7 years ago

Hi Miracle, i do hope its something positive! I am about 8 ,9 or 10 dpo depending on which app i open lol. Im guessing im 9 dpo today going off of bbt. I took a hpt this morning and im not even sure what the results are.
I know blue dye tests are the devil lol but it was all i had at hand this morning. I seen a line shadow while running the test and at the 3 min mark it was still there but super faint. I came home from work this afternoon and checked again and it was still so faint i thought for sure i was having line eye from staring at it.

It looks like a positive, vvv faint line, but again with the blue dye im not so sure. I'm going to upload it to see what others think but I'm going to pick up a pink dye test and maybe retest tomorrow or this weekend.

I only had the light green cm that one time, it's now more of a yellowish color, still nauseated, high temp, sore boobs and have been feeling a bit of cramping sensation on my right side in different areas. Not sure what that is, but probably good to note it for future cycles.

Good luck to you and hope you get your bfp!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers TTC Baby #1 Diagnosed PCOS 07/2017 -- DH No Issues 1st Round Femara 5mg in August 2017 -- BFN 2nd round Femara 5mg in Sept. 2017 + Scheduled HSG 09/13/17 BFN HSG Test - Completely Normal -- no issues 3rd Round Clomid 50MG November 2017 -- Due August 16th , HR 160

7 years ago

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