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Any other ladies waiting to try again after a miscarriage?

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Hi ladies, it's been a month since my miscarriage and still bleeding and waiting for hcg to go away (@ 42 last I checked)

Just seeing if there are any other ladies in a similar situation hoping for their rainbow soon! Please let's help support and encourage one another! :)

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103 Replies • 9 years ago



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Thanks ladies! I have been praying so hard! I can't wait for next week to get here! Hearing LO's heartbeat would send me over the moon! I am keeping you ladies in my thoughts and prayers as well! I hope you all get your babies very soon!

Trying for #2 DS- August 19, 2009 May 2011 October 25, 2014 BFP--December 2, 2014----Hopeful for a sticky little bean!

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

This weekend went pretty well with the kids. We watched Christmas movies. They have never seen Miracle on 34th Street so we watched the both versions. My favorite is the older version with Natalie Wood but the newer version isn't too bad either. And since we are having a slight heat to 50 F degrees yesterday...DH put up the outside Christmas lights and then last night we did a lot of the Christmas shopping online. I just have to pick up a couple more things for DH and pick up something for my mom and I am done. Phew! Now all I have to do is wait for it all to show up and then wrap them up.

I also had my doctors appt on Friday and feel so much better than I have been. He just came out and said (without me asking) that if we wanted to try on our own this month we can and if AF shows up we can go ahead and try another IUI. He said that women, for a few months after a miscarriage or live birth tend to be extremely fertile so we can also try on our own for a few months as well before doing an IUI but our chances are greater if we do the IUI next month if we aren't lucky this month. So I told him if AF shows up he'd be seeing us next month.

I asked him about the progesterone and he said that since I showed a normal level a week after the IUI then most likely we were already losing the embryo/fetus and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. However, next time I will know better than to wait till Friday afternoon to test and will now make sure I call as soon as I see a progressing positive test. He did go through the options we can do with Progesterone but I didn't care for the outcome so much...he said that we can go on progesterone early like a few days after I O but if we were going to go through another mc then it will prolong the mc and possibly take it over a week to finish. He also mentioned a story he went through about some lady having too much progesterone and when they did a u/s it was just a sac full of liquid and no baby. So, he suggested that we wait to see where the levels were at and if they are low then we go on progesterone (but like I said above...I will just make sure it's not on a weekend til I get results). He said if we had a good embryo then my levels would have stayed normal and since they were already at a normal level. Or something to that effect...he had given us a lot of info when we went in there. The RN said that she was surprised when she first started working there and learned that 1 out of 5 pregnancies make it. I just pray my odds are better now.

So, I guess it's back to scheduling the BD'ing. We were going to BD last night but it got too late and I got too was DH. So I told him we will start on Thursday night but that is with no

LogansMommy08: When's your appt? Thinking and praying for you!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

I went for my first ultrasound yesterday afternoon. The baby is measuring in at 6 weeks, but there was no heartbeat....could it just be too early for it to start or be seen? I am freaking out because I don't know that my heart can take another loss....can anyone please help?

Trying for #2 DS- August 19, 2009 May 2011 October 25, 2014 BFP--December 2, 2014----Hopeful for a sticky little bean!

9 years ago

Oh Logansmommy I am so sorry to hear that. What did your Doctor say about it. I really don't know if it is possible. Are you only six weeks along? I know that they try to waite untill week 10 or so. Maybe that is why. Good luck.

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9 years ago

Logansmommy, I was doing some looking on line. I have found a lot of women in your shoes. They said that at their 6 week u/s that the baby didn't have a heart beat and went back a week or so later for anther u/s and the baby had a heartbeat and was growing fine . Keep your chin up, it just might be to early to see it. Good luck to you.

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9 years ago

Oh logansmommy don't lose hope! I think it is possible that it was just early. What did the doctor say?

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9 years ago • Post starter

Lolo1176, good luck! Hope you're able to conceive this cycle with your rainbow baby! :)

as for me...I've been feeling pretty good. I'm on antibiotics though which makes me feel a little...blehhh. But today is the last day I'm taking them so I hope to feel better!

I saw a doctor last week that suggested I have my fibroids removed before getting pregnant again. Even though all the other ones I asked said they weren't a problem. We are seeing a specialist next week for one more opinion. But I'm hoping that we can start trying early January! AF should be here in about a week and after that I just want to start dtd!!! :D

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9 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies,

LogansMommy08: I'd be freaking out too. What did the doc say? My prayers are with you... I am praying that the girls are right and it's too early to know for sure.

tcinks: Thanks! It's good that you are seeing a specialist to see whether or not your fibroids are a problem. You could always wait and see if you are able to get pregnant again and if not then go into have them removed. Look forward to hearing what the specialist says.

AFM: Well, I was starting to feel under the weather. But, I am feeling better today. Low back hurts though. Starting to feel maybe I was O'ing yesterday...even though it is early and my dumbass can't seem to remember to temp every morning anymore. I have the alarm set and I think about it but then I fall back to sleep and forget. When I get up, I remember.

Anyhow, I have noticed that every ovulation (and right before AF arrives) I tend to get intense bowel pain and movements. And I was going through that yesterday. Also yesterday's OPK (even though the OPK is a digital) after I ejected the test strip the test line was pretty dark. Not as dark as the control line but dark and today it wasn't as dark. I sure hope we didn't miss our timing this month. We did BD last night and it was so nice. I missed that...DH is pretty happy too. I plan to keep up with the OPK's and BD'ing at least until next week. And I still plan to "try" to remember to temp. Not really sure why I can't remember to temp but oh well. I guess after temping for 22 cycles you are bound to get tired of it.

Hope you ladies have a great weekend! And LogansMommy08, I am sending lots of positive energy and prayers your way.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Logansmommy I hope everything is ok with you.

I got my period yesterday morning and is is very very light. I only need a liner. My periods are normally very light, I some times think they are not normal. I always mention it to my doctor, but they never seamed to be concerned.

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9 years ago

Lele79, some women just have light cycles . If your doctor isn't concerned , I wouldn't be either. :) Mine, on the other hand, tend to be a little heavier. Well typically every other month alternates between light and heavy. And since the miscarriage it's just been so weird, the last one was SUPER heavy and lasted over a week! Usually it's five days. Hopefully now this one will be super light. I'm due any day and anxious for her to come and go so we can start trying!

I hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful Christmas! :)

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9 years ago • Post starter

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