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Iui w only 3 mil count. Lost hope and faith..need to vent.

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Been ttc for almost 4 yrs me 28..dh is 38. Married 7 years.Today was our 2nd iui and our sperm count was the lowest it's ever been. Only 3 million :( I feel so bad for dh. Our 1st iui which was a year and half ago it was 11 million for our iui. He has been on femara for 5 months and I do not think it has helped anything. Dr said motility and morph are ok just terrible count. We did do a medicated cycle this time. I took femara and novarel trigger shot on day 12. I had two follicles on day 11 us..they were 16 and 19mm. I really had high hopes for this cycle. This February will be 4 years ttc. We have only had one chemical in that time. We cannot afford Ivf and our insurance pays for nothing fertility. I feel so hopeless. I was going to test everyday to test the trigger out of my system but I don't even want to bother. It will be even more heartbreaking to watch the bfp fade away. I was hopeing I could tell our families at Christmas that we were finally pregnant! They don't even ask us anymore if we are gonna have baby..guess they have given up on it as well. I just wish I could stop crying lol no matter what I do the tears,still fall. Is there anyone who had any success with getting a bfp from such low counts? I think the hardest part is just realizing and facing the fact that you will never carry a child..and I feel like that's where I'm at today.

55 Replies • 8 years ago



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My 3rd beta is in the morning. I'm hopeing for a high number. I still don't have many symptoms yet. No morning sickness. .well actually I think my m/s is diarrhea. I've had it every morning for 2 hours every since 12dpiui. It goes away...n my belly feels better. Lots of burping though n trapped gas feeling. Bbs occasionally sore. Every night at 7 pm I start yawning like crazy lol. I hope I do not get the throwing up part as I do not handle that good.

8 years ago • Post starter

OMG!!!!!!!! Congradulations!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! You really deserved it! Oh i hope everything goes well with you and your little baby!! See the 3 mil were enough to do the job!

You girls are giving me hopes, i think it's never going to happen to me. 12dpiui and feeling af symptoms.

karamell24l7: How were your follicles?

8 years ago

Fx for you mommadoll!!!

Well ladies, ive had one helluva last few days. Cd 10 I had my HSG done, both my tubes were blocked. It was hell as far as pain goes. He had me come back the next day with percocet and valium on board to attempt to recanalize them. The right was successful in becoming patent. The left only about 75%. Im triggering tomorrow night, and am forcing the hand and want my IUI done the next day, roughly 12 hrs later. Of course we'll bd to help cover, but with my poor egg quality I want all those sperm to be waiting on the egg(s) arrival. Dont wanna risk Oing sooner than Thursday. I had 4 total follies, 2on each side, all 12 to 13 mm each. In addition to a few other bumps in the road with this new clinic, im also concerned he hasnt even mentioned doing an U/S to be certain my follies will be even ready Tuesday for trigger, hes just guessing from the cd 10 ultrasound that I'll be at 18 Tuesday. Sighh...

Anywho, i hope you ladies are well otherwise...

8 years ago

karamell24l7 I'm so sorry you are going through all this. It just makes me so sad that some women have to try so hard for something that is supposed to be definite for every woman.

I myself have had a hsg and it was the worst pain i have ever felt in my life. I was screaming and i had one of the technicians hold me all through the procedure. I was a wreck after that. My tubes weren't blocked ok i was happy, but maybe i was wishing i would find was is wrong.

Still after 30 months ttc #1, unexplained infertility. I wish i knew the reason. I saw after reading the BFP stories a dream that i got my myself a BFP. I was crushed when i woke up and realized it was a dream. i tested today 13dpiui and BFN. I know nothing is over yet.. but i've seen the story too many times.

I had 5 follicles and DH 47.5 million. I'm thinking if i don't conceive now i will never have so many chances.

Anyway sorry for the sad message i wish us all good luck on this long and painful journey.

8 years ago

Thanks for sentiments, it all is just so unfair. Today has taken another turn of events being that the clinic stated we would have to pay $450 up front to do one insemination. That's not feasible. We can just have sex. But something that concerns me is that my ovarian pressure disappeared last night. I used opk's but didn't start until Sunday. That one was fairly dark and it looked as if I'd surge the following day, but thus far the lines have been lighter. Im worried that ive already O'd. So im thinking about whether it matter if I even trigger tonight or not at all. The clinic last checked me on cd 10, and honestly i thought I would be scanned again closer to O time, but idk. They're only talking about checking bloods maybe a week after and starting progesterone support at that time. From my experience, most want you to start the progesterone 3 or 4 dpo.

So overall, I'm just ill at the process, and mostly at the clinic because I hate when ppl who arent familiar with you or your history try to give you answers to questions to which they have no idea what the hell they're talking about. When I called to tell them we wanted to cancel the insemination tomorrow and I just need to know when to come in for the next step, the secretary had the nerve to say, "well just call us when you're ready to move forward". I almost cursed at her, and said I was already in the middle of an IUI cycle, then instead of transferring me to someone, she said, "well just give us a call if you get a positive pregnancy test or with your next period". I SNARKILY set her straight in saying thats not how the process goes, etc, then eventually she said she'd have someone call me back. Smh. I never even asked her to answer my question initially. I cant with these ppl. So I've already called to make an appt with a new clinic in January.

Sorry for the length....thanks for reading ladies

8 years ago

Karamell, wishing you lots of luck! I have been doing stim cycles with trigger shot and IUIs for the last 2 years (16 IUIs) to be precise. My dr always checks follicle growth every other day together with blood tests to confirm that the follicle(s) are getting ready. How can you you confidently trigger if you don't know with certainty how big they are and how high the estrogen level is? A mature follicle is 18 + mm with an estrogen level of 200 or more. Triggering too early with immature follicles is a danger as well as triggering too late with post mature follicles. In both cases fertilization rates decrease significantly. And if you are dealing with poor egg quality, like I do, you are already "punished" enough.
So I really don't understand dr's or clinics that don't keep a close eye on this. My dr also has me on antagon to prevent premature ovulation so that we can do the IUIs in a timely manner.
Hoping things work out for you this time. 4 follicles is great! FX!!

8 years ago

Thanks Mozart. I agree, theres been so many things that have chapped my ass of sorts (lol) about this process. I verbalized the same concerns you just said when talking things over with my husband. OF COURSE the clinic didnt even call me back today, even after im sure the secretary knew how ill i was with her attempt to give me answers I didnt even ask her for because I know she knows less than I do about human reproduction. Ive learned many of these things during my IVF cycle and doing my own research online and asking questions to other physicians.

My consensus in my mind is that being a poor responder to strong stim meds, and giving me an increased dose of Femara obviously says that my follicles don't progess on a "typical" growth pattern, how is he certain my eggs would be ready on cd14 to trigger. Maybe I need another day or so b4 triggering. Just as you said, my E2 has only been checked on CD 3 and that was it. Last follicle scan was cd 10. I went ahead and took the trigger anyway, and more than likely will follow up with the OB that I trust. Ive already made future appts with 2 other clinics. My luck I might not get pregnant anyway because the 2 follies on the left could be the good ones and that tube is partially blocked. Anyway, I appreciate the support.

8 years ago so sorry you are having such a hard time. My advice is to find a new dr/clinic. I had seen the same one for a year spent thousands and we got no where. I was never comfortable there and didnt feel like the dr even really cared. so i switched...and we are preggo after our first treatment with them. Drs are so much nicer, and truely took there time monitoring me and was very thurough. I had my 3rd and final beta monday and my results were 2,099. I was so relieved that they had gone up that much. I am still praying for you girls every night, dont give up.

8 years ago • Post starter

Thanks mommadoll! That's great to hear! Can't wait until your first u/s!

Yeah we def will be moving on to another clinic, this will be our 3rd in one year . I'm hoping for more good news from you ladies soon!

8 years ago

My 1st u/s id 6 days!! i am so excited and nervous at the same time. I just hope everything will look good. I dont know where you live...but our dr is from PREG. there are several of them, look them up they may be one close to you. My nurse told me that they have couples from all over the place that they see.

8 years ago • Post starter

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