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Women in late 20's to mid 30's TTC#1 for 6mos or less

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Hi All,

I'm trying to find some women in the same situation as myself - I'm 33 years old and TTC#1 since September 2013. Although I feel like I'm just getting the hang of timing my ovulation and paying attention to my body's symptoms and what they could possibly mean. This last cycle I really thought I was pregnant, and then the "witch" ended up showing up a little later than usual and it threw me off and I got sad, but now I'm just going to try to relax and have some fun with the whole baby making process and try to find some women in the same shoes as myself. So, if you are and you would like to share comments or have questions - please do!

I look forward to finding some cycle buddies!


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135 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi Ladies,
Thanks for your responses, it is great to talk with people on the same page! However, Aunt Flo did visit my later that night :( But that is ok! I am going to buy that Fertilaid stuff and do what I can to hope for the best of January 2014! Gotta just keep calm and hope for the best!
And Princesca, I hear you on all of your friends getting pregnant easily! Once I started TTC, I've noticed every pregnant woman and all of my friends who are pregnant or just became pregnant and I'm so happy for them really, but envious too! It is ok though, as when the time is right, it'll happen for us too :) I can't wait for that moment! lol.

And after hearing yall's stories on the early pregnancy tests, I will definitely wait and keep testing and not get discouraged based on early testing results.

Keep all of us posted on yalls statuses! I want to hear some more BFP news this month!!

Baby dust to everyone!! :)

10 years ago

Hi! I'm glad to read all these responses. I'm 29 and TTC baby #1 with my DH who is 32. I had my mirena removed in October. My GYN said to wait 2 cycles to start trying so we tried this cycle but AF came yesterday....Happy New Year! :( my first cycle post mirena was 36 days long then I started my last cycle on Dec 1. I used the clear blue digital opk so I could get a feel for when I would O since before mirena I had regular 28-30 day cycles but with mirena I didnt really have periods. I got a + LH surge on CD 14. DH and I BD the previous couple days before that and the whole week following. Then every couple days after that until now :( I really thought that we would have locked down a BFP but a couple days prior I took a hpt and it was a BFN. Then AF came yesterday. So this cycle was 31 days. I am like you- I hate not being able to control it! And although I have no reason to think so I get so nervous we won't be able to conceive. And it's frustrating because many people I know that are preggo right now got it the first month trying. But looking at it as another month to have fun trying :) good luck to you all as well!!!

10 years ago

I told DH as soon as AF is gone I demand to be BD every day![sticking_tongue]

Wife of Vetran:27 DD: 3 & DD: 19mos

10 years ago

@princesca - I completely understand how you feel. I'm the type if person that likes to have full control over everything and the fact that I have not much control over conceiving is making me nuts!!! Want to be pregnant asap and the fact that it hasn't happened yet is annoying and frustrating, but then I see other women on here that have been trying for a year or more and I'm thankful I'm not at that point yet and hope to conceive before I hit a year of trying.

Baby dust and good luck to you!

@cotton - good luck to you and your DH to conceive this cycle! Fx'd for you!

@jpm- sorry about AF showing up. You've only just begun so hopefully it happens soon for you! Good luck!

@mybabybelly - best of luck to you and DH. Keep us posted and fx'd for you!

AFM - I'm on CD17 and 5DPO. Been having mild cramping on and off for past couple days and had a few vivid dreams. I'm trying to stay hopeful but not expecting a BFP this cycle. Just trying to enjoy TTC rather than get stressed about it and hopefully that helps me.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hello again Ladies....Just passing through to wish you all lots of baby dusts.

GB1020's...... Just seeing you post....hope all is going well...seems we both ttc same is it going for you so far? I am waiting to test next week :)

10 years ago

Hi Molly - my AF is due 1/15 and I plan to test on 1/17 if AF doesn't show up by then. My fingers are crossed for myself as well as all you other ladies trying for a BFP!!! This is our 4th cycle TTC.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies passing through ive read alot about pre-seed which we haven't tried and I plan on getting some and trying it this month. Have any of you ladies heard of or used it? Any info would be great. Also another friend has just announced her 2nd pregnancy so jealous but very pleased for her! I feel terrible by feeling jealous very unlike me but sometimes it just consumes me if you know what I mean? DH husband has been a great support today as he could tell I had been feeling low after the news but my BFP will come and i keep telling myself it'll be even more worth it once we do get our BFP as we worked very hard for it! Baby dust and lots of luck to you lovely ladies x

10 years ago

I know GB! It's just makes me wonder how people get pregnant so quick and effortlessly!! Hopefully you will have your BFP soon :) can't wait to hear!

Princesca- I hear you on the jealousy thing- I feel like everyone I know is PG!! I have seen people talking about that preseed and wondered myself.

Baby dust to everyone!

10 years ago

TMI info----Hey ladies, I am 9do and am having alot of CM. This is really my only symptom besides minor flutters and little twinges of pain in the stomach area. ALSO TMI loose bowels on 6 & 7 dpo. Anyone else have anything similar?

10 years ago

Brandi - I'm 6dpo and had loose bowels today. Let's hope our symptoms are pg symptoms. Fx'd!!! When will u test?

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10 years ago • Post starter

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