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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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Luv: If seeing a line means that you're going nuts; then I'm right there with you in the 'coocoo' team:) The picture is a little dark, but I might be seeing a line there.
Do you have a iPhone? If so you can edit the photo. Or what I do is a 'print screen' shot. You aim with the camera but then push the power button and the other one at the same time. That gives you a more clear image.
[whistle] [whistle] Mmm You can see that I'm a Pro at this hey? Hehehehe

2005 2007. 2008 1/2013 6/2013 User ImageMake an ovulation ticker

10 years ago

SMH I took the pic about 20 minutes later, but the ambiguous area was there from the get go :) I didn't expect that I would post a picture so I didn't bother taking one but then I was like "oh boy I will obsess about this if I don't." LOL!

I am excited that other people can see something! Proves that I am not insane. Hoozah!

My husband on the other hand is a LUNATIC, he was screaming at the TV on the verge of tears during the stupid Ohio State/Michigan game, even though his team was winning (and won in the end), then he went downstairs to fix a light fixture and was still screaming and carrying on because he couldn't fix it, then he came upstairs and I told him "the girls on the message board see a second line!" and he just sneered "good" while still scowling. What a dick :-P Hope he calms down soon, this is not attractive!

Nicolene thanks dear! I do not have an iPhone :( my camera is not very good, I'm afraid! Hopefully tomorrow will bring us a darker line!

10 years ago • Post starter

Husband Update: he came back upstairs and sheepishly offered me a mini Kit-Kat to apologize for being a lunatic! Yay!

10 years ago • Post starter

I see something too xxx

10 years ago

Hey all I'm here, the in laws made a surprise visit today so things have been chaotic but I will catch up with everyone soon!

10 years ago

sailors thanks girly :)

afmedic GL with the inlaws!

Seems like the internet is largely in favor of Negative or Unsure, which I expected. Hoping to get an actual positive soon! My hydration levels always delay positive OPKs until basically the day of O, so it's not surprising that I have to wait a long time for a positive HPT.

10 years ago • Post starter

Welcome Mill

Law- Sorry about the itching!!!! Make sure you let the doc know, it could just be the increase in hormones. In some pregnant women Benadryl can actually cause restless leg syndrome. Which is miserable!

Carol- Welcome!!! Got my fx for you! Sorry about DH sperm, but it only takes one!! Just a positive thought for you.

Luv- I think I might see something light, I am soo hoping this is your month!! Glad you got some relief with the miralax! The in-law visit is going good, I acutally really love my DH dad and step-mom, now his mother, yeah she is another story.

Jada- What DPO are you?? Sorry I forgot. Those good be good signs too!

TTC- good luck on the 5th! How old is your other child? I have a 2 year old and we have been ttc since August.

Sailor- Yeah for the scan!! how far along will you be?

Sorry for those I left out.

AFM- My fertility friend, finally put me at 5dpo, but I have a feeling this cyst really messed me up this cycle, So I am not holding my breath this cycle. My temp has been a little crazy, but I know when I O'd because of the pains. Today I had some abnormal cramping but think it is just the cyst.

10 years ago

afmedic--I'd take restless leg syndrome over this itching ANY DAY! It is utter misery.

luv--did you sheepishly accept the kit kat? kit kats are the suck ...unless it's white chocolate. YUMMY! I ate pumpkin kisses today.

10 years ago

@luv- Yes, I am very new to ttc. We were not trying when we conceived our first child so I thought it would happen right away when I stopped taking birth control. All of a sudden I realized that my husband has been soaking in a hot bath every night after work and that it might be the reason we have gotten a BFN the last 2 months. I asked him to stop taking baths until after we get a BFP and he did. If it doesn't happen this month or next then I think I will invest in an OPK and see if I am wrong about my ovulation dates.

Thank you all for the warm welcome!

10 years ago

afmedic when do you think the cyst will go away? Do they usually just go away on their own? That sounds sucky I'm sorry :(

lawbride I did accept the KitKat haha :) I prefer Dove dark chocolates myself, I'm not much of a milk chocolate gal anymore. Funny afmedic mentioned restless legs syndrome, I have had that my whole life and it sucks. It actually MAKES you itchy! My husband can just poke my arm and it will make me itch like crazy. It also makes you feel like you need to stretch but you can't stretch enough so you're practically hyperextending your knees and elbows and still can't get any relief. It definitely sucks. But at least it comes and goes, whereas itching is itching!

ttcbaby you might get very lucky and conceive within a few months of going off BC (odds of getting pregnant each cycle are only about 15-20%), but sometimes our bodies need a few months to regulate after being on it for a while. I don't say this to be discouraging but to make you feel better if it doesn't happen right away :) I mean hell I've been trying over a year and I never expected it to take so long...TTC can be such a mind-screw. Definitely good for your DH to skip the hot baths! And tight-fitting bottoms/underwear! If it negatively affected his sperm count though it could take a few months to get back up, so again don't worry if it takes a little while, trust me your second child is coming!

10 years ago • Post starter

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