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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hey gang!

rbk if it was implantation you may not get a positive test until 3 days after that, maybe even 4 or 5 :) Don't feel bad if it comes out negative, is what I'm getting at. Your symptoms sound promising!

afmedic you have great progesterone levels! Hoozah! Mine were only like 10 and the doc said that was good, haha :)

lawbride workout was fine, nothing to write home about ;)

amag what were your husband's numbers? My husband was 2.1 mL with 17.6 mil/mL, which is pretty low. Fortunately his motility is 50% and morphology is 36% which is average to decent.

MamaK you're getting the gender u/s in a couple weeks right?

Holly AHS: Coven is CRAZY! You might like it if you like crazy shiz, haha :) I wonder if your ovary pains are because you dropped so many eggs and the hormones and the follicles are just going wonky for a little while after you O'd :)

10 years ago • Post starter

I am 20 weeks today and go for my gender scan in exactly 1 week!! I am doing good, tired, but good :)

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10 years ago

Hey everyone

I made a couple of posts on the last thread so am making the switch over :) I suppose I should say abit about me!

My fiancee and I have a darling 18month old daughter and have been trying for #2 for the past four months, we want to get married in 2015 and are hoping it happens asap so we can make it beginning of 2015

I originally thought that I would be 14dpo today (no af as yet) and tested 9, 10 and 13 dpo all bfn :( however after doing a "find out what your average cycles are" test on this site I may have miscalculated when af is due and that would make it in another 2 days so really could have been testing at 7, 8 and 11 dpo which could of (hopefully) been too early. Who knows lol !

I don't know exactly when I O cause I just go by online calculators. If this month isn't successful I think I will purchase some kind of opk. Has anyone tried the ferning saliva testing way or recommend poas ones

Thanks for welcoming me in ladies :)

10 years ago

Good Morning everyone!

@ law - you're really brave! I see needles all the time but I always avoid them when I can. Since I work with the public I have to get flu shots and make sure all my vaccines are up to date. With pregnancy I am worried about all of the blood work involved. Blood work is the worst because they needle stay in you for a while and can feel it pinching. I'm such a baby! lol Yes, my husband and I are very devout Traditional Catholics and we have always felt called to adopt at least one child, even if we can have our own naturally. I don't feel so upset about the possibility of not being able to have my own because our plan has always included adoption. I would not pursue IUI or IVF or anything invasive like that (which is personal choice guided my religious beliefs). I have always taken a specific Bible quote to heart, James 1:27 " Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." Anyways, I am trying to stay positive about baby making since this is our first attempt, but we are also looking at adopting, so it is a very exciting time for us. We would not be able to adopt though until we are back in our own country.

I'm 10dpo today. Still have cramping and blood when I wipe after urinating. It varies from pink to dark red or brown (old blood). I took an internet cheapy this morning and it was neg. It has only been a day and a half - two days since the spotting has happened, so I am assuming it is still too early. I am saving the frer until tomorrow, I think. Af isn't due until next Wednesday so fx'd!

Lots of baby dust to you all!

10 years ago

rbk--that's quite comforting! I like the bible verse. It also sounds like you and your husband are on the same exact page which is great! I don't think you could be in a better situation! Also, pregnancy takes time...loved reading this:

Of all couples trying to conceive, here's about how long it takes:
30 percent get pregnant the first cycle (about one month)
59 percent get pregnant within three cycles (about three months)
80 percent get pregnant within six cycles (about six months)
85 percent get pregnant within 12 cycles (about one year)
91 percent get pregnant within 36 cycles (about three years)
93 to 95 percent get pregnant within 48 cycles (about four years)

So, I wouldn't get worried just yet in any case (not that you are). When are you going back to your country? Where are you now?

megan--I think you should definitely use some sort of ovulation detection tool be it temping, opks or cervical mucous observation.

mama--how very exciting!! let us know what happens!

10 years ago

@law: the only reason I don't temp is because I can't guarantee I would take it at the same time each morning due to my daughter being my alarm and can vary each morning so I'm afraid I would get too confused and false alarm etc
. I tried to go by CM but tbh once I decided to do this I didn't really notice it lol typical. I would notice it as wet for about one day every so often but never really have continuous days of it. I'm leaning towards the saliva ferning test so I don't have to keep getting sticks to use cause knowing me I would go through a lot lol still have my FX though I'm not officially out yet :)

Sticky vibes to all x

10 years ago

megan...that totally makes sense. I don't know anything about that kind of testing but it's worth a shot right? I read about it once but it doesn't make much sense to me.

10 years ago

So,not sure how to describe my "symptoms" (progesterone induced I'm sure)--I'm aware of my abdomen; not really in a painful way but in an unusual sensation kind of way. My boobs are really FULL and look great ;) lol. I'd take this any day! Appetite seems normal today--I'm hoping it stays that way.

Rice--how are you feeling?

Cam--any plans for you? Do you have a day in mind to start testing?

Luv--have you started the OPKs already? What CD are you?

10 years ago

MamaK yay about your gender u/s next week! :) You'll have to tell us immediately what happens!

megan welcome again! I definitely think you should track ovulation because online calculators know nothing, haha ;) Never done ferning but that sounds way more difficult than OPKs, probably because I thought ferning tests required a microscope! You can get cheapo OPKs online or you can get a digital, which is super easy peasy! Too bad you can't temp because that's really foolproof at least to know when you already ovulated, it's not good for predicting O though :)

rbk I hope you get that BFP soon! I'm guessing in two days or's so hard to wait isn't it?! I would go nuts!

lawbride your symptoms sound great! I am on day 6 of using OPKs haha :) CD 13!

AFM CD 13 like I said a bit ago, using OPKs and waiting for them to get darker, I feel things stirring down there. My temp finally dropped a bit, hoozah!

10 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning Lawbride :)
I'm ok. When my alarm went off this morning I thought it was Saturday. So I wasn't happy when I realized that it was only Friday and I was running late.

Im going to listen to the advice I got on here and not run. But I do plan to take my dog for a nice long walk tomorrow.

I'm now 5 DPO. For the past couple of days I've had tender boobs, backaches, and mild cramps. But I'm not getting my hopes up yet because I had the same symptoms last month.

How are you?

10 years ago

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