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3 Days Past Ov April 1 -- Anyone with me?

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Hi all! I'm just 3 days past ovulation and looking forward to riding the wave of this two week wait! LOL Trying not to obsess, but I decided a little obsessing is good. I had a chemical pregnancy last month, and it was hard to try again this month with the mix of worry and sadness. Trying again has been good for my heart.

My body seems amped up after last month! I have had some nausea, chills and other weird symptoms already. Maybe heightened progesterone...I've read a chemical pregnancy can sort of prime the fertility pump.

Anyone else already obsessing? Staying sane? Want to wait together?

57 Replies • 9 years ago



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PS Also, I just caved and tested BAH. I figured "maybe I implanted on 4DPO, which means I could get a positive right now!" so I tested and, of course, BFN. I think now I'm gonna wait until Saturday. I don't really feel I have many symptoms, then again I guess lots of women don't have symptoms this early on - so I remain hopeful! :)

9 years ago

It's still super early so chin up :) You're still in it !!

I'm gonna test in the morning I think... Don't ask me why, I'm mad, I know.

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago

Hi I am in that boat. I should've had my O around the 2nd. We have been trying for over two years and patients are very thin. I had a miscarriage several years ago and my now ex left me 9 days after I had my DNC. I keep thinking that was my only chance to have one of my own, as my husband has a son. So I keep looking into my symptoms hoping that it is a good thing. I have been having headaches, a little nausea, weird feelings in my pelvic area, peeing a lot, tired and my concentration level is at an all time low. I hope aunt flow does show up I really want this as much as I know you do.

<img src=

9 years ago

2 BFN's for me ladies :( One this morning and one yesterday evening. Just going to wait for AF now. :( Really deflated. DH is saying "at least we can travel" but that's not what I really want. I want a baby.

Oh well... next month it is, same time, same place ladies?? (if ye don't get your BFP's?) I'd love to have you girls as cycle buddies until we all get our BFP's.

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago

Oh, Emily! :( Many many hugs for you! Hubby is just trying to be supportive, and I'm sure you can try and try again! It surely must be tough to keep on getting BFN, but you gotta have faith!

As for me, this morning my temps dropped 0.3. It had me down and worried. But I had a dream about getting multiple positives, so I took a test this morning.. I'm a little hesitant to say this, but it looks like a BFP! I'm kinda trying to convince myself that it's an evap or something...but I think it actually is a positive :) Today I'm gonna get a blood test done, as my doc wants me to confirm pregnancy so that we can treat this awful rash that's driving me INSANE :'(

I will stay in this conversation, even if it's a BFP. I love now knowing you girls! And I have loved and am loving sharing this TWW journey with you :)

Many many prayers for you! And lots and lots of love!

9 years ago

Omg Laura :) :) I am so thrilled for you!! The first in our little circle!! So exciting :) Can you post a photo of the test? I'm so excited for you! Wishing you a healthy and happy 9 months :) Oh this is just the best news I've heard today!!

AF isn't due for me until next Monday or maybe this Sunday so I've a bit of waiting to do before we can try again :( But you've given me hope, and I'm so excited to try again!

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago

Emily, you are the sweetest!! I wanted to post a photo but it's so faint still that after taking like 15 doesn't really show up in any of them, hehe! I took another test this afternoon upon coming back home from work, and it was actually a little darker than earlier today! But still barely noticeable...I think I'll try again tomorrow or in a couple of days to have an ACTUAL pic I can share!!!!

I got a little worried today, though. I emailed our STM instructors with my chart and they were concerned about the 0.3 temp drop BUT I've been looking online for pregnancy BBT charts and I see temps actually can fluctuate! So I want to remain hopeful. For now, I can say I am pregnant!! But not 100% sure I am *safely* pregnant. I am praying and praying that baby implants correctly and safely and that I will be able to carry out this pregnancy without complications. Guess I gotta leave that one in the hands of God Please keep sending me those ! Hehe. And all the good energy, thoughts, prayers you can! I am in great need of them!

I'm keeping you all in my prayers! And yes! Don't lose hope! A isn't out of the question until AF shows up

9 years ago

Hey you guys! I'm so sorry I've been offline a couple of days. My toddler got back and everything got crazy busy!!! And I'd been a bit down, too, which ill explain later, but first...

Laura, oh my gosh, congratulations!!!!!!!!! That is sooo wonderful :) :) :) Sending tons of And I'm no bbt expert but that doesn't sound like a terrible dip to me!!! I would love to see a pic too :)
Oh yes, and rash be gone! Poor thing!! I hope they can give you some relief!!

Emily, I am so holding out hope! We are still all early to be testing! I would just be so happy if you got your bfp this month.

Iwant2beamom, welcome to our little group! It sounds like you had a truly awful experience. I'm so sorry for your loss, and the circumstances surrounding it. I hope all this signs are positive and this is your month!

So, I have been pretty convinced I was going to have another chemical pregnancy this month...after six days past O, all my symptoms completely vanished. Everything. Cervix was low and hard, chest pain went away, nausea left. A friend of mine said I should I did a test this was negative so I tossed it. But I looked down a few hours later and there was a second line. I thought it must be an evap, so I tested again. There's a faint line there. Oh my gosh. I want to be excited but I'm totally worried. Where are all the symptoms? So different than last month with the miscarriage, but maybe that's good?!Here's hoping I am calling the doc tomorrow if I test and there's still a line.

9 years ago • Post starter

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh! I wrote this loooong, detailed reply addressing all of your comments and the STUPID computer/website just died when I tried to post it and I lost what I wrote

Well, I gotta run off to teach now! But here, I uploaded a pic so you guys can see! It can finally be seen on a picture, at 12DPO

How are you ladies doing? Christy, congrats on the !! I will try to write here later when I'm not having to run out!

Love and blessings!!

9 years ago

Hey ladies! How is everyone doing? Any news?

9 years ago

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