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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hi ladies!
K, so I lowered my dose to 2000mg as well. I haven't noticed increased bm'ing, but im convinced that 3000mg is unecessarily high. On a lighter note, I have also noticed increased cm- also not ewcm, but af took its time tapering off (2 days longer than normal,... side effect of either epo or aspirin?) I dont normally take any pills, not even tylenol for a headache. But , at the moment I am taking prenatal vitamin, extra folic acid vitamin, epo and aspirin.
Hope everyone is well today!

13 years ago

I had a 3-day headache about 4 days before I o-d this cycle. Right around the time the EWCM showed. I'm prone to migraines, but this never progressed to migraines. I think I had one last cycle as well, but not sure if around the same time. Hard to correlate if related to O, or to the pills. Or even my body rebelling against the lack of caffeine, though I've weaned myself so would be weird that would happen then rather than when I quit.

Good to know about the laxative effect.

13 years ago

Hi ladies!

Well I am back from camping.. had a great weekend, but wow were there a lot of babies and preggo ladies there! Didnt help much for trying to keep my mind off of ttc!!

As for the epo... I had a really bad headache for a few days before O as well so maybe its the epo? And I had no idea it could be used as a laxative!! I actually had a bit of d around o-day when I was just coming off of the epo! Maybe thats why???

Hope you ladies all had a good weekend!

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13 years ago

hi ladies

Joy- im so glad you had a nice time on your camping trip. How many DPO are you now?

How are the rest of you ladies doing? any news? we need to get this thread started up again! Praying for yall!

AFM- sorry i have been MIA on this thread for so long. I am trying to go to college full time this summer and its wearing me out.
on the plus side I will probably be Oing tomorrow or wednesday becasue my OPK is almost +++. Im so excited and nevous. The EPO is still working its magic for me though so I have decided that i will be using proesterone cream after O to help with my luteal phase and reduce m/c risks.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

13 years ago

Hi Ladies!

Joy - I'm glad you had a fun trip! Seems like there are prego people everywhere! You can't get away from them! Hey, and I had "d" last month on ovulation day without epo....hmmmmmmm......

Shea - Just remember to keep taking the progesterone cream even after a BFP. If you stop that could cause a m/c.

AFM - CD 10 & took my last clomid pill yesterday! I have a noticeable increase in CM today but not quite fertile CM. I also bought some instead cups this weekend but right now they are sitting on the counter staring at me. I am scared to try them. Should I "practice" with one first?

13 years ago • Post starter

Victoria- I would reccomend trying them out before your fertile period. I wasnt too great at putting them in at first and i lost quite a few spermies. but I can insert them laying down now that im more comfortable with them and hardly loose any sperm.
And thank you for the reminder on the progesterone cream. If i do get pregnant im planning on using it until my second trimester. I hope that isnt being overly safe.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

13 years ago

Hey ladies!

Nurse Jones - I have no clue how many dpo I am!! Haha! Around 8-11 I think... FF can't even pinpoint my bbt has been so messed up this cycle! My fault, I went camping on my ovulation weekend and the cold morning (I was in a tent) screwed up my readings.... then this past weekend I didnt bother chartting! Mt bbt dropped pretty low on Friday and then was really high today, so I guess that confused FF. Ctp says I am 8dpo tho.

Victoria - Hmmm... maybe it wasnt the epo then, who knows! LoL! I totally just give up trying to figure out anything this cycle!

Well I am on cd30 that much I know for sure... my cycles usually run from 30-36 days so it could come any time I guess! But usually my lp is usually around 15-16 days though I think.... so that would put me around Monday or Tuesday! Like I said I really have NO clue this cycle!! Makes it very easy to be relaxed!! Haha!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago

Hi all! Hope everyone is well today. I'm still waiting to o, cd12 today. I'm considering putting ttc off until next cycle, I found out my 18yr old cat that i've had since I was 10 has stomach cancer and we decided to have him put down today. He has been on i.v. fluids at the vet for the last 5 days b/c he wont eat or drink anything. I dont want to put things on hold, but I'm so incredibly sad.

13 years ago

Oh Liz, I'm so sorry! I just can't imagine that. I have 2 cats and love them dearly. They are my fur babies. Sending you warm thoughts and cyber hugs during this difficult time.

13 years ago • Post starter

Mamma - Aw sweetie, I am so sorry to hear that. Losing a furry baby is awful... I remember when we had to put our dog down (because of cancer that kept spreading dispite Radiation treatments etc that we drove across the country many times for her to get) It really is devistating. I am so sorry, your in my thoughts.

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago

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