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PCOS and Ovulation

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Looking for other women to discuss their experiences with ovulation who have PCOS? I've only been off the BC pills for 8 months and took them for over 20 years. Starting to see a pattern with my cycles but have only had 4 AF's since September 2012.

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59 Replies • 11 years ago



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i m suffering for PCOS, we have started planning baby from last month, but it is very confusing stage about timings of ovulation as cycle vary from 32 days to upto 60 days sometimes.. i used to take inositol, inositol and regular brisk walk helped me a lot on getting periods with regular interval. but still have confusion on ovulation days as last month it occurred on 19th day, and we tried conceiving between 3rd to 16th day n today i found i m out this month..[thumbs_down] any solution!![mad]

10 years ago

We just starting ttc in october. I'm with you @preksha Patel, I have no clue when to test or what to look for... I am on cd 45 right now so I can't tell you how long a cycle should or could be or how to begin to figure out when I ovulate lol they finally out me on provera on cd40 to induce a period but they said that could take up to two weeks to start, I'm anxiously waiting AF!!!!

Good luck to all of you :)

I'm 28, DH is 29 Married since 2007 TTC officially since October 2013 I have PCOS. 11/15/13: first round of clomid 50mg (no ovulation on cd21) 1/2/14: second round of clomid 100mg (cd21 tested at 11!!!)

10 years ago

thank you Blynn for replying.. hoping best for you.. :)

10 years ago

Hello ladies welcome to the message board. I have PCOS and struggled with getting AF on a regular basis. I swear by Basal Body Temping (BBT)...I used it exclusively for the 9 months we were conceiving and had 4 periods, two conceptions and one that stuck (I am now 30 weeks pregnant)!

Basal Body temping will allow you to know when you have ovulated...just because you are having a period does not mean you are ovulating so the BBT charting will help you pinpoint when to get busy with your hubby!

I also recommend being intimate at least 3-4x per week, every other day so that you don't miss any your hubby will love all the attention.

Hope it helps and good luck ladies :)

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10 years ago • Post starter

hi janel, thought i should write in and let you know how things are going the baby couldnt be doing any better, i found out im having a baby GIRL!! time to break out the pink, and she has gained a extra 4 days of growth, she is due 01/07/2014. im getting so excited and ready to buy all the dresses :) . do you know what you are having yet or are you keeping it as a surprise? oh well i have only 38 days until when i leave cyprus for good im traveling back home to england as i have a group of doctors there waiting to see me for the pregnancy and the crohn's disease so at the mo very busy. hope evrything is going well with you and not long now for you though huh!! good luck keep in touch kiri hu x

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10 years ago

HI there! So exciting you are having a baby girl. We're having a girl as well :) We're due 3/7/14 so I have a little over 9 weeks left...super excited for both of us. Keep me posted on your progress and looking forward to hearing how things go for you.

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10 years ago • Post starter

i heartily congratulate to both of you for baby girl so the same i wish.. :)

right now i am keeping note of BBT for the first time, and i hope it would be helpful.. i just need to know that conceiving on the same day BBT shows ovulation (High temperature) would be helpful to get pregnant..!!

10 years ago

i will be keeping my fingers crossed for PREKSHA, your day will come! after all the struggle i had last year trying to get it right and always being disappointed and loosing the babies it got really hard!! all i can say me and me DH just gave up and were going to let it happen naturally we had actually planned to fall pregnant later this year due to moving country and everything and were going to start trigger shots and fertility tablets in nov 2013 and before we could we had our surprise! it was a shock especially as my husband knew before i did, he was telling me for 2 weeks i was pregnant and i refused to believe him due to not wanting to be disappointed!! so just letting it happen sometimes is the best way!! good luck and keep me posted on how you get on with the bbt charting. my fingers are crossed for you!! JANEL congrats on the girl and only 9 weeks cor that seems to of come so quick im already thinking i only have 27 weeks left then my little princess will be here!! time is really flying. keep me posted on how things are going!!

kiri hu

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10 years ago

Kirihu how are things going? I'm nearing the end of my pregnancy and getting very anxious to meet our daughter! I think you were saying you were moving the last time we spoke, have you completed your move yet? I hope your pregnancy is going well, I've been dealing with a abdominal hernia, anemia and swelling this pregnancy which is minor compared to what some women go through. Hope all is well and perhaps the next time we chat I'll have a baby girl :)

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10 years ago • Post starter

Prekesha, how are things going for you with conceiving?

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10 years ago • Post starter

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