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November 2015 Babies!!

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It's a little early to start this forum, but since I'm skipping October because of a CP I figured I'd go ahead and start this anyway.

750 Replies • 9 years ago



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@ttclate30s yes my first time I know DH swimmers will make it on its own but I want to be as accurate to getting pregnant right way after this miscarriage I choose the iui and also will boost fertility again with clomid

9 years ago

Hey ladies I'm hovering right now, I am not officially late yet but should start AF (hope not!) This week sometime. Each cycle is give or take 2 days.

9 years ago

Update: my bbt rose back up to 98.18. Af was supposed to arrive yesterday but did not. according to my My Days app she is supposed to be here, which I never had a 29 day cycle but ok, whatever works. According to my Glow app af was originally supposed to start on the first, then the second and I usually start doing my bbt throughout the tww so now it is confused and think I ovulated around CD23 on a regular 28 day cycle so it actually has me at 6 dpo. Really? 6 dpo?!?!?!

(Copy and paste from October 2015 board)

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9 years ago

Hanna and Ababy I hope neither one of y'all officially join us! Sounds like there is still a good possibility you could get your BFP's!

AFM I'm having terrible ovulation pain on my right side, usually that means ovulation is about 3 days out but who knows. I'm temping and I started using my OPK's Saturday. My last two cycles i have ovulated on CD 14 but if I ovulate early this month that will put me probably around CD 11 which is what happened when I got pregnant with the one I lost in October. It's not terribly unusual for my cycles to vary in length, they tend to be anywhere from 23 - 29 days. Which is VERY annoying! They use to be 26 days every month until I took birth control in 2009-2010

Jessica Married to Jeremiah 05/10/2003 Mom to Alyssa 11/14/2003 Autumn 05/15/2008 and our 10/30/2014 Asher Jeremiah due 11/30/2015 User Image

9 years ago

hanna and ababy- Fx you get your BFP's! Although it's nice to see familiar people on here i am really hoping we all can move on to CMP soon!

Jessyann- Hopefully you are making a nice strong egg! Good luck girl! 3 of Femara. The only side effect i really notice is i am super fatigued! Just waiting to ovulate. Starting CD9 I will start OPK's and after getting a positive OPK I have been told to call the clinic and the next day we will do my IUI. I am guessing early next week. I am getting nervous but really praying it works out and my body reacts really well to the Femara!

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

Awwww thank you TTC & Jessy. Means a lot.

Jessy: I know what you mean about the cycles. Mine was consistently 26 or 27 days. Ever since I started ttc'ing I have went up to. 31 days and it is 6 days long from my usual to 3 to 5 days. Sucks.

TtC: We are here for you. I am pretty sure all of us wish we were right there with you to hold your hand through it. You will do fine. The things we do for our future little ones.

Wishing you all your bfp.

Update: so af is M.I.A. All I had was a yellow glob of cm. I don't know what that mean and my right nipple was hurting so bad. It had to last for at least 20 minutes. The left one ended up hurting a few minutes after but not as long as the right. I also felt this twinge feeling down below, but now I am starting to think it is nothing because I feel cramping on my right side. I thought af showed up because I just felt wet but no it did not. So still playing the waiting game. There go the pulling/weird feeling. It just happened right now! What is that!? It almost make me feel like I got to pee but I don't. I kind of like the feeling. Does that make me weird? Lol

Dpo 13 even though it says cd1 on my ticker

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9 years ago

I not been around much. My little one was sick. Just got back to temping yesterday. With the little one sick all week wasn't able to temp. :/ Thank goodness her fever has subsided. I thought her cough had turned into the flu. But turns out she has double ear infection.
Anyhow I'm on cd 9 eagerly waiting to ovulate and hopefully catch the egg this cycle. If not I will probably have a chat with my rn so see if she will give us the go ahead for iui. That is our next step I do believe. My husband had an ultrasound where they found a lesion on his pancreas waiting for tests to see if it is cancer :( Just one thing after another.
Good luck to you ladies where ever you may be in your cycle :)

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9 years ago

Kelley: I'm glad she feels better. The poor bbt. How many baby's did you miss?

CD30 DPO: 15
Bbt: 98.34 (increased 0.16 from yesterday's 98.18)
Shortest Cycle: 27 days/Longest cycle: 31 days.
Cervix check: not yet. Yesterday it seemed to be low and soft if that is possible. I googled how to feel if it is open or closed but I honestly feel both. It says if it is closed it feels like a hardened nipple. Well I felt that. I think? And it says if it is open it feels like puckered lips. I think I felt that too. So confused with the open and closed lol.

How else is everyone doing for their November cycles?

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9 years ago

Ababy, I can't wait until you test! You are seriously a strong woman for not having tested yet. AF stays away!! Also, when I was trying to figure out how to check my cervix I came across a website that has pictures of them. It's just the cervix, nothing outside of that. It helped me to see a picture of what I should be feeling. It's beautifulcervix . com.

Kelley, I hope your DH is ok! I'm glad your DD is feeling better.

My body apparently decided not to O this cycle; at least according to my BBT. I had cramping on CD18 and my cervix was low and really soft on CD19, but my BBT has stayed pretty low. Today it went up more, but still not above my highest temps. What do ya do?

A little funny I found last night on Pinterest: I love cleaning up other people's I became a mother.

9 years ago • Post starter

ababy - I cannot believe you haven't tested yet!!! You are a stronger person than me.

Kelly - Please keep us posted on your husband! He will be in my prayers.. SO sorry you are going through this right now!

IDK - That is so frustrating!!! So sorry!

Jessica Married to Jeremiah 05/10/2003 Mom to Alyssa 11/14/2003 Autumn 05/15/2008 and our 10/30/2014 Asher Jeremiah due 11/30/2015 User Image

9 years ago

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