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LMP Oct 28- anyone else?

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Hello all my LMP was Oct 28 looking for others with the same LMP or close to!

99 Replies • 11 years ago



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Yea me too Alaskamom

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11 years ago

Soooo I woke up in a miserable state this morning. My boobs were sore and heavy, even up under my arms. My nose was stopped up on one side, I was nauseous, and it tasted as if I'd sucked on a penny all night. Here's the funny thing, I woke up to get out of a dream i was having....these girls were being very mean to some disabled pigs. The pigs were in wheelchairs and could only see by looking down. As they passed the girls, who they could not see, the girls were shooting at them with rubber bullets. It then switched from that to me seeing and talking about how innapropriate girls are dressing these days. LMBO

I tested this morning at 7 DPO and BFN. If I don't get my BFP this cycle, after this morning, I'm going to go ahead and admit I've lost it, lol.

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11 years ago

So ladies I'm actually super excited. I decided this morning to fuel the fire or the 2ww and look up if there is a connection between my yeast infection and early signs of pregnancy and there are so many women that say that this was the very first sign that they noticed before their BFP!!!!!! I know I'm probably stretching here but I honestly don't know why I would get one and especially right after ovulation because I have not had one in like 5 years. So I'm really hoping that is what it is.

11 years ago

WOW MzThangg that was a crazy dream you had!! Ive had a couple crazy pregnant dreams too! Ive also had the wierd taste that you described as sucking on a penny taste. Its driving me CRAZY!! I can eat or drink something and its temporarily gone then its right back!

AKenny11- hopefully it proves to be a symptom for you to get your BFP! I wouldnt worry to much about the negative you got, its still a little early to get it! Fingers crossed you and the rest of us get them this month!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Well I woke up this morning feeling pretty blah. Yeast infection is finally gone but I had a hard time eating my bowl of cereal and my abdomen is really sore but other than that I feel good I guess. What are everyone elses symptoms as of today?

11 years ago

AKenny11- I'm having a hard time this morning too! Had a rough night which isn't helping! Had a crazy dream about the two of us- which I don't even know you outside of this site! It was super crazy though! Some how we were in the same place testing and you got a positive 11-12 weeks and I got a positive 8-10! Then as soon as I found that out I was woken up with with the most horrible stomach cramps that felt like 10cm contractions! Once I got that taken care of I was starving hungry and sick to my stomach! Now I'm still sick to my stomach and everytime I try and eat something I feel like I need to vomit worse :/. Glad to hear your infection is gone!! Sure hope my dream comes to as far as the positives- if it turned out we really were that far along I think I would pass out!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Haha wow that was a crazy dream. I am pretty sure I would pass out too. I'm not really feeling pukey but just queasy which is definitely not normal I never feel sick to me stomach. Which also concerns me because I had the easiest pregnancy with my son no morning sickness of any kind, and no complications and I just have this worry that my next pregnancy is going to be awful. I really hope not but it scares me.

11 years ago

That's how my pregnancy with my daughter was- no morning sickness just tired and queezy for a couple days then I was fine. I feel better now that I've forced myself to eat but I'm still hungry!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Yeah I'm super hungry cooking velveeta shells and cheese as we speak mmmmm. Man this 2 week wait is killing me. Im thinking about maybe testing early because I started noticing the egg white mucus on the 8th and then I had more of it on the 9th then the 10th it was more slippery and on the 11th it was gone, so I think I may have actually ovulated on the 9th or 10th not the 11th. What do you think I'm so not sure?

11 years ago

I'm still trying to get the hang of CM. I used OPKs and did BBT this cycle and that made it a lot easier to pinpoint O. I never seem to get EWCM.

11 years ago

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