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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi to all the new comers :)

I am now on cd 12 and should start entering my fertile period in the next few days, going by previous cycles. I usually ovulate around cd18-20. This month, i am using opks again and also been temping to detect exactly when ovulation occurs, if i actually do. According to my opks, they pick up a surge of lh..... Just worried atm that my temps are all over the place and nothing like the sample charts i have seen online where the temps are consistent during each phase of the cycle......

Good luck to everyone and happy bd'ing :)

11 years ago

So wish I could chart...I've tried it 3 times and I just forget each time I wake up, even with the thermometer on my alarm clock!

11 years ago

Ive missed a couple of days or slept through my alarm clock and took temp about 45mins later than usual but still put them temps down on my chart. Just to give me an idea of what my temps do during my cycle. Did mean to start temping about 3months ago when i brought my bbt thermometer, but kept forgetting but was more determined this time!!! Is hard to do when i wake up and 1st thing i wanna do is go to the toilet as bladder is full lol.

11 years ago

For some reason, I know my temps are always in the 97s, so when they spike and if I take my temp and see them heading back down to under 98, I know AF is coming. Not the most precise method, but it works. Just haven mastered temping and predicting and making sure ovulation happened.

11 years ago

Pbc- welcome lady, I'm a little anemic too.. are you taking iron pills? I'm not, as there's iron in my multivitamins and I try to eat high in iron foods, I'm scared of overdosing haha... and yes definitely try to reduce your stress... that is major!!
I love your motto!!! I have the same one!!! LOL!
When (notice the positvity here... not IF) it happens it will be the most perfect most healthy most beautiful thing EVER!

Kcordell- I found them on Amazon... here is the link below:
That's the one I'm using.

Also, I'm taking Royal Jelly in Bee Pollen... just started that last cycle and I love it!! Also found in Amazon... read up on that too... it's supposed to be awesome for you!

Bottoms Up ladies!!!!!

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11 years ago

I don't take iron, my old doc recommended that if I feel tired due to lack of Iron to take them, but I never did. My prenatals have them so I think I am covered.

Trying trying to stay positive. Easier said than done, right?

I am really anxious for DH to get sperm analysis, hopefully he can get his appt for his reg doc set up fast. Its easier for him to be rested than to run a bunch of invasive tests on me.

I just have this feeling that our timing is off, and each month we go in saying how hard we are going to try then by CD 15 and ovulation time, we are tired from waiting to We talk all this talk about BDing and then we are too tired to do it. The thought of trying to BD for more than 3 nights in a row makes me laugh. I wish we could, but with stress, jobs, school for me, kids, pets, etc. etc. sometimes it just doesnt happen. And this is especially rough on my DH, the pressure of it all. I try not to tell him when I am ovulating since that tends to kill the mood.

I'm just frustrated...and having stepchildren that I take care of each day only makes it worse not being able to have one of my own, YET. Yes I am a mom to them in ways, but it will never be the same.

Ok, there was my rant.

11 years ago

Aww pbc I hear ya but you know what? It WILL happen for you!!! Please try to stay positive and yes I know it's easier said than done! How many stepchildren do you have?
All I can say is try to as much as you guys possibly can without making it a chore. Sending your way, maybe it will help!

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11 years ago

Thanks for the encouragement, I really needed it.
I have 3 stepchildren, always fun fun fun at home.

Good news is my bloodwork came back and everything was good. Of course my cholesterol was high, but it actually has gone done since my last labs over 4 years ago. That's good. My blood pressure is finally normal and why I didn't have my thyroid tested, we agreed there was no point since I am not having any symptoms of hypo- or hyperthyroidism. My DH has an appt with the same doc in two weeks and then can be referred for a sperm analysis.

But maybe we'll be awesome and conceive before all these appointments!

11 years ago

Heyyyy laaaaadiessss!

I'm officially jumping over to join you after the end of a ridiculously long and confusing first cycle post-chem pregnancy. Hallelujah it's over! I got to the point where I didn't even care if I was pregnant, just wanted to move on!

Hi to all my old friends from prev threads and "Nice to meet you!" to the new friends.

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Hi! Good luck and baby dust your way!

11 years ago

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