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Anyone hoping for a March baby?

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About me:

On month #11. So, so impatient. Tired. Going crazy. And getting scared :(

On 2nd round of Clomid, 50 the first time around, 100 this time.

Currently (Friday, 6/22) on CD 13.

This site says if we were to conceive this round, we'd be due March 17 - St. Patrick's Day. Thats gotta be a good (lucky) sign, right?

Just looking for some gals around the same cycle day/ boat as gets a little tiring trying to talk to your DH about these things!

Baby dust!

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268 Replies • 12 years ago



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Wow! I go to bed one night and look what happens! Lots of new faces!

Welcome wingwoman, magenta, madisonmaddy, tara, daph....welcome to this crazy WMM club

Lots of great info on the CM/ cough syrup thing - thanks, ladies! I'm hoping none of us need it though....but just in case....good stuff!

MikesKT - I've never heard of the Fertilbella - wonder if it is similar to the FertilAid I've seen advertised on other sites (which my DH is DEFINITELY going to start taking if this cycle doesn't take - there are lots of good & positive reviews!) I can't believe you're on CD56....I'd be going nuts Hopefully something happens either way for you soon!

Daph - know what you mean about cutting everything out that is "bad" for little ones. The only thing I haven't cut out (cut back on, though) is caffeine - I probably should cut it out, but.....that's a tough one for me. I don't smoke, I don't drink with any regularity, the only medicine I've allowed myself recently is melatonin supplements to help me sleep, but those are better than Tylenol PM, right??

Tara - good to know it actually works from a real person That's definitely something I'll be trying next cycle if this one doesn't stick !

angeluv - don't know that there is anyway to really tell if you have hostile CM or not - I think maybe a good sign that you do have "hostile" CM is that you're pretty dry around ov? I know before Clomid I was a lot wetter than other times in the month (sorry, ladies, that TMI thing ), and the last two months have been quite different. So I guess it's one of those things that can only help? We used pre-seed this round too - I love that stuff! Except it's so danged expensive....

madison - for you! I try not to buy too much into symptoms (if I can help it) - I know plenty of people who got pregnant and didn't have any real symptoms (acne, sore boobs, nausea) until 6 weeks or later. hang in there - and keep us updated!

magenta - sorry for your loss hoping this is a good month for you! keep us updated!

as for me, I'm now 3 DPO and trying to not think too much about anything....I haven't done HPTs the last couple of cycles b/c I've been so scared, but this month is all about positive thinking! According to the "When Should You Test" link, I'm waiting until the 9th or 10th of July to test the first is going to be an ENDLESS next 7 or 8 days!

Happy Thursday, girls! & to all!

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12 years ago • Post starter

so..random info I learned reading the impatient woman's guide to getting pregnant last night...

for all us..early testers..

those early detection pregnancy tests where you can get positives on 8-10dpo...ONLY work on people who have exact 28 cycles and ovulate on day 14 and who have implantation early.

the rest of us(including me with a 32ish day cycle) has to wait until at least 11dpo to start getting faint lines if not later around no point in wasting money and tests on testing early :-(

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12 years ago

angeluv - great info!

My cycles, too, are around the 31-32 average mark.

Looks like I do need to wait, then, til the Monday after next instead of next weekend (7/7-8). Dangit.

Longest. 2 weeks. Of my life.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone, I am currently 10 or 11 dpo. AF due July2-3rd. I am losing hope on this cycle though as I've been getting nothing but BFN's so far. (I know its still a bit early to test though). GL to you all!

~*Mommy to 2 blessings. Trying for a 3rd!*~

12 years ago

Wow!! So many ladies have joined since I last logged in.... welcome to all of you!

Thank you angeluv for the book recommendation. I just downloaded it! I think the hardest thing about ttc is the lack of control and ability to plan- I am a major planner!!!

I have decided to wait until the day AF is due to test! Wish me luck ladies, that is going to require some major self control on my part. 5 days until testing. I do have to say that I don't have too many expectations, bc I don't feel like I have a single pregnancy symptom. Other than a pinching sensation last weekend in my lower abdomen (no spotting though) I'm not even sure I've had any ovulation sypmtoms. Trying to stay positive.

for everyone!!

Oh! Softcups (by instead) are designed for AF, but they've been recommended for keeping the semen from leaking out after BD, it's supposed to help with gravity and the swimmers. This is my first month trying them.... I've read lots of posts that credit them to getting a bfp.

DH (39) Me (33) Married since June 2011 TTC #1 since April 2012 CP July 2012 User Image

12 years ago

I think for some reason..maybe cuz this website gives us the option to..we get caught up in EXPECTING symptoms of pregnancy when most women don't actually experience any symptoms until around week 6...which by the point you would definitely know your pregnant. We psych ourselves out thinking we're not pregnant because we don't have any symptoms when normally you shouldn't have any symptoms anyway! Same thing with implantation bleeding..its pretty rare but we're always wondering if were getting it. I just feel like lately..personally, i need to lay off the craziness and just wait things out.

on a sad note personally..I just found out I'm losing my job in two weeks. Its okay because I'm sick of my job..but my main concern is not having any health insurance anymore and not being able to use my OBGYN if I do get pregnant because I really like her. :-(

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12 years ago

magenta- So sorry for your loss! I too had a miscarriage in March and my cycles have been SUPER crazy since then (49 days the first cycle.. and I'm on CD57 today) I totally understand what you mean about being scared for another one. Hope that you get a soon and have a healthy nine months!

"Baby Sprout" 3/17/2012 User Image

12 years ago

Hi~i started my cycle on june 8th, so today is my CD21. It's my 3rd month ttc and i've been trying not to focus on it too much. people say it happens when you're most relaxed and not even thinking about it... which is impossible i should say. right? how can you not think about it when you're trying all this time? =) so i'm just down to 7 days until i go test... hoping for my bfp! i'm 29 and ready to be a mom for the 1st time. my dh is hopeful and even promised me a 'push gift' which just makes me more excited about getting pregnant~ lol LOTS OF BABY DUST TO YOU ALL!!! AND YES, ST. PATRICK'S DAY BABY HAS TO BE A LUCKY SIGN~

TO YOU ALL~! User Image User Image

12 years ago

Thanks for the reminder angeluv... very good point about seeing/feeling symptoms before 6 weeks. Although, it is common here on this site, it isn't normally common. I shouldn't count myself out yet.

DH (39) Me (33) Married since June 2011 TTC #1 since April 2012 CP July 2012 User Image

12 years ago


Hopefully, since the Supreme Court just upheld the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), you will still have access to AFFORDABLE healthcare options! So good timing in that respect! I too, was nervous about that because DF and I were just discussing the possibility of moving back east for a job he wants - that would leave me without a job for awhile, and without insurance until he and I are married or I find a job. (We were considering going to the Justice of the Peace to get the legal bits out of the way, if Obamacare was struck down). But now, either way I'll have insurance, so that's one load off my mind.

And I understand your concern with our hypersensitivity in sensing "symptoms" - you're right, most people don't feel anything. But with my last pregnancy that ended in MC at 7 weeks back in April, I just knew I was pregnant about a week before AF was due. I just felt "different" and was beginning to cramp like AF was coming, but definitely had other symptoms that I normally don't get at that time (bloating, feeling like a brick was in my lower abdomen [heaviness], hunger, exhaustion, etc.... So I'm tracking my symptioms on this site every day to recognize patterns of symptoms, not individual ones. Hopefully that is the key!

And, as my Mother always said, "Patience is a virtue."

But ugggh!!

I have about 10 days before I can test, and I know I'm going to be crazy until then!

User Image Baby M v1.0, 4/20/2012

12 years ago

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