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2dpo today, any buddies for this 2ww?

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just wanted to find some cycle buddies during the agonizing 2ww. the more the merrier!!!!!!

516 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hej ladies :)

Happy things are going well with you!
I hope you are full of energy and ready for your new start Prima! Things will work out now ???? I'm positive

So happy for you coco! So exciting. When is your due date? And how is it going?

My due date came and passed a week ago! Honestly I never expected to pass the 40 weeks because of my history but here I am 41 week and still pregnant.
At least it's maximum 1 week for me left, those last weeks have really been passing slowly. If I have not went into labor on my own by the 21st (or if they don't discover anything of concern at the ultrasound on Monday) I will be induced then which happens to be my birthday as well. That would make my birthdays fun again at least ????

This month is crazy hectic for us, yesterday we got the keys handed to our new house we bought in the countryside here in Sweden ???????? so all Althea same month we got a new house with a lot of work to do, a baby, a car and two cats! Lol... we should learn to plan a bit better ????????

7 years ago

Hi kung-fu and cocoa!

Just did my retrieval today. 28 retrieved. Waiting for the call tomorrow morning to see how many of them got fertilized... The embryologist seemed hopeful that we will be looking at at least 50% tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Feeling OK actually but gonna take it easy today.

Awww a girl.. I WANT A GIRL TOO but at this point I shall not be greedy. Boy or girl..I'll be super pleased. I'm not doing same cycle transfer though.

Cocoa wishing you all the best.

Kung-fu im so pleased that us old faithfuls finally can leave this board. I know you guys will get busy and we might no longer talk anymore but pls know that I'll always think of u ladies xoxo

7 years ago • Post starter

Kungfu- that would make it a birthday to remember! my birthday is the 20th so it's a great time to be born you've really packed a lot into this month, wish you all the happiness in the world.

Prima- 28 is amazing. Are you feeling ok? I found the evening after retrieval to be the most painful but it passes in a day or two. I've got everything crossed for good fertilisation for you- do keep us updated.

I'm 25 weeks and starting to really look pregnant. We're off to Portugal on Saturday for my birthday and none of my beach clothes fit me. I got a huge shock as I didn't think I was that big to be honest so I've had to buy a new summer wardrobe .

Absolutely loving the kicks, I can see them through my belly.

A xx

7 years ago

Kungfu- thinking about you today. If baby hasn't yet arrived it will be here soon. Soooooo exciting!

7 years ago

kungfu you must have popped by now!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeek

cocoa enjoy your trip!!!!! eurgh i had really bad swelling for almost a week, i finally feel back to normal now. i thought i was never going to get back to normal again.

we froze over 15 embryos so i really hope that we are near the end of our ttc journey.

doc said to give it 2-3months for my body to get back to normal before transfer. aiming for august/september i guess. by then youll be due!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 years ago • Post starter

prima - thats so exciting! Please keep us posted on your progress and I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you. My sister (the one who went through IVF at the same time as me is 9 weeks pregnant with twins so the success rate seems to be good)

I'm almost 30 weeks pregnant - Eeeeek. I'm getting very excited to meet our little bumblebear. Her nursery is being decorated this week and we're buying the pram this weekend. Sickness has returned and I can't bend very easily but only 10 more weeks to go makes it feel manageable.

7 years ago

im guessing all of you have popped by now!!!!!!!!! EEEK finally doing my FET this cycle

6 years ago • Post starter

OMG ! I cannot believe I forgot to come in here for so long.
I'm so sorry

Before telling angthing else I want to say, good luck Prima I wish this journey ends for you soon. I cannot imagine how much it can take to be in it for so long. My 8 months of trying were already so hard. I think you are a hero and don't give up. It will happen.

Coco, if you haven't just popped already you really are about to. I calculated you are now 39 weeks? I hope it's going well and the delivery will be a piece of cake ????????

Storm: how is it going for you ?

My girl is a stubborn little one like the mom hehe. She made me wait till the very full42 weeks but still not long enough to be induced, she came on her own few hours before induction time. The 20th may at 22:22. Big and healthy with a big nose That didn't really fit her head (it fits her head now hehe). My gut feeling was so right about the gender hehe. Funny is that I completely forgot to check the gender after she was born. I think we realised 15 min after birth that we still had no clue ???? That tells everything about how much I actually cared about the gender.
Anyway, birthing shocked me, I didn't realize how painful it could actually get since I did the c-section last time. It felt as I became hunted during birth and I didn't really recognize myself, screaming and swearing in 3 languages (I'm a quiet person) but then I had this fantastic moment in all that chaos where I delivered my baby myself and she is such a star.
At the moment I delivered I saw my phone started beeping and I was getting notifications of all those random people writing on my facebookwall.. made me surprised and wonder if someone had spread the word I was in delivery...
Finally I caved in to check around 00:00 and then I remembered it was my birthday coming up hehe.
But my daughter demanded her own birthday although in reality she was born only 2.5hr earlier than me (many years ago). She came 1.5hr before midnight 20th and I was 1hr after midnight 21 ????
But as I sayd she is a star, I never imagined having a baby could be that easy. With my son I didn't sleep for 3 years, but now I haven't slept better in my life.
She honestly sleeps from 22:00-10:30 with a little feeding stop at 08:00.
I would think it would make me worry, but she grows so well that no worries are needed. She is also amazingly strong, started holding her head herself already at 1 week and at 2.5 months she is playing with standing up and sitting down herself with only holding my thumbs. (Of course we are careful) .
I need to start eating what she is eating, I would like to be that strong myself hehe. We have ebf from the start and that works well for us too.

Anyway, that was long ????

Please send me updates here. 8 promise not to forget time as much as last time... it has just been a bit busy this summer suddenly being a mom of two, and moving and renovating and starting everything new, with guests at home most of the time as well since we live abroad.
Oh and we got 2 cats as well hehe

Sending love

6 years ago


its a beautiful beautiful thing to read, to know that you have a healthy baby girl now.

its my 2nd year of ttc.. today is 2dp5dt. i am going stir crazy. ive been reading about how people start getting bfp at 3dp5dt and as u know im a POAS addict. i dont know when i can hold off till.. hopefully i can waitt ill 5dp5dt. will keep you guys posted.

cocoa? storm?? still here? updates ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sending love to you kungfu.. and all you ladies out there :)

6 years ago • Post starter

Thank you <3
We are still head over heals.

Where in the cycle are you now ? How long till you can start testing?

As for me í remember í took a test at 9dpo that was as negative it could get, but then at 11dpo I got my faint line. Try not to make yourself crazy by starting testing too early

6 years ago

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