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Private Testers Support Group Part 5!

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Old thread got ginormous so here's a new one!

bluerose sorry about spotting hun :( At least you get to see the GYN and hopefully get a plan in place! You've been waiting too long for baby #2.

janise thanks for the response, yeah I know very little about whether HCG actually increases odds of pregnancy. Maybe I will do some googling :) How you feeling today?

Cam wow good for you finishing that run! 4 miles is a lot especially if you don't do it very often. Throwing up is never a pleasant experience though ;) But it is badass!

AFM CD 12, temps are nice and normal levels of low. My chart looks great this month, after looking horrific last month. Go figure! Getting lunch today with my newly-pregnant friend. I feel ready to see her now. FX that I don't do something embarrassing like burst into tears ;)

594 Replies • 9 years ago



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OK I'm up I had to help my 6th grader with her math that she remembered last night at 11 pm that is due today then I had to do my eighth great hair because the lady that was scheduled to do it forgot so it's set for today after school. Preparing to drop them off then my ritual of studying and taking noted before my 11 am class starts. I hope everyone had a good night sleep. Oh then I promised the dh that I will assist him with dinner tonight. .....I haven't done that in a longggggg time.
OK ladies rise and grind. No symptoms over here btw.

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9 years ago

Blue--> For me, the HSG was no biggie whatsoever. But I also delivered vaginally a year ago. Make them move the monitor so you can see - I watched intently, and it was the coolest thing ever (next to seeing my son move and wiggle on u/s!) You'll do great, I just know it!

Cam--> Busy busy lady! And don't ya just love the "Oh! I have homework to do!" at 11 pm?!

AFM: I'm feeling better today, thankfully! Even called to make an appointment for 1:30 today to hopefully have an IUD put in. I don't want to have to worry about taking a pill every single day in addition to everything I'll be going through while DH is gone.

How's everyone else today??


9 years ago

@2Frsty- Thanks! I hope I'll be alright. I too had a vaginal birth. However, that was over 6 years ago lol. I am not sure if you mentioned it. But why do you need to go on birth control?

@Camasia- Haha oh oh surprise 11 pm homework! I can totally see my son doing something similar in the future. All he had to collect 5 leaves for today and I had to remind him multiple times all weekend before it actually happened. I hope you have a great day in class today! Hoping af doesn't show for you!

Cd 9. Everything is good. I have just been running around all morning trying to get as much housework done before I take a nap and go to work. It's supposed to be beautiful this week. So hopefully I can do some outdoor activities. Do I need to take a pad to my hsg for leaking dye and/or blood?

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9 years ago

Cam thank you for the prayers! :) Hope you manage to get some better sleep tonight, heavens you are so busy. That is a long shift then helping with homework?? Yikes! GL with dinner tonight too! Whatcha making?

janise you are welcome! Thank YOU as well for your support! :) How are you feeling today?

2Frsty sorry about AF :( And of course it has to arrive when you're going through so much. Why would you need an IUD or the pill if your DH is gone though? Unless you have terrible AFs. Mine were horrific until I went on the made me nervous to go off the pill actually but they improved since I was a teen I guess haha. I hear you about running, too! I can't really run at all because I instantly get injured.

JLH hey girl! BabyLuv is being a bit naughty, making me feel sick. But that is ok. :) Adult day care will be fun for your MIL I think! Good way to make some friends and get out of the house :) Having the IUI plan for November must make you feel more relaxed. It is always good to have a plan! So much of this TTC crap is beyond our control, just having something to look forward to is good!

bluerose aww sorry about the big age difference getting you down :( But you know, having kids close in age wouldn't guarantee that they have much in common or get along either...lord, my DH has a sister 2 years older and they have NOTHING in common and hardly ever talk (she is awful, LOL). Meanwhile my brothers are 6 years apart and they are best friends, inseparable. I think once they grow up a big age difference doesn't the older one can be a mentor for the younger one! As for the HSG, don't worry about it too much, it really won't be as bad as you think. They will provide you with a pad too so you don't have to worry about bringing one :)

AFM just chilling until my Wednesday doctor appt!

9 years ago • Post starter

I agree with Luv, blue take a pad just in case. My girls are 11 and 13, they will be a great help when my baby comes. I think the age difference is a plus as well it allows the baby to be the baby imo.

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9 years ago

Luv we are making jerk chicken and pigeon peas and rice is on the menu

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9 years ago

Omgg US has fired the first tomahawks in Syria. It has begun.

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9 years ago

Cam--> What?! Oh no. God, I hope they don't end DH's tour in Korea to send them to Syria...

Luv & Blue--> Since we've been TTC for 9 months now (every cycle but 1 has been medically induced) my Dr wants me to give my ovaries a "rest" while DH is gone. It'll lighten my periods, and help with the PMDD. I've scheduled it for this upcoming Monday.


9 years ago

I hope you guys are right about the age difference thing. It just makes me really sad when my son is often sad because he has no one to play with. I live out in the country so there aren't even any neighbour kids. Poor little guy.

@frsty- Ah that makes sense. I hope the iud goes well for you!

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9 years ago

Cam yikes about Syria! I hope whatever is going on ends quickly and with minimal casualties. On a lighter note, your dinner sounds amazing and I hope it tasted good too.

2Frsty OH I get it now! I was like "what is she up to when he's gone?" ;) Of course, I knew that is not your intention, and it would not be my business even if it were, so there ya go! Makes sense to do the BC for sure. Does the IUD prevent ovulation? I don't really know much about how they work. Agree that pills are a pain in the ass though!

bluerose aww sorry about your son being lonely :( It might be good for kids to learn how to entertain themselves, too. There's so much emphasis nowadays on just distracting kids 24/7. I plan to have only one child so maybe I am just wishfully thinking here.

AFM felt horrible yesterday! But that's okay. Just reporting the facts :-p I cancelled my clients today because I didn't know if I'd feel any better. We shall see how it goes. 12 weeks today. DH is complaining about having to tell his mother and sister about the pregnancy...his mom will probably ask a billion questions, and his sister is extremely unreasonable so who knows how she'll react. When DH told her we were engaged, she got PISSED OFF because she'd "gotten some bad medical news" recently and didn't want to hear about our engagement. It was very very strange. I told DH to check and make sure she hasn't received bad medical news before telling her about the baby LOL.

9 years ago • Post starter

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