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TTC #1 TWW, anyone else?

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Hi everyone.. I'm new on here. My husband and I have been actively trying to conceive for 13 cycles, no contraception for 18 cycles. He works away so in the 13 cycles we have only BD on ovulation day once.. Twice including this cycle.. This is why the 2 week wait is so much worse this time, who knows when the next time could be as my cycle keeps changing.
I got positive OPKs on 05/07 and 06/07, we BD both days.
I'm currently trying pineapple core, can't hurt to give it a go!
Anyone else in TWW?

496 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi ladies, sorry I've not been in touch for so long.

Luna huge congratulations on the birth of your little boy, glad Oliver is doing well and you're settling. 6 hours, wow, can't imagine that mine was 32.

Scott's that job sounds like a lot of responsibility which must occupy your mind but also wear you out. Have you had the IUI yet? Have you got any news?


7 years ago • Post starter

Hi Coops

I am doing good, still doing my Gonal F injections follies and lining is not quiet ready for iui. I am due back for a scan on Friday too see how the follies are progressing. I have had my dose increased also so hope it helps.

I will keep you updated hoping for iui on Monday

Scotty xoxo

7 years ago

Sweet ladies!

Sorry for the delay in my reply! Oliver has been consuming much of my time lately.

First of all: Scotty! Have you had the IUI? How did it go? Hoping you are well! How's the Gonal F treating you? I've heard of people getting sick of them and many bruises but I felt nothing and didn't have a single bruise! Great to hear you love your new job!

@Coops: happy belated birthday to baby Lyla! Wow she's one year already!

Here all is well. My son is really sweet and just started smiling! So adorable he's gaining almost a pound per week! I must be producing whipped cream or something.

Mom to crazy, happy, incredible Oliver Due with baby 2 this Oct

7 years ago

Hi Ladies,

I had to abandon the cycle due to over stimulation!!!! I had 10 mature follies...AF ended up coming like 7 days after ovulation witch suggested a short LP. They are preparing for my next cycle but I must wait for a natural cycle to appear which I hope will be soon.

Gonal - f really didn't effect (side-effect) me and no bruises...we must be cut out for it haha!!!

I am working away at my new job trying to keep busy and not over thing it all. So glad your little bundle is giving you so much joy

Scotty xoxo

7 years ago

Hi Scotty! I am so sorry I haven't responded for so long! Summer with Oliver was a crazy, but fun adventure! He's 4 months now and 1 stone and 3.64 pounds big boy!

How are you now? Did you recover well from the hyperstimulation and how have the IUIs been going? Or even better, have you gotten pregnant? And how's your job now, are you completely settled in?

Lots of love and babydust as always!


Mom to crazy, happy, incredible Oliver Due with baby 2 this Oct

6 years ago

Can I join in? It's my very first TWW with OPK's and charting and I find it múch more unnerving this time!

6 years ago

Hello Ladies,

I am so sorry I have been away for a’s been a busy few months. I got logged out of the site and couldn’t seem to log in!

I quit my job ( the new job I started in April)

I have a looooooong list of treatment info for you.....

I had my first round of IUI in end of April which I over stimulated had to wait 6 weeks for my next round!!!!!! Was such a looooooooog wait.

Second IUI started in June and I understimulated !!!!! Was so upset.

I expected the clinic to transfer me to IVF waiting list ( 1 year wait) but they said we could try one more round straight away!!!! I was so shocked!!!! I did Famera and Gonal F this time and guess what....

I AM PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are so excited

I am now 20 weeks pregnant and still in complete shock and disbelief

Hope your are both well!!!!!!!

(I am so sorry I have not told you scared and shocked that I could be so lucky)

Much love, Scotty

6 years ago

Oh my goodness Scotty that’s such amazing news!!!! I am sooo happy for you, congratulations!!!!

Wow that’s really amazing, so we’ll be having all our babies almost exactly a year apart? That is so crazy! When are you due?

How are you feeling? And do you know the gender? Is everything progressing well? I am so happy that you are finally pregnant! So hard to believe right? But it truly helps to never give up! I’m wishing you a wonderful rest of your pregnancy. Hope you have a beautiful bump and that you’ll have an amazing time.

Why’d you quit your job?

Here all is fine. Oliver is nearly 8 months now and such a delight. He is playful, can crawl backward and almost forward, says bababa dadada (no mama of course ) all day long, tries to stand and has the most heartwarming laugh. I never knew how completely in love I could be with someone until I had him. Unfortunately he is in fullblown seperation anxiety mode so that’s kind of exhausting, but we’re hanging in there. He really loves bathtime and is really into solid foods, especially mangoes and pumpkin, they’re definitely on top of the list. He a-dores animals and can’t get enough of our cats, the petting zoo and the zoo. He just stares and stares at them and tries to catch the cats, so they are scared to death of him

I am back in med school making long hours during the internships, but having lots of vacation days to make up for it so that’s great and I love combining these loves of my life (my dream to become a doctor and my family). We are in a really good place and my husband wants to start on a second baby but I told him not just yet, I want to finish med school first .

Coops how are you?

Congratulations again Scotty, I am so over the moon with your news, so happy! I can’t think of someone who deserves to be pregnant more than you!

Mom to crazy, happy, incredible Oliver Due with baby 2 this Oct

6 years ago

Hi! I am new here and also new in the matter of conceiving since this is the first time me and my fiancee are trying.
My last period started on 2/12 and my ovulation happened on 15/16 of december and we had sex on 16 but twice.
Now I am 4 DPO and in the last two days I felt very sleepy and tired and I had constant cramps but not so bad as on PMS.
Do you think it's a possibility to get pregnant from our first try?
Good luck to you all and hopefully soon we can be all proud mommies!!!

6 years ago

Hi Luna,

It’s amazing how it’s worked out hehe!!!! We are over the moon and still in shock that it’s real!!! I am due the 26th April 2018 and have lovely bump to prove it now!!!

I have had a fabulous pregnancy so far...fantastically horrid sickness until 13 weeks and some headaches which are all signs of a great pregnancy

I was going through all my treatment during the first few months in my new job and didn’t really pay attention to the owners way of working. As it’s private childcare the money is always the main reason for opening that ‘type’ of business however the ‘care’ aspect is my main concern and he didn’t agree! He was nasty to staff and me!!!! When I was 6 weeks pregnant I got really upset with his and my hubs was really concerned and told me to quit!!!! My family were VERY VERY supportive of this choice so I did and decided to have a very loooooong maternity. Financially it’s not been easy but we are getting there now.

I am so happy that Oliver is coming on so well!! I often think of you all and wonder. I really feel like we know each other. It’s been such a journey for us all together. It’s great that you have been able to continue your studies and follow your dream. I may too change career in the future after my little one is here safe!

Coops, hope your all well also!

Much love, very pregnant Scotty xoxo

6 years ago

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