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Mid Month Madness!

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Welcome :) this a group dedicated to those who test around the middle of the month!

32yrs old DH 36 TTC #1 TTC since Oct 2011 - diagnosed anovulatory Feb 2013 6th cycle clomiphene Party trick - mood swings par excellence! Located: Palmerston North, NZ User Image

1172 Replies • 10 years ago



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Surprisingly it doesn't actually hurt just not pleasant to see blood after sex.
So started my period yesterday so am on cd 2. Had a 29 day cycle so the metformin is helping to organise my cycle. 29 is better than my last which was a 46 day cycle.

Divact, So Impaitient and Maiket how are the pregnacies going? How the ms is easing off for you all.

Dogmom what cycle day are you on? How is the BF going? Hope he is feeling better.

Autumn how are things going with you?

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Bindy, so glad to hear about the 29 day period - much much better than what you started out with - remember... :-)

I had such hopes for pregnancy, I was going to love it, breeze through and best of all have that "glow". Well so far it ain't happening!!

MS has eased up a little but only because I am drinking at least one tablet of Zofran a day for the ms which in turn gave me the worst constipation of my life.
Since the weekend started with a urinary tract infection which turned out yesterday when I saw my doctor to be a kidney infection so lying in bed at home feelng really sorry for myself, and if one more person tells me that they experienced NO ms during any pregnancy and how wonderful the experience was I am going to die.
Only good thing I can say about ms is that I have lost 4kg (which is also not a great thing for Peanut) so makes me even more stressed cause am already a bad mother... Ggrrrrr

10 years ago

Makiet that's right I remember when I first started out on here I had I think it was a 90 or something along those line day cycle. I'm very happy with a 29 day cycle I'm starting to become the norm lol. I'm so sorry about the kidney infection. Dw about the weight loss. I know you think it's bad while pregnant, but I have a mate who during her whole pregnany only put on 3 kg. she lost 6kg at the beginning coz of morning sickness. And you will be happy to know she just had a very healthy baby boy 2 days ago. So try not to stress about it ok.
I hope the infection clears up very soon for you and hopefully the ms goes away soon. I have another mate who had her little boy 2 weeks ago and she had the worst ms and was put into hospital and she pass out at work it was horrible so I understand how bad it can get. I really hope ur feeling better soon.

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Thanks Bindy - that helps a lot!

10 years ago

Eeek! So sorry to hear about your lady parts, Bindy! At least it doesn't hurt!!! And very glad to hear about your 29 day cycle - that is a huge improvement!

Oh no, Makiet! It stinks that you've had such a rough time so far! Several of my friends also lost weight in the first parts of their pregnancies due to ms. Don't stress! Have you watched "What to Expect When You're Expecting"? The one woman is miserable the entire length of her pregnancy and I just know that will be me if it ever happens.

BF was finally able to come home, but still not feeling well. He's been spending quite a bit of time in bed since coming home.

I'm on CD 18 today. Had lots of watery cm this morning and then some EWCM this afternoon. No sex in over a week and I don't see any happening soon. This was my last cycle before a my due date will be an issue with the holiday rush. Oh well!

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

Sorry to hear all the tales of woe. Dogmom, I really hope your bf gets better soon, that sounds very serious. Hopefully he gets well enough to knock you up next cycle. Murphy's Law says that's the most likely month anyway since it will create problems for your work.

Bindy, that sounds painful. Preseed is a good idea. I was using Conceive Plus.

I had my first doc appointment today. Extremely casual in the UK. She didn't test my pee or blood. It was more just to organise a referral to the hospital for the 12 week appointment. She basically took the b are minimum facts, worked out my due date based on my last period using a cardboard wheel, took my blood pressure and told me I should get a book! Seriously. Didn't even get weighed. I did fill out the prescription exemption paperwork, so free dental here I come!

I bought What to expect after though -the exact type of book for which Kindle was invented. Doctor's orders.

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

Hi girls.

Poor Makiet! It will go away soon. How far along are you now?

My ms has been completely gone now for about ten days and the fatigue as well. I still get tired easily, but not like the falling-asleep-in-mid-sentence last few months. There is light at the end of the tunnel! And just remember, they say the more you get sick, the healthier the pregnancy. And sooo many women lose weight in the first trimester. It's perfectly fine as long as you stay hydrated. A good friend of mine lost 7 kilos and she was already extremely skinny. She barely put on any in the second or third trimester either because she still had so many aversions, but her baby was huge and healthy.

So impatient, sounds like your doc visit was like my first too. I was expecting them to be as excited as me and give me all this guidance and information. They only asked a few questions and told me to come back at 12 weeks for tests. I was like, uh, how can you just set me free into the world without answering my five million questions??? I need info! Oh well...dr Google is great.

Dogmom, I really hope your man gets better soon. Poor guy and how unfortunate for you. Maybe you could try the turkey baster? Lol if not, I agree still with so impatient....this means you will have to get pregnancy when you want it least. Next month or the month after. No choice. :)

Bindy, I'm happy to hear your cycle is shorter!!! That's really good news. More chances to get pregnant, but also I feel I only got pregnant because my cycle went back to normal. The month I hit 28 days again is when it happened. I remember I didn't expect it and thought I would be out that month because I got the positive opk so late. I didn't even test before because I thought I had a few more days before getting my high fertility but it was already the last day of peak!

Wendy, you still looking in? How are things?

Autumn? You there?

10 years ago

Hate typing a looong message on my phone and loosing it!!!

Anyway. Tomorrow is my birthday. Really hoped for a birthday bfp. :( BUT... At least I can drink wine tonight at my party! Yeah! Ill have a glass for each of our success stories ;). Hehe.

10 years ago

Autumn I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday for tomorrow
Enjoy ur wine

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Happy early birthday and happy boozing!!!!! :) Have fun!

10 years ago

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