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March IUI 2014

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I just wanted to start another board on March IUIs.
My first one in February failed and here's to hoping that this second one will be the charm. Can't wait to see some BFPs and some Thanksgiving babies!! If I conceive this cycle my EDD is Nov. 26th.
I'm CD2...

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486 Replies • 10 years ago



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essemkay- how long for? They never told me, they just told me when to start... do ya know?

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10 years ago • Post starter

They have me start the day after IUI or the day after IVF or the day after ovulation and continue until BFN after 14dpo or until 10 weeks pregnant.

You don't want to take progesterone before ovulation, because it can prevent it from occurring.

It also will delay AF from coming, so if I'm not pregnant on 14dpo (or 18dpo if I go for a blood test), then I stop it and it takes like 2-3 days for AF to start after that.

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

Miracle, order some softcups to use with the progesterone suppositories. It keeps everything cleaner. I wash them, sanitize in microwave, and re-use them a few times (Dove liquid dish soap works well, other soaps tend to not get all the progesterone off, it's kind of sticky). Without the soft cups you will be changing a panty liner a few times a day/night. And it gets everywhere.

I start my progesterone 4 days after IUI/ovulation. Then I'm suppose to continue 2 a day until negative beta at 14dpo. But if I get negative HPT at 13-14dpo, I usually stop them, as the beta takes a day for results to come back. AF starts a day or two after I stop progesterone. Usually two days, but last time it started the next day.

I'm also bad about taking two a day, I sometimes forget the one at night. But I'm not worried about my progesterone level as I've already proved I can maintain a pregnancy past 10 wks.

10 years ago

Essemkay and Txkadams- thanks for sharing your experiences... I have to take 2 a day as well, one in the morning and one at night. I don't know about soft cups.. never used them before so I'm a little weary... I think I'll go with the panty liner. Thanks for the heads up!

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10 years ago • Post starter

Just got back from second follicle check. My lead follicle that was 14mm on CD5 is now 20.7mm on CD7. So much for slowing down follicle growth. I so want to cry. But I work with a bunch of male engineers, so I'm putting on a brave face until I can go home. There's only one follicle this time and IUI is planned for Wed morning (CD9).

RE also said IVF probably won't work unless we are talking about donor eggs/donor embryos. Because if they can't get more than 1 egg to retrieve on an IVF-like protocol then I won't be a candidate. Again, trying not to cry.

10 years ago

I'm so sorry TX... Do you think it's time to get a second opinion??

 IAmPregnant Ticker

10 years ago

Oh txkadams, so sorry hun. Maybe Wed iui is the key and you don't have to worry. Huge hug.

Afm I know this is going to sound nuts but something does not agree with me. I broke out in pimples on my face hello I am 35 way past pimples but this morning I have 5! Was starving this morning, yet lunch no appetite, and imade meatloaf for dinner my favorites yet now I am kind nauseous. Lol what was in that sperm!

10 years ago

Texas, I hope the spots are a good sign! I had no syptoms with my first pregnancy either.

Sorry Gilly, look like we are both starting again

Txkadams, shame about the follicle but it only takes one. I'm in the same boat as you, even though I produce 2 nice follies and only had a baby two years ago. You think they'd retrieve them 1 or two at time and freeze them, then make embryos.

They say IVF is no good for me either, suggesting a donor egg. This is why I'd like to adopt. Mine you they said no baby last time and it still happened. (I'm keeping my fingers double crossed for you)

10 years ago

TXk, I agree with pabbey. Maybe if this cycle doesn't work then a second opinion is what you need. So sorry about that follie.

TXgirl: after my first iui I was all over the place with emotions and weird symptom-like things. I found out later it's just me going nuts. LOL Hopefully it's a sign for you!

AFM I keep having a stabbing pain in the right side of my abdomen area. It woke me up last night. I've had it for three days now and it pops up at random times. Read it could be endometriosis flaring up so I'm hoping it didn't affect ovulation and implantation this month. Blah!

Happy April Fools Day!! I started an April thread. Not sure if I did it right but the link is below.

10 years ago

TXkadams- I'm so sorry sweetie... did they tell you why this is happening? Have you tried acupuncture?? If not, you may want to try it out... it's supposed to help.. In my experience my FSH level was on the high side 3 months ago (14) and last month and this month it's gone down to 6.8... not sure if it's the acupuncture or the fact that now I'm taking thyroid medicine and it balanced me out.. but I would give it a try... have they also checked your thyroid? It may be messing up with your hormones if your thyroid is off. Thinking of you!!

Red- what DPO are you? Maybe stabbing pain is implantation pain??

Texas- LOL! What WAS in that sperm??????

So to follow with essemkays abbreviation, I wish us all to be PWAD*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love to all!!!

*Pregnant Without A Doubt

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10 years ago • Post starter

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