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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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I need to fire my computer up to keep up with you wonderful ladies. Too hard on my cell phone :( love to all of you!

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10 years ago

cam--way to go! awesome job on your test!

SMH--I hate posting from anything other than my computer but usually I post from my iPad.

10 years ago

1stTTC wow I don't know how I would respond to strangers coming up and giving me pregnancy-related attention! All I can say is GOD HELP THEM if they try to rub my belly when the time comes. Fortunately I am a very physically imposing woman so people are afraid of me generally. ;) Do you like getting those kind of questions?

michgurl don't worry if you have to add progesterone next month, yes it sucks but it'll be a relief to know that you have enough progesterone in there! I will likely have to add estrogen next month so we can be nightmarishly cranky together :)

bluerose the good news is hopefully this indicates a fun new trend where you'll have awesome LPs and easy to read charts! I sense you will get a BFP within the next few months if not this month.

lawbride wow you are ambitious! I like it :) Shopping for baby must be amazing. That is one of those things I think we all look forward to! My BM situation is okay, generally I can get a good amount out which is great. How about you? ;)

Cam yay for a good test! GL studying for Wednesday! Microbiology sounds hard too!

SMH the forums on a phone are impossible! I can barely google search on a phone LOL!

AFM not much going on, I've been getting crankier the last couple of days I suppose. I am sure AF is on the way probably in 6 days. Looking forward to next cycle though, I'll be on a new med (Femara 2.5 mg) and hopefully on FP estrogen!

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: I am excited for you to take the femara. I think it will do wonders for you! Wonders = BFP! It also has a lesser rate of twins than clomid.

@law: yay for baby shopping. I've only put Rella in a onesie once. The rest of the time it's one piece long sleeve / long pants pjs or shirt and pants. I try to stay with zipper items over snap items.

@cam: great news in your test. Good luck on the next one.

@jlhart: I hope it's not too hard getting back in the swing of things after being in Miami.

@admedic: hey!! How are you feeling? I think the mothers milk tea helped me some. :)

@1stTTC: I am super jealous of your weight. I think I was up 30 lbs by 15 weeks. lol.

@blue: get AF or BFP yet? Or did you say and I missed it?

@mich: if it weren't for supplemental progesterone I would not have my sweet sweet Rella.

@amag: I am so friggen excited for you!! I cannot wait to hear the good news!!! Eeeeek!! We are all pulling for you!

Afm: posting using only my left hand from my phone. Takes forever but so dies Rella when she nurses so it worked out. Sorry if I missed anyone.

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10 years ago

Smh--is there a reason you gravitate towards those items? I figure it's going to be really hot once she's born. That's my thinking about it.

Luv-what makes you think You're out? It's still really early! I'm hoping you're not. I don't poop much these days :( it's totally not fun.

AFM--not much new going on. Just trying to get through the weeks. Counting down the days until I'm done--48 left :) I should be home in 50!

10 years ago

@law: The weather plays a huge part in what I dress her in when I take her out if the house but even in doors I keep her in long sleeves. In the summer I'll do the same since we have a/c and the house will be the same temp it is now. And since she likes to pee when her diaper is off I have to take her clothes completely off to ensure they don't get wet so I don't like putting her in onsies because putting things over her head is a pain. If she wasn't our little water feature may feel different about onesies.

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10 years ago

SMH thanks! Yeah I do NOT want twins. This whole TTC experience has totally and completely soured me on the idea of having more than one child!

lawbride I am 99% out this month because my lining was only 4.5 mm on ovulation day. Not nearly good enough.

AFM 11 DPO and already cranky, this is gonna be a long week. :-/

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi all you lovely ladies.

1stt: Wow time surely does fly by. I am soo happy that your pregnancy is progressing on track. You must be well into the second trimester if you can feel the movements of your little one. This time is so precious, enjoy every minute.

Amag: You surely have come leaps and bounds to get your BFP. I know it's been a realy hard and emotional road for you. You're in the home stretch now Hun. I am sending all the good vibes I can get your way for your blood test. I agree with Law, focus on the fact that you've done all the hard stuff already. I am confident that you'll get your BFP.

Law: Wow you're a law machine lady. Getting all that work done while preggo. I remember when I finished my 4 years at uni. I did a countdown of the days left. Singing the sone. Another one bites the dust. GL at your allergy and ob app.

Luvto: Lady, lady, lady. Where do I even begin. You are stronger than what you think. I am sooo praying that this is it for you. If not hopefully the change in mess will do the trick. How many more cycles before you move onto the next treatments? Will you wait to miss AF before you test? Hopefully with the season changing you'll get back into your walking regime.

Mich: Sorry about the bfn. Have you missed AF yet? Sometimes it takes longer for the hcg hormone to be picked up in your unrine. My friend was 12 weeks preggers and dr kept doing urine tests wich will come out bfn. Untill she had such bad nausea and vomiting that she ended up in ER and they did ultrasound. With your irregular AF it is at all possible that you O later. Hopefully you'll get some answers ASAP. Glad your back is better. I bought a TENS machine and it works a treat for my back pain.

Blue: Sorry about your bfn. Any news on AF? Wonder what's going on? Either way it's not nice not knowing what's happening. Fx

Cam: Hey super woman. I am so proud of your positivity and you continuing in your studies. I am so glad that your last test was such a huge success. It's nice having that feeling after a test that you just know that you've nailed it.

Smh: Hey there Hun. Thnx for sticking around. Ahh poor little baby. To have pinkeye?? Hopefully it passes quickly. I've heard that you add one layer of clothing to the baby when dressing them. Glad things are settling in perfectly. How's your milk supply now after taking that supplement?

Holly: Welcome back home. Wish I could go to Europe for work or holiday. Hope you recover quickly from the jet lag.
Sorry if I missed anyone. Trying to go back a page but it's not loading.

Afm: I have been on a very long roller coaster the last 2 months. I've been to my obs more in the last 2 months then in my entire adult life. I had a 69 day cycle with no BFP or AF. Made me very ill. Had all the symptoms of a BFP but not. My body went into shutdown mode where my fertility were concerned. I developed an infection due to the long cycle. Had to take 4 tablets for that at once, then had to wait 24 hours to start hormone tablets 3 times a day for ten days to kick start my cycle. I finished taking them last week and got spotting and AF after. AF lasted for a massive amount of days. I am on my first round of clomid. Took 50mg from cd5-9 then most likely O cd12. We have to bd on cd 10,12,14,16. It is soo weird to O so early. I normally only get a pos ops on cd20/21. This will give me a very long LP which is awesome. I have done some research and am soo excited with the possibilities of twins. My dh got so excited because he noticed that my AF was gone. I was so afraid of testing and getting bfn. So I did not go to the doc until AF was 2 weeks late.
I am just soo excited with the plan for this month.

Work wise, I had to resign because I ended up in a very bad dark place. I am not working at the moment. Just being a housewife, and my dh loves it.

Have a nice day ladies.

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10 years ago

@ luvtowalkfast- Sorry you are in a bad mood :( If this cycle truly doesn't work out for you. I hope the new med works for you!

@ So_much_hope- Neither. No BFP and No af.

@Camasia - Glad to hear you are happy with your test. And good luck with the next one!

@Nicolene12 - Oh goodness! That sounds like a horrible experience. I am so sorry you had to go through that!

And here we are at 18 dpo. Temp went up slightly from yesterday. Still some cramps I believe. And no af. However, it is only 8 am. Tests still negative and I am running out haha. My sister, cousin and I are taking my son to the winter fair today. And then I work a bunch of night shifts.

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10 years ago

SMH--ahh, i see. I guess i'll likely play it by ear then. I guess I don't imagine using those sleeper things much because you have to take their legs out and it's more work than undoing a few snaps. I really like creepers--like this

Luv--I see. Well, I'll hold out hope for you! :)

Nico--I'm doing my best. Just trying to get through at the moment.

Blue--is there any way your dates could be off?

10 years ago

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