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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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@Holly: Did you test today? FX you got a bfp!!

@lawbride: Wow! Spendy!!! I am praying you don't have to shell out the extra $$ to do the iui!! With your dh's good SA you shoudn't need to I wouldn't think. Yay for getting the follistim upped!! Woohoo!! That is what I like to hear!

@JLHart: So sorry you are still busy! But super excited you are taking Friday off. Perfect to recover after Halloween! Baby girl is doing great :) Thanks for asking. She moves the most in the morning so the afternoons and evenings are kind of a bummer for me. Lets me get work done though because when she is moving I love to have my hand on my belly to feel her on the inside and outside. I wish I looked forward to working out like you!

@bluerose: I am so sorry about the bfn and about the emotions that must be tormenting you with the arrival of your friends baby. I was in a similar situation this last summer and though I was happy for her I was torn apart inside. I am praying you just have a late blooming bfp!

@1stTTC: 5 DPO is waaaaaaaay too early to be out but I remember the feeling all too well. Keep some hope girlie! It could still happen! And creamy cm is a great indicator that you O'd! Sounds good so far!

@luv: Great outlook! "this time next year I'll be pregnant". But I truly think for you, this time next year you'll have a baby :) Grilled fish sounded great until some idiot microwaved salmon at work today. I almost tossed my cookies as I yelled at him... Constipation is a GREAT sign! I hope it means bfp!! I was SUPER constipated when I got my bfp!! Doing a happy dance for you!

AFM: Just plugging away and trying to keep my head above water.. trying to figure out how I'm gonna get it all done....... (mostly work).

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10 years ago

Okay so I am a bit perturbed at the moment, not a basketcase like yesterday but tonight one of the women in my fitness class was talking about her terrible fertility problems (4 years of trying, tons of failed IUI and IVF), and I mentioned that I was getting IUI soon. She was like "DO NOT TAKE CLOMID IT WILL SCREW YOU UP SO BAD," and went on and on about how awful it is and all these apocalyptic scenarios. I kind of take it with a grain of salt though because there is no way it's a disaster for everyone. My husband and I don't have too bad of issues but she seems to think that I should be doing monitored cycles and injectables and driving to and from a clinic 90 minutes away to get all this done...someone please tell me she was just projecting her issues onto me! :-/

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: She was most DEFINITELY projecting on to you. Clomid has helped hundreds of thousands of women get pregnant over the years and there is no reason it won't work for you!! I have a feeling the woman in your class has some major issues going on and feels like he is doing you a favor by warning you but I don't think you have anything to worry about!! I'm so sorry you were subject to that tonight. That was the very last thing you needed! ((HUGS))

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10 years ago

Luv--I'm not sure what sorts of things she thinks could go so horribly wrong. I took it and while it didn't help me it certainly didn't make things any worse. I know that it shortened my cycle so I assume it made me O. She's probably trying to help but doesn't realize that her situation is probably unique. I love salmon! Yum!

SMH--I'm quite excited. It's a bummer my appt is so far away though.

Well, I ruined my computer tonight. Tried to download maverick--the new operating system for macs--and it wigged out and won't turn on now :( taking it to The apple store tomorrow.

10 years ago

@ luvtowalkfast - I agree. She is frustrated. It didn't work out for her so like most people likely would, she blames it all on the drug. However, just because something doesn't work for someone doesn't mean it doesn't work for everyone. If this was such a hopeless/dangerous drug it would be discontinued.

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10 years ago

SMH thanks! I know several of the girls on these boards say Clomid saved their lives basically, actually I haven't read anything that bad about Clomid so I was like WHOA when this girl was so adamant. I am glad I'm not just in denial though and that you agree with me :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--definitely not just your interpretation. How was the salmon?

10 years ago

Ooh more girls posted while I was posting haha :)

lawbride thanks! Definitely her situation is unique, she is very obese and I'm guessing she may have PCOS as well as male factor infertility (she said her husband was also an issue), I don't have those issues and my husband is just low-normal. Thanks again for being so sweet :) And the salmon was awesome! We got it frozen at Sam's Club in a big bag and it's actually a good deal!

bluerose thanks also to you for responding! I had the same thoughts that if Clomid was that dangerous and that most people had problems that it would be banned. I actually said that to her and she gave me a look like I was fooling myself! Huh.

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--was it seasoned already or plain/frozen raw? I love salmon so so much--I eat it at least 4 times a week. Don't worry about treatment--just do it. Right?! That's what we have to do--one foot in front of the other--take treatment as it comes

10 years ago

lawbride I agree one step at a time! I will worry about Clomid side effects if they happen to me, it's gotta be less than 10% that have bad effects! The salmon was plain and we just pan-cooked it with a teeny bit of butter, next time I might do a cilantro lime thing!

10 years ago • Post starter

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