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January 2018 Babies!!

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Hi everyone, I don't believe i have seen any threads for January 2018 babies yet so i thought i would start. I am CD 3 and if i conceive this month i will be due on or about 6th January 2018. It's been a year and a half trying and one miscarriage. Hubby lives in another country so i am timing this for when i see him for Easter. I am on clomid this month plus some other supplements - I must say i feel like a science project now. I just really want this to work out this month. Trying to stay positive and hoping for the best. Supposed to ovulate between the 13th and 18th of April. Fingers crossed.

Best of luck to all of you trying to conceive this month!!

581 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hi Ladies!
@ginsue, so sorry to hear that showed up! Hope you are doing well and keep positive, next month wil bring you !

@sm12 how are you? Any new symptoms? Sending you lods lods When are you thinking to test again?

As for me, im 6 dpo, have a bit feeling like af is coming, strange that its so early, but with this cycle anything can happen. And my bbt done massive dip this morning, went from 98.34 yesterday to 97.23 this morning...ahh hope its not showing up early! Its shouldnt be here on till next weekend!

Lods lods baby dust to all ladies! Lets be positive

7 years ago

@ginsue: dam that lots of luck next time!!
@nikolina i hope its not the !! wishing you a nice instead

Im on dpo11 on a 26-28 day cycle, so the witch is due today or friday. Been naucious, but that could be all the anxiety and the negative poas. Getting some cramps and hot flushes too .. dont know what going in. 1 min im convinced i will have a the next im gutted cause im sure ill be seeing another with its mate the

I only get one month to ttc so the pressure is driving me crazy!!! Urggh .. im so hoping for a also hoping i sont be insane by then lol

7 years ago

@nikolina I hope it's not coming for you! I've been really tired lately and been having weird dreams. Don't know if that means anything lol. I had a dream last night that was so vivid and real that I got a and I was so excited! I was so disappointed it was just a dream when I woke up lol.

I'm on 9dpo and I haven't stopped testing since I started lol. Tested yesterday and I thought it might have been a positive but it was an evap line. Tested this morning and got a Staying positive and praying we all get our soon!! What about you? Did you cave like me and start testing like crazy??

7 years ago

Hi Ladies!
@Nessy, when are u thinking of testing? its !

@sm12 lol, yea I did test today just 6dpo and as I expected it was , wich is ok, I didnt expect anything else lol just love watching those lil pee sticks I will hold now on till friday evening now, I gona be 8dpo, but hope todays bbt dip didnt mean af showing up early! Vivid dreams are promising, I had them all way true pregnancy with my son, I could make a movie out of it, so vivid that some days I had to think was it true or dream! I had one few days ago, about my son missing from my room, lol, he even dont sleep in our room, but I felt like he had to be there and he wasnt, I woke up and ran downstairs, the light was on cos my hubby was watching movie, I stopped on the stairs and realized it was dream, went back to bed, didnt wanted freek my hubby out lol lol
So sorry to hear about bfn, but its still v early hun, and I hope that next few days those bfn will turn in to

7 years ago

Hello ladies!!! I haven't commented much lately but I keep up with the thread.

I'm 8dpo, this time around I'm not symptom spotting as much, but I've had cramps/pressure since 6dpo. Cramps this early on are unusual for me, so it's getting my hopes up. Also my boobs are tender/sore all over, I usually get the underarms and sides, keeping my fingers crossed.

Dreaming about that and fearing another takes a toll on me. I'm glad this group thread exists, keeps me on my toes.

7 years ago

Thanks nikolina! Better luck next time.

Just glad my cycle went from a 40 day last time to a 30 day this time so the acupuncture must have worked. It will be easier to monitor and predict O and AF next time now.

Best of luck to you all with your BFPs!

7 years ago

@eloiseinba lots of luck this cyclr, hope you get ur soon :)
I so agree that it takes its toll. Ive been wound up so tight and ive tried to remind myself that if i am preg than that isnt going to be good for baby. Its hard.

@nikolina123 - i think ill test tomorrow. Ita funny tou mention dreams, i had a dream about 2 months ago that i was at home and i thought my eldest son was walking to me but then realised it was my daughter (who isnt here yet) and then i askes her if she wanted me to do her hair nice for school phots, in the dream im panicing because i realise ive never done girls hair before lol

Ive made my peace with ttc though , is going to sound weird but i talked to my little girl who may or may not be and told her that "now was the time to come if shes ready and i will be the best mummy i can be to her but if shes not ready thats ok and she can find a new mummy and be happy. " im not really a spiritual person but im ok with it all now.

@truth dont worry about symptoms, i didnt feel anything with my 2 boys untill about 5 -6 weeks. I only tested with ds2 because i had planned to go out and probably drink , si went to a public toilet and tested and bamm there was no drinking that night lol

So the hasnt made her presence known yet so maybe just maybe im still in. Yesterday i bought i big box of tampons and poas lol just incase. The aint going to catch me unprepared lol Will test tomorrow at 13dpo. Im still naucious .. i was never naucious this early with my boys. Im convinced its the stress of it all. Who knows lol

Glad im not the only one testung friday, good luck to us

7 years ago

@nikolina omg that is so crazy! I'm glad I'm not the only one. It's comforting to hear you had vivid dreams with your son.

@eloiseinba hang in there! hopefully we will all get the this cycle!

7 years ago

Hey ladies!!
I haven't been around in a while, but have tried to keep up.
I'm 10dpo today and got a beautiful BFP! I've been pregnant twice before (both m/c) and didn't get a BFP this early either time! I'm hopeful this one will be healthy all 9months!!!
Baby dust to you all and keep your spirits up! It will happen!

7 years ago

Hi ladies,

@jennib - congratulations dear... Wish you a

@nikolina - that's so cool that u had a baby Dream ... .. hope this is the bfp cycle for you ..

@sm - I am also with you .. I have been testing from 8dpo and still all

I am 11dpo and tested this morning but got bfn .. feeling very sad ..
I have all the symptoms .. tender breasts, frequently peeing , very wet cm and unnaturally tired ... Last cycle when I was prego I got bfp on 10dpo .. so feeling quite down..

@nessy - I hope you get a this month .. lots of

@eloiseinba - hope your positive dream comes true ..

I am so thankful to all the ladies here ... You'll are the reason I haven't broken down yet ...

7 years ago

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