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10 DPO (I think) and NEED some one to talk to.

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Hi ladies! I am tired of the stalker folk not replying to my comments or topics. :(

I want to find a nice lady who is online daily and is in her tww.

For once let us close a forum with an update!!! I find more often than not a woman starts listing her symptoms and bfns but NEVER updates the forum with the outcome. D:

I'm tired. Lol

So, if you're in the same boat that I am - please respond! I'm on daily and I am currently suffering from horrible line eyes!!

578 Replies • 10 years ago



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No luck! AF started today. Bummer. Tried pre seed this month, cut caffeine tremendously, increased water intake, and increased fruits and vegetables. I use opk but don't temp... I find temping stressful. I know it's accurate, but just don't like doing it. Any tips for this next cycle? I know our time will come.

9 years ago

Oh ga I'm so sorry. I'm glad you're staying positive. I actually gave up on OPKs and I'm only temping this month.

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

9 years ago

I don't know what to do mrs AC. I temped one month but just found the task daunting. I seem to get my positive opk then start my cycle 14 days later, both last month and this month. So I believe my luteal phase is unchanged. Only month 2 of trying after 2 month break post mc. I really don't think there is anything more I can do except not over think it or worry. What CD are you Mrs AC?

9 years ago

I'm on CD 15 haven't had a significant temp drop so I'm not sure I've ovulated yet. I usually O on cd 14 but my last cycle was 33 days which is very unusual for me. I always have a 28 day cycle. Ugh. This is all so frustrating.

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

9 years ago

Mrs AC, hopefully you have better luck than me this month! I'm still staying positive but very frustrated. Keep me posted!

9 years ago

I hated when my cycle wouldn't be the usual amount of days! It always got my hopes up. Ughhh -_-

Temping was also too daunting for me. I didn't use opks either. I mostly went off of cm, worked well for me.

Update on me: Had my baby girl on the 17th after 44 hours of labor! Once I was at 10cm it took 15 mins to push her out! Lol she was 7lbs 14oz. My successful vba2c!!!!! Born at 4:31am. I can't believe I actually did it! A vaginal birth is BY FAR more enjoyable than a csection. Not to mention the recovery is way more manageable. ;)

I'm keeping my fingers x'd for you, ladies. I hope all is well and I'm sorry I'm sort of a ghost now-a-days. Just know that you have me on your prayer team! :D

9 years ago • Post starter

Jorie I am so excited that you got to give birth naturally. It is such an amazing experience, and the mother, 'baby bonding time happens just seconds after birth. So happy for you and your family.

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9 years ago

Congrats Jorie!

9 years ago

Hi everyone. It's been really quiet in here for awhile. Just wanted to wish everyone a great relaxing summer and good luck and baby dust.

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9 years ago

Thanks lele! Today I am 8 dpo. Will probably take my first test at 12 dpo. Hubby's bday is this week, would love to have good news to share with him for his bday! Regardless, I'm staying hopeful and trying to relax through this process. How are you doing?

How are the rest of you ladies doing?

9 years ago

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