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Where are you Aussie gals?

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Where are you all? I am hoping I am not the only one!!!
Here to share and support our ttc journey.
I am Queenslander who moved to NSW. Lol who does that?
Ttc num. 3 for a year now! I am 10 dpo waiting for the witch.Waving to you all.

687 Replies • 10 years ago



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Well all i'm gunna say is evaps are very fucking cruel ! BFN this morning

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

I'm sorry Tracey. BFN for me too but still no AF or even spotting. It's just cruel.

10 years ago

gosh. You have all done so well being superwomen!
Anyone want to add me on facebook? your welcome too.Look up Keira Lei Hewson. hope the wait isnt too much longer. I had uncomfortable o pains yesturday sore back too. glad it was just a day. catch you all soonish

10 years ago • Post starter

Spotting has started :(

Onward n upward !
I'm gunna kick the ass outta this TTC !!!!!! And make this the one !!!

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

that's the spirit Tracey

10 years ago

Hi all :-) Long post coming!

Hope some of you still have a chance & truly sorry to the ones who have to try again.

Also sorry for the ones who feel like giving up - unfortunately we've all been there! I think I'd have given up years ago if I wasn't so stubborn (oh & wanting another baby so bad) :-)

Just a little bit of what I'm currently going through (I guess to share some of the stress we all feel ttc & how there's times we all feel like giving up. Oh & so you all know my story a little better):

I've had a rough couple of months with a lot of things going on & hubby has been so distracted that I feel like we're strangers but I still can't give up. I think I'd have to be bitch-slapped by menopause before I'd consider it too late to keep trying. Saying all that though I really do feel time slipping (or running at full speed) away sometimes - 38 isn't an ideal age to be ttc!

I've been really moody (depressed even) lately as I feel like everything has gotten on top of me and I haven't been coping well. Also feel a bit disappointed as I sometimes feel that hubby has given up on having another baby (either that or he's just bored with me). He has barely even spoken to me for a couple of months now and definitely no effort on the ttc side. I know he's been preoccupied with other things but I have been feeling particularly neglected and emotional :-(

On top of all that our 4 year old daughter has started preschool recently and we have had quite a few adjustment issues. She's acting out in ways I've never seen before. There's heaps of tension in the house (which is fairly unusual) & we're all avoiding each other (for want of a better phrase) just to keep the peace.

I try to stay positive and on top of everything but sometimes it's just so hard. Guess what I'm trying to say (again) is that ups & downs are just a part of the whole process and I feel like I've taken years to even realise that.

I often wonder if we will ever have another baby, or the fantastic relationship that we once had before all this ttc part of our lives took over :-/ Feel like we've been at it forever! We did start trying about 15 years ago though (took a couple of years break after our first was born, had a terrible c-section and pnd) so any wonder it feels like forever.

Sadly, even for those of us who have been trying for years, I'm sorry to say it doesn't get easier with time but it really does help to have a great support network where we all understand.

Sometimes it really helps just to vent or voice your feelings (like my long winded ranting has just done) to get it all off your chest. We all come from different backgrounds and situations but we all have the same goal :-) Wishing you all the very best of luck :-)

10 years ago

Hey ladies well my lovely AF decided to rear her head last night suppose suprisal for me! I couldn't believe it! My lovely other half was looking at me as if I was possessed due to the fact that I only get her once every four months; I was jumping up and down like a lunatic haha!!

So it's back to TTC for this month! :) xxx

Me- 29 DH- 28 TTC- 2011 M/C 1- 9/12/2013 @ 6W2D DD (Ava) Due: 7/01/2016; arrived 28/12/2015

10 years ago

Wow Tamika are your cycles getting more regular?
I am glad i can vent to my mum and you all.I seem to be getting worse with picking men I am sick of men who need a mum/ teacher/sargent officer lol. My ttc journey is back to the pill. Hope i meet someone great oneday.
How are you holding up with not testing Jodi?
A miracle couldnt hurt for us all!

10 years ago • Post starter

Tracey good for you having such a positive attitude about next month, I hope this is the cycle for you. It's lovely how you support and encourage Joanne too, btw. :)
Keiralei sadly I started spotting tonight after a bfn today.
Tamika good luck for this cycle too. X

Mel I totally hear you. I hate what ttc has done to me, I feel depressed and disappointed most of the time. My hubby is happy to keep trying if I want to but he isn't or wasn't as desperate as I was to have another child. I feel like if I give up now then what do I have to show for a wasted nearly 4 years? I feel cheated out of that time with my daughter, and with my husband. I'm really in limbo at the moment. I wish I could be as determined as you to keep trying, I feel like its time to let it go.

10 years ago

Good morning afternoon ladies.

Tamika I'm glad your AF showed so you can start a whole new cycle!!!

Tracey sorry about the bfn there's nothing crueler then seeing a line one day and having it disappear the next!!! You sound as though your handling it amazingly well though and I hope your next cycle is the one!! It must be great having an axing woman who's going through the same situTion as yourself living right next door!!!

Mel and Jodie it saddens me that you're both down in the dumps at the moment I can't imagine what you're going through as I haven't been at this ttc thing for as long as you guys. I don't even know what to say really because nothing anyone says is going to make you feel better but I do hope you guys can find it in you to keep on trying....,,

10 years ago

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