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40 and TTC # 2 after 19 yrs

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Hello Ladies,
I am 40 and DH is 50. We are trying to conceive our first together. I had a TR in August of 2013 and we stated trying in November 2013. I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

709 Replies • 11 years ago



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Good morning, ladies. I try to check in every so often to see how everyone is doing. It's so exciting to see Bella's & rebecca's BFPs! I know rebecca's journey has been a long one and my own, while not as long as some, wasn't exactly short either (2 years of trying & 2 miscarriages) so there is indeed hope after 40 even if the road is sometimes a long & trying one. God, who loves us, is in control!

AFM, the quad screen came back great (the initial screen put us at high risk of downs syndrome); we found out we're having another boy & I passed the 1-hour glucose test. I'm 29 weeks today & am starting the countdown to delivery, which will be by c-section on 4/15 (our small rural hospital doesn't have the staffing required to do vbacs).

Stay strong ladies. You're in my thoughts and prayers even if I don't frequently post.

10 years ago

ctymom - oh & I meant to mention that maybe February is just your month. I think some people might just have certain times of the year that they're more fertile. I've conceived 4 times & every single time is was late June or July. So here's hoping this is your month!

10 years ago

KDdid21: I'm so happy to hear from you. I'm glad everything is going well with your preg. Thanks for posting. It seems like two weeks ago you got your bfp. Wow how time flys. And thanks for the encouragement. Keep us posted.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies

Update: Ok.... I thought I'd missed my surge because I was only testing once a day.....I have been having mild cramps and ewcm for approximately 4 days. This is my third cycle on soy isoflavone and I have ovulated on cd12 for the last two cycles. I assumed this cycle was the same. However, I had a huge amount of ewcm around noon today so I decided to take another opk and the test line was darker than the control line. Yay!!!!! I didn't miss it. Dh and I have been bding every other day so we will bd tonight and I will probably sleep with the soft cup in until the a.m. hopefully I will ovulate during the night and get my dip in the morning. Fx and lots of prayer that we catch the egg.

Have a great night ladies.

10 years ago • Post starter

@Zuberi Unfortunately, AF came and I'm not on cd5. But that's ok. I had my IUD out end of Oct and it's probably good that I got a couple good AF's in. So hopefully this is the month. Thanks for asking. Good luck with your TWW! FX'd!!

@KDdid21 ... hopefully that's true and this is the month. I really dont want to go the route of needing medical intervention. My AF is normal so I dont see why things wont go naturally. Good luck to you for a happy, healthy baby boy!

AFM.... i'm at cd5 waiting for O. Looks like I have shorter cycles. I've never kept track in my life. All I know is that my AF only last 2-3 days and I've had an easy time of it. So my cycles are probably around 25-27 days.

10 years ago

Hi ladies. I'm just waiting to get this ultrasound tomorrow morning behind us. I'm afraid it will be bad news, but I have to face whatever they tell us. Morning sickness hit me hard last week. I've been struggling to get it under control, but now I worry that I'm not sick enough. I can't tell if I've just gotten a grip on how to handle the morning sickness (eat bland food like oatmeal as soon as I get up, then eat a little something every 2 hrs after that) or if my symptoms are going away. I'm afraid I'll go in tomorrow and they won't see a heartbeat or a baby.

I know God loves me and all of our children, and I know we are commanded to pray and not worry, but praying and knowing God's love hasn't saved my other 5 babies. I don't doubt God, I just know that believing in him doesn't always keep bad things from happening.

Please pray for the Lord to give me strength to get through tomorrow. If my baby is alive and healthy, I will feel the most blessed of women.

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10 years ago

Rebecca - Praying for you Rebecca! I pray as you've asked that God will give you strength to help you get through tomorrow and that you're baby will be healthy and you'll be able to hear the heartbeat. And that tomorrow will be one of the MOST blessed days of your life!

No matter what happens tomorrow, God's grace is sufficient to get you through anything. He will not give you more than you can bear.

Philippians 4:6 (KJV)
6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

I just had my blood draw, today to check my HCG levels. My test line yesterday went dark/vivid right away as I was placing the test strip on the counter so I'm hoping that will mean good HCG levels.

Our spiritual enemy wants us to always feel discouraged or defeated so he puts negative thoughts in our head to make us doubt God's goodness and sovereignty.

He's tried to instill fear in me that my HCG levels might not be high enough or fear of MC or chemical pg or for possible defects because of my age.

I tried to renounce these negative thoughts with God's words and promises or else I would just end up living in fear, not trusting God instead of enjoying this pregnancy He's blessed me with.

I copied this from wiki how about how to live in the moment. BE THANKFUL FOR WHAT IT IS. When you find yourself wishing for something you don't have, or wishing your life would be different, start your quest for your wish by being thankful for what is already in your life.

This will bring you back to the present moment. Make a list of what you are thankful for right now, even if all you can think of is that you are alive and can breathe.

You don't want to miss the gifts right in front of you, because you are always looking beyond what is in the present moment to what once was or what might be. If you are thankful for what is, you'll be happy to be in the moment instead of dreaming about being happy someplace else.

Take care Rebecca! God knows the big picture! And we know that He's working ALL things for good for those who love Him so we can be conformed into His Son's image and to be partakers of His holiness. Please Read Romans 8.


10 years ago

Bella - thank you so much for the kind words and Scripture. I truly appreciate the reminders of how the devil loves to steal our joy, and that God always wants what's best for us.

Our appointment this morning was tense, but good. Being nervous spiked my morning sickness, but I managed not to throw up on anyone, although I'm sure I was a lovely green most of the time! We saw the baby and the heartbeat, which was 130 bpm. They said that was in the normal range and everything looked great.

They said I was 7wks 2 days, which I don't understand since I'm calculated as only being 6wks 5 days, but I guess it's not much of a difference.

I have many things I have to do today, so I'll try to get back on tonight and put the ultrasound picture on.

Thanks for the prayers.

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10 years ago

Good morning ladies
Bella: Thanks for the post. I needed that too. You are such a blessing. When do you go in for your first appointment?

Rebecca: I'm happy every thing went well for you guys. Remember we are all praying for you.

Afm: I am 2dpo. I started my pineapple core last night. I will start my benadryl tommorow.

I pray you guys have a great day.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hello Everyone!

Rebecca - thanks for the update on your wonderful ultrasound! Wow! How exciting it must have been to see your baby and hear the heart! God is so good! I have 2-3 weeks to go for my U/S. Just for FYI: My fertility acupuncturist wants me to be extra careful with my pregnancy because of risks due to my age so he recommended for me and my husband to abtain from sex during the first 12 weeks. My husband wants our baby safe so he's willing to follow this protocol.
ZUBERI- you're welcome! You've been a blessing to us all also! Praying for a BFP for you this cycle. Just FYI - I just read about soy isoflavones on and they have a lot concerns about people TTC with this product. I try to avoid ALL soy products especially with pregnancy.
KED - thanks for the congrats and sharing in our joy! Praying for a BFP for you on your new cycle!
KDdid2 - thanks for your wonderful updates! So happy for you that the quad screen came back great! I'll need to research about this Congrats on your baby boy!! I'm praying for a boy also since I already have a daughter who is having a baby girl (she lives in Austria) due April 2nd.

AFM -Got a refill of progesterone cream to avoid MC. ND dr told me to avoid seafood (mercury) and sugar because it lowers our immune system.
HCG - 590 (I was about 2-3 weeks pregnant)
TSH - 2.1 normal range
Progesterone 15 (was 5 a year ago)
Had another blood draw last Wednesday to see if my HCG levels doubled up but haven't gotten back the results yet.

Praise God! I found a good OB GYN close to our home who is accepting new patients! The first clinic I called yesterday which have about 10 OBGYNs wasn't accepting new patients. I was shocked and a little discouraged. But I think I found a better doctor today. LESSON: See an OBGYN for preconception care so you'll one already when you get a BFP.

My first OB GYN apt is on Feb. 18th which will be about my 7th week so I'm hoping she can do an ultrasound for me right in her clinic. I'm also seeing a naturopath/OB dr who is also a midwife on Tuesday so I can learn the holistic side of OB.

HELPFUL TIP TO RELIEVE NAUSEA I GOT FROM MY ND that has been working for me:
Fresh ginger tea (not the tea bag) - slices of fresh ginger in boiled in filtered water for 10-20 mins. Or tape a slice of ginger on your wrist.

Stay strong, be encouraged (esp. in God's Word) and keep the faith.

Miracles happen when we least expect it!

10 years ago

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