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Current 11dpo looking for fellow first timers for support

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Hi all, we have been TTC our first for 6 months now and I have been on these boards reading almost every single day, this process has now gotten so obsessive to me my DH is tired of me over analyzing everything only to be let down with a BFN every single month.

I'm 11dpo now, AF is due on Saturday (5/14) and I have taken probably 6 internet cheapies since 9dpo and I keep getting BFN. Every month I feel like I get the symptoms, then just chalk them up to AF time. This month has been a bit different:

0-7dpo: Not much change, I just noticed I was VERY gassy (like I am during AF) and bloated
8dpo: breasts got very tender and I was woken up to cramps during the night.
9dpo: breasts still tender, starting to get noticeable veins, mild cramps on and off again waking me up in the night. BFN (tested today because of Mother's Day, thought it would be a sign and a welcome surprise)
10dpo: Still bloated/gassy, breast tenderness goes down, veins disappearing, thick CM appears BFN
11dpo: Today - breasts only sore to the touch. Still bloated and gassy. No hints of anything else.

I am one who has VERY painful cramps at AF time and never thought I really cramped beforehand, the last few months I've gotten these mild cramps a couple of days early which then led to AF, but this time they were a full 7 days before AF which has never happened and I feel this is making me obsess even more.

I hope you ladies accept me into the community! I just know and hope having some support will help ease my mind and if another BFN pops up I know I will need the help to get through it and start from scratch again :(

713 Replies • 8 years ago



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That sucks babybump! I love the attitude though- just power through! lol

I am trying to not be hopeful, but it's hard not to. At least the tww wasn't so bad this time around with travelling and the start of the semester keeping me busy. Fingers crossed for something faint tomm morning!

7 years ago

twwtoolong praying you get that bfp!!!!

7 years ago

Fingers crossed for you, twwtoolong!!

babybump, you are a rockstar! Soon you'll look back and think, "this was soooooo worth it!!!"

7 years ago

Good Morning,

How is everyone this morning?

Twwtoolong I hope you see that second line this morning :-)
Sarah- good luck today for second blood draw.
Babybump- how did the shot go last night?

AFM, I had my second US yesterday and had fewer follicles than Sunday but hoping to see an increase tomorrow. I'll probably stim for 4-5 more days and then trigger but will know more tomorrow.
Good luck everyone! Praying for those bfps :-)

7 years ago

I went back to my left side and didn't feel it again! So there's just something about my right side that makes me feel it every time apparently. UGH

You had a good number of follicles so having a few less hopefully won't make that much of a difference! I hope you get to retrieve soon and get a whole bunch!

7 years ago • Post starter

Morning All,
Luckykap - A friend of mine who has gone through 4 IVF cycles was always looking for quality over quantity. Hopefully you just have some plump beautiful follicles that are ready to be retrieved in a couple of days!

Babybump- I thought switching sides was really for your comfort, do you have to go back and forth if the left feels fine but the right is always yucky? Just a thought!

As for me, I did take a test this morning, but it was a negative. It might be a little early, AF is not due until tomorrow, but I am 12 DPO, so I think if we did catch one this cycle, I would see something by now.

Oh well - gonna go back to the clinic this cycle. I am still taking my synthroid, B12, Co-Q 10, Vit D and prenatals but thought I would try out Preseed as well. I have thought about getting it before, but we have tried to keep the BDing fun and somewhat spontaneous, we are "frequent flyers" anyways, so it's typically not even necessary to bring it up. But if we are busy I'll let DH generally know the window and he knows that if I inititate than it's "go" time. However, I know that they recommend preseed is inserted and then you do the deed right away (not so romantic). Have any of you ladies used it before, if so did you use it the recommended way or like reg lube?

Fingers crossed for beautiful follicles ladies!

7 years ago

twwtoolong - It's not necessary to switch sides, I just feel like it makes it more "even" lol But I'm also worried if I do it too much on that side that doesn't hurt, eventually it will start to and then I'll have no option left but the painful side. Not sure why one hurts more than the other, its interesting. I'm probably going to try 1 more on that right side tonight and try pinching it a bit more, if that doesn't do it I'll stick to left for awhile and when it starts to get sore jump back over again.

We were using preseed the last 3-4 cycles or so, I had no problems with it. I agree it takes the "romance" out of it if you use it as intended, but it kind of put my mind at ease that if the swimmers are in there this will help them get to where they're supposed to (even though we now learned that were hitting a brick wall). You can use it as regular lube in addition to the conception help too if you need, just be sure to not use too much. I think we were using the 2 or 20, I've already forgotten how it's measured, but whatever was "normal" or recommended. And sometimes that made things too...slick. But it's worth a try!

7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks babybump! I think we'll give it a go, at least as regular lube if nothing else. We don't use any right now and I usually only have one or two days of abundent really good fertile CM, so again, maybe for just peace of mind! lol

7 years ago

Thank you ladies. I don't ever have a lot of follicles anyway so the nurse said we just need quality over quantity. Im on with that, I just want some good healthy embryos to transfer.

Babybump- try to ice the area before the shot, it kind of numbs the area. I do the same thing with my shots and alternate sides because I feel the meds will be distributed more even lol. They didn't tell me to do it I just do.

7 years ago

Good morning ladies!!

Lucky-fingers crossed you get some beautiful, high quality follicles!!!

twwtoolong-we used PreSeed once, back in June. I was hoping it would be the magic trick to getting pregnant. We don't have any problems with....lubrication so I tried it just in the hopes it would help move things along....definitely use WAY less than the recommended amount. I did and still felt like I used too much! A little goes a long way! I have a friend who timed intercourse (via opks) and used PreSeed and got pregnant within like, 2 months, so you never know!!

babybump-if one side hurts, maybe just do that side once a week or something...then you still can give the main side a break, but you aren't hurting as much! Just a thought! I wonder why one side hurts and the other doesn't....

AFM I'll do blood draw 2 this afternoon. A friend Amazon Primed a onesie set of DH favorite team (Liverpool soccer) so I'm excited to surprise him tonight that we are pregnant. I'll probably just wrap ONE onesie and not both...I don't wanna freak him out My in-laws are flying in for the weekend to help us finalize the old house and work on some stuff at the new house (cleaning, hanging pictures, pot rack, etc.) This will be the last time we see them before they move here in the summer and DH will be deploying April 1. Trying to decide if we should tell them...I think it would be awesome to tell them in person! I wanna limit the people who know, but we would tell them if we MCed (god forbid) so I think it would be awesome to tell them. Plus my FIL would be reeeeaaaally suspicious if I weren't drinking wine with him!

7 years ago

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