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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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@blue: what about an apt after AF shows? The referral is for an RE right?

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10 years ago

@smh- The referral is for a gynecologist. So yeah, once we find one I will be going to see him/her. I want to know if I need surgery for this cyst or not.

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10 years ago

Hey girls! I will catch up (hope y'all are good!) but I was out the vast majority of yesterday. Had fun, got a couple of lamps at Ikea, now I have to find weird bulbs for them :-P JLH hope the Clomid is kind to you! SMH GL with the nanny stuff, I think you should hire the one you like! bluerose FX that your cyst doesn't require surgery!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hope everyone is ok! We're having a heat wave here for the next few days. Low temps in the 70s. Gonna be hard to walk outside but I will try! Also I finally hit my goal weight which is exciting :) 160 lb from a high of 199!

10 years ago • Post starter

Congrats on the weight loss luv. I hope to follow in your footsteps someday. With the weight loss.. Not the absurd amount of walking. Lol

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10 years ago

Hey ladies!

Holly: Hearty congratulations!

Blue: I really hope there is something which can be done and that surgery for your cyst is a last option.

Luv: I absolutely love Ikea! I like being able to assemble a piece of furniture and look at it and say "I did that!"

SMH: I hope you find a suitable Nanny soon. I know you would feel more comfortable iwth somone trustworthy taking care of Rella when you go back to work.

Jada: How are things?

Hey Cam!

Been trying to complete this message since this morning! Hope you guys all had a great day!

10 years ago

Hey Jan I'm good
Congrats luv
Blue any change yet
Jada hey hun
Smh any luck yet
Clove time is flying by
Afm af gone just relaxing no plans.

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10 years ago

Hi ladies, still in Miami heading home tomorrow! It's been an interesting trip. Started the Clomid on Saturday, so far so good. I will catch up more later.

10 years ago

Luv: Congrats on the weight loss. That is amazing. I wish I could lose about 30 lbs.

Blue: hope everything works out with your cyst. I know they can be painful. I had one rupture once and I have never been in so much pain in my life! I also had to have laprascopic surgery to remove them once. Again...not fun. Hugs and hope yours dissolves on its own (which has happened to me before too).

Jada: Yeah for Clomid!

I hope everyone else is doing well and wanted to say thanks for the well wishes. At the moment, I'm contemplating whether I should go to an acupuncture appointment I have scheduled for the end of the week. Starting to think I should leave well enough alone and not do acupuncture until I'm further along and things are going well for sure.

By the way...has anyone heard from Law? I haven't seen any posts from her in a while. Hope everything with the move went well.

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10 years ago

Hi holly!! Glad things are going well. I'd leave well enough alone and skip the acupuncture apt. Law is good, I haven't talked to her in a few days but they made the move and she's studying like crazy for the bar exam.

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10 years ago

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