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November IVF buddies

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I'm doing my first IVF this November. I don't normally post on here but if there was ever a time to reach out it is now.

Anybody else?

Mrs. Fridley

952 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hey, just remember -- it only takes 1! Fingers crossed for high quality eggs and an easy retrieval!

This Thursday I have my endometrial "scratch."

10 years ago

Hey ladies!

I just got back from a very long weekend vacation in the Thousand Islands, NY area for my brother's wedding. It was so relaxing but now I have to get back to the baby making!

I go in for my baseline tomorrow and I should be starting stims on Saturday for my final retrieval. I really wish I could use the 3 we still have frozen, not looking forward to retrieval again.

I went to a different clinic about 2 weeks ago for nk cell testing to see if that was my issue. And it looks like that all came back normal to me. My cd3-cd16+cd56+ was at 8%. I haven't talked to my re about the results yet for her interpretation but everything I am finding on the internet says that less than 12% or so is normal. So it seems the nk cells are not attacking my embryos as foreign objects. So am back to having no explanation for the early miscarriage and chemical and failed transfers as all my tests have been normal. I think my plan for my next transfer will be to use the assisted hatching and up the number of embryos to 3. It's a little scary thinking about possible triplets or more but at this point I don't care and I will take what I can get even if it's 3+. I just want to be pregnant!

waitinggame: Glad to hear you are moving right along and getting ready to retrieve so quickly! I can't really offer any insight into the micro-flare protocols as I always do the long lupron agonist protocol. I hope this cycles goes well for you and you get more mature follicles this time, and some good embryos!

ssurra: Good luck for your scratch soon! I hope that is the answer for you!

10 years ago


I feel you on another retrieval. I am just not ready yet. Maybe because it's summer, maybe because I'm afraid of another failure. I don't know. I promise myself I will be optimistic once I start the stims, but right now I am glad to have a slight break. (And at the same time, can't wait to start - such a roller coaster!)

Maybe because it's summer and this will almost 100% mess with my beach plans and bikini wearing (thank god I got a one-piece last year so I can hide the needle marks).

I'll have been seeing my RE for one year in a couple weeks. Depressing. But they promised me cupcakes.

10 years ago

mnor - I'm glad you had such a relaxing vacation! Could they some how test whether the miscarriages had anything to do with chromosomal abnormalities? In either the sperm or egg? My FS mentioned that as a possibility with my husband.

10 years ago

My husband and I both had the complete karotype genetic testing done a couple months ago and everything came back normal. There was nothing in our genes that signified that we would create all abnormal embryos when sperm and egg meet. My RE said that in very very rare situations it can sometimes still happen but didn't think at this point that we needed to do the PGD testing on the actual embryos as there should be perfectly normal ones in there. I would think that out of the 8 I have transferred so far at least a couple should have been normal. It's very frustrating to not have an explanation.

10 years ago

Mnor - I understand the no explanation pain! It's crazy the amount of tests they can run on you to see what's wrong and then you almost want them to find something! Even though the doctor said PGD isn't necessary, are you considering doing it anyway? I was under the assumption PGD could see whether the embryo had Trisomy or other abnormalities that might not have necessarily been passed from you, no? Hopefully this is the one for you either way!!

Ssurra - Good luck with your "scratch" tomorrow! I'll be interested to hear how that goes.

I had my last scan this morning. I have 5 measurable follicles (6 if you count a little 9mm) and I'm feeling pretty good about that!! I will trigger tonight for a Friday morning retrieval. I'm just so happy I finally made it an actual retrieval... It seems like it's been such a long time coming! My husband also seems to be so much more into things this go around and has been extra supportive, so I really feel like it's our time! Fingers crossed that the follicles actually have eggs and I have a good fertilization rate! We are doing ICSI. Definitely nervous and anxious about Friday!!

10 years ago

Welp, ladies, no endo "scratch" today -- I got my PERIOD.



10 years ago

What?! That's crazy ssurra! It wasn't due for a while, right? So sorry... how frustrating!!

I'm all set for retrieval at 8:30am tomorrow! Getting nervous!

10 years ago

SSURRA: what?!?!?!?! That's crazy!!!! Were they shocked too? Did they have any explanations?

THEWAITINGGAME: good luck tomorrow!!! Stay hydrated and as relaxed as you can!!! Check in with us after and give us your numbers?

10 years ago • Post starter

Ssurra - Ugh! AF that sneaky bitch! Do you have to wait til it's over now to reschedule? I always get so mad when my body doesn't cooperate with the plan, especially since I am a major type A personality! Mine isn't cooperating either right now! My e2 was still too high to drop my lupron dose so I have to get more bloodwork tomorrow and hope it goes down so I can start stims Sat and not get delayed.

Waitinggame - Congrats on 5 big fat beautiful follicles (bfbf? Maybe I'll start a new abbrev.?). Best of luck at retrieval! Are you going under anesthesia for it? If so, definitely lots of water and possibly a stool softener lol. Probably tmi but I really wish someone had told me! I got backed up for like 4 days last time and it was not fun pushing especially being sore down there from the retrieval. That was more painful than anything.

10 years ago

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