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10 DPO (I think) and NEED some one to talk to.

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Hi ladies! I am tired of the stalker folk not replying to my comments or topics. :(

I want to find a nice lady who is online daily and is in her tww.

For once let us close a forum with an update!!! I find more often than not a woman starts listing her symptoms and bfns but NEVER updates the forum with the outcome. D:

I'm tired. Lol

So, if you're in the same boat that I am - please respond! I'm on daily and I am currently suffering from horrible line eyes!!

578 Replies • 10 years ago



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431 - 440 of 578 Replies | Last Page

ga5567 AF arrived on Saturday. It was only really heavy for a day which is weird because my first AF after my first loss was super heavy and lasted 8 days! I'm not complaining though. My blood work came back normal. I have a sonohysterogram scheduled for tomorrow. DH and I decided to start trying this cycle as long as they don't find anything during the procedure. I'm trying to stay positive and I'm thinking third time's a charm! Good luck to you this cycle! Praying we both get our full term rainbows soon!

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

9 years ago

I had a sonohysterogram yesterday and the doctor found a small fibroid. She said it could be the cause of my losses but it isn't big enough for her to think it is the cause. I decided I want to have it removed to eliminate that as a possibility. I hope to hear from my Ob early next week to set up an appointment for the procedure. I also got a referal to see a reproductive endocrinologist so I will be calling them on Monday. I hope this is it. We really want a baby and I'm not getting any younger.

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

9 years ago

@mrsac sorry I missed your posts. Glad AF came back soon for you. Hoping you get some answers soon! The endocrinologist will probably have a lot of guidance! I was supposed to wait 2 cycles before trying again. I just started my 2nd cycle today... 29 day cycle, which is pretty typical for me. I'm hopeful! And really happy we can try this month. My doctor said she would prescribe progesterone cream (but I will ask for either suppositories or pills) my friend had 2 mc even using the cream. Have they discussed that with you? Just an idea. Hope we both get our full term babies soon! I'm going to start temping and using wondfos this month. I used wondfo last month but didn't temp. Are you still going to try this month?

9 years ago


I hope all is well! How is the TTC journey coming along, any updates?

As for me, just about to hit the 36 week mark. Getting nervous about my VBA2C; still iffy that at the last moment the doctor will really push that cesarean.

I fell off the face of the planet for a while - replaced my phone and completely forgot that I am able to sync my email with it. DUH, we're only in 2015 here.

Want you all to know that I'm rootin' for some good news! I hope to hear back soon.

9 years ago • Post starter

@joriefm wishing you the best with your delivery! Hopefully all will go well and no c-section!

As for me, hoping AF does not show this month. Cycle is typically 28-30 days... Today is day 28! Not taking a test til I get past the 30 day mark! Which happens to be on my birthday... So I will wait until the next day! Praying to get our this cycle or next!

How is everyone else doing?

9 years ago

ga55 I am hoping you get your BFP.

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9 years ago

So, what's the word ga5567?

I'm on CD 20. Second cycle after my second miscarriage. I saw the RE and he wants to do another sonohysterogram to check on the surgery site and test my blood for egg quality/quantity on day 2 of my next cycle. I'm sort of hoping I'm pregnant. I think since I've been diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism and had the fibroid removed I'll be able to carry full term. We'll see.....fingers crossed!

Jorie I can't believe how close you are!!!! Yay!!! My first due date was last week. It was a huge bummer but I'm hoping we're blessed with a bundle soon. Good luck and I wish you a fast and easy delivery!!!

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

9 years ago

No luck :-( started my cycle April 27. So we will try again this month. Trying to keep in mind that since it happened before it will happen again. Hoping it will be our time again soon! Hope you get your BFP this month MrsAC! Keep us posted!

9 years ago

Hi ladies...

I'm new here and I'm 10 dpo today.

I had a BFN this morning so i'm a little sad for the moment...

Who gets pregnant with bfn at 10dpo?

Need some hope here

to all

9 years ago

Hi every one. I hope all is well.It has been awhile since I have been on here.
ga55 I hope you have better luck next cycle. Do you use pressed? My husband and I used it and it worked the 1st cycle we used it in. (Tried for 3 cycle before using it) who knows may have been just are time to get pregnant.

MrsAc how are you doing? I am really hoping you get your
Rainbow baby.

Afm. We have are U/S on Monday and I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. I just pray that are baby is healthy and developing normally.

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9 years ago

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