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Where are you Aussie gals?

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Where are you all? I am hoping I am not the only one!!!
Here to share and support our ttc journey.
I am Queenslander who moved to NSW. Lol who does that?
Ttc num. 3 for a year now! I am 10 dpo waiting for the witch.Waving to you all.

687 Replies • 10 years ago



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Oh Sam :-(

That made me well up with tears too! It's just so unfair and I completely understand the part about people not deserving to be parents! I don't understand how something comes so easily to those who don't deserve it, yet the rest of us struggle.

On Monday I was at the local community centre doing an activity with my 4 year old. Long story short, a drug messed up idiot came over to talk to one of the mums she knew, complaining (!!!) that docs had returned 3 of her 7 kids to her. She thought that they wouldn't get returned (how pathetic is that!!!!) & just wanted a rest as she is 6 1/2 months pregnant again. Her reasoning for another baby - she couldn't afford to get her script filled for the pill! Doesn't she know that some doctors or family planning clinics will give it to you for free? That or just don't have sex.

It made me so upset that I went to my car and cried :-( I'm still upset about it. I feel so badly for her kids yet she didn't seem to care, even hinted that she'd rather not have them to look after.

I felt so cheated I think my heart just broke on the spot :-( Here we are with plenty of love to give and a 4 year old constantly asking for a sibling (on a daily, if not hourly basis) and not being able to understand why we don't just have another baby.

We all try to stay positive in very difficult circumstances and it's already hard enough without people like that in the world!

Good luck to the ladies still hoping for their BFP this cycle (or the next :-) ). I'm planning to get right back into it all next cycle.

10 years ago

Oh Sam :(. It's not fair that these things happen at all !! I would have ripped here a new asshole !!! Sorry for swearing but it's true!

I've seen so much of it, a lady comes into work I think she's onto her 3rd and I've only been there for almost 3 years

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Hi girls!
1st of all, welcome newbies, Im Tiff.
Sorry ive been MIA....I started bleeding last wk and ended up in hospital after passing a bigger then normal clot...Dr thinks that may have been the start of the Pregnancy!! im still bleeding slightly and cramping like u wouldn't believe.....ive pretty much kept too myself....Hubby has been really good about it all and ive told a girlfriend of mine and shes been soo sweet.

Sam OMFG.....It really gets to me that the junkies and alchos can sneeze and b pregnant, yet the 1s that really want to b and cant have the most trouble. Im soo sorry, Im glad u were able to have some time off..if it were me i wouldn't have been able to hold my tongue and i would have let rip BIG time... Im also sorry about the CP!! i know how devo u r...i think it makes it that much more worse when were charting and looking for the early signs. I never charted with my 1st 2, but ill b starting back to charting once ive finished.

Its only short today, hope this is a better month for every1.

Love Love

Me- 28 DH- 35 DS- 2008 DS- 2010 EDD 6/12/15 M/C- 13/3/14 (@ 5wks) EDD 19/1/15 M/C- 11/5/14 (@4wks) EDD 14/2/15 M/C- 11/9/14 (@13wks) DD- 2015 Our little family is complete

10 years ago

Went and had a pap smear today. Aweful feeling really. Who wants something stuck up their cervix. Anyway I finally got a temp rise (not as big as usual, but above my normal cover line) so DPO1 it is. My period is due in 9 days, assuming it isn't longer than any period i've ever had before.

Although it is very tempting to get a fork and stick it in ungrateful random bi-atches eyes, we must refrain. Feel free to vent any time :-)

Just got a fork for my ice-cream, am definitely struggling to stay focused this week.

10 years ago

Mel I am so sorry you had to hear that as well, gosh it is so cruel that some people take for granted what many of the rest of us would give anything for. I hope you feel better today. I think at the end of all us this when it all finally makes sense and we have our beautiful babies in our arms, our joy will be all the more precious for having to wait so long and and hurt so much to get there.

Gemma sorry to hear you had your Pap, at least that is over for a few years now! Hopefully this is the month for you guys. PS 9 days is a really short luteal phase, sorry I can't remember if you're taking something to lengthen it?

How are you feeling Sam? Did you go to work today? I hope you're ok. x

Anything new Tracey? How are you feeling? Getting close to testing now!

I'm 13dpo and feeling pressure which likely means AF is on her way. Strangely though my boobs aren't sore at all which they normally are on 13dpo, and I have felt a bit nauseous today. I'm not confident though. I should know tomorrow without testing as I always start spotting on 14dpo. At least my body is fairly regular like that so I don't get my hopes up further.

10 years ago

Wow you're all so kind and lovely and I'm sorry for making you guys upset!! I read all of your posts yesterday before bed and I actually went to bed feeling better!! Woke up today and I'm surprisingly ok and back at work. I had a good cry to the OH yesterday when he got home from work. It's just cruel that these amazing things always happen to whose who don't deserve them but like the OH said when it's my time it will happen!!

I haven't had that soak yet I've been waiting for AF to leave which she had done today.... 3 days? What was the point? But I'm definitely looking forward to it!!!

Jodi I'm going to be on the edge of my seat all day tomorrow hoping you don't get AF but don't count yourself out if you do spot as I have heard any women still spot the day their AF is due even though they have conceived.

I hope everyone else is doing well, I can't reply to everyone because I honestly can't remember what you've all said as my heads a by all over the place but I wish you all well

10 years ago

Thanks Sam, and I'm glad you're feeling better. Sadly I think I am out. Cramping has started and feeling bitchy PMS crazy lady tonight. :( :( Will keep you posted in the morning. Hope everyone is well. X

10 years ago

Hi Girls,
Poop to AF Jodi !! Hoping she says far away from you.

Your sounding better Sam :)

I have 32 day cycles so AF is due tomorrow BUT I'm not expecting her this cd 35 cos of the late Ovulation.
Dpo n bfn this morning but who know what the week will bring. I've been crampy the whole tww so I'm confused.

Catcha all tomoz
Night xxxxxx

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

I have been getting heartburn constantly the past couple of weeks and also some nausea that lasts a couple of minutes a few times a day. I am definitely not pregnant, so it makes me hate to think what it could be like if I ever am. It is wierd I never get heartburn, or nausea... Maybe there is some food I am eating that is causing both. Or maybe I just need to drink a lot more water.

I am not recording any two symptoms as I don't get it. There is no way any symptoms can be associated with pregnancy before implantation right? Your body wouldn't know anything until that point?

10 years ago

gosh i finally got a coverline have no idea whats happening there unless its late implantation
I'm too confused this month with temps so i'l ignore it i thinks.. on a bonus no AF yet !!!

hope everyone has a crusiey day ..

Hope AF stayed away Jodi !

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

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