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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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431 - 440 of 697 Replies | Last Page

smh: i dont know what you are talking about you look great in those photos!!! And its definately looks like a cute baby bump to me...i dont know if i will be good enough to take

10 years ago

smh: yeah i loved the name hayley.. my ex-BF who married my cousin stole the name go figure... thats a long story in itself.... i probrobly would of still used it seeing its my cousins kid but we are a tight family and i still see them all the time and i really dont want anything to do with her!!! so but i like the new name

10 years ago

lawbride its i have already signed up on that page as well so i can make sure i can get the same handle over there...!! i try to keep updates on the lovely ladies who have been on here who dont like to update us regularly about their pregnancies here so as not to be rude so i stalk them over

10 years ago

lawbride sorry about your fight with DH! It's kinda funny to me though because my husband and I often get into fights in the grocery store checkout too! It must just be a naturally hostile environment ;) I like your names!

amag your chosen names are nice! A bit exotic, with plenty of nickname opportunities :) Well chosen! You will love Catching Fire I know it!

SMH I know, I'm a LUNATIC for going to the same movie three times in one weekend, that is a record even for me ;) Fortunately everyone who sees the movie on opening weekend is pretty respectful in the theater. I was very nervous when I saw parents bring several small children (we're talking 4-8 years old) in today. WTF would you bring that young of kids to the Hunger Games for?! It's violent and has generally "adult" themes to it! But the kids were not annoying, thank god. I am that person who is always annoyed by other people's kids, but I want kids. Go figure ;) I think you're smart to plan for kid #2 but I agree a bit with your DH too that you shouldn't plan TOO much, it might be a boy after all, then you'll be sad that you didn't use that name ;) And by then there might be more names that you like! I've already decided that if I have two girls they will both have the middle name Pauline, because dammit, I don't want to bother picking more middle names out! LOL! I also love that your cat is protective of you! Plus you don't have to change the litterbox ;)

Cam how are you feeling today?

10 years ago • Post starter

Good day, ladies. I hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday.

smh: Thank you. Yes, I would be high risk but mostly because of my connective tissue disorder. I'm expected to become wheelchair bound by 2nd trimester due to my hips (they already partially dislocate now, so they will likely dislocate during pregnancy). There's discussion of preventative cervical cerclage, and I will also need a C section because of risk of pelvic organ prolapse. I'm so sorry that you have had to deal with the loss of your kitty from kidney failure. That is honestly one of the worst illnesses to watch a loved one - person or animal - (sadly I've had to deal with both) go through. I am so relieved that my kitty no longer needs daily subQs -- I hated having to poke her with that awful needle every day.

------- is 13dpo, and I caved in with my last test...BFN. AF due tomorrow or Monday. I'm pretty sure I'm out, though theoretically I still have a chance. I'm getting bummed out, though, because if I don't get a BFP, I can't try again until April.

10 years ago

Hey ladies :)) Ultrasound went great! Didn't get to hear the heartbeat, but we got to see it! It was amazing! :)

Question: have any of you ladies heard of Ramzi's Theory? About gender and 6 week ultrasounds?

10 years ago

Hey my ladies I'm doing great ,cd 2 or cd 3 depending on what you think, in full force. Half of my day down 9 hrs and 7.5 to go!

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10 years ago

1st--never heard of it but now I'm going to scurry off and look it up! ;) Glad everything went well!!

beyond--you're definitely not out yet. FX'd for you!

amag--thanks. I just signed up. It's a well designed site. I like it already!

luv--haha. maybe the grocery store is hostile. I'm happy we're over it already. I hate fighting.

Well, I baked "brownie cookies" this afternoon for DH to take to work with him. He came home at 3 for break and I baked them right before he got here. So, I hope they like them. I used mocha fudge brownie mix and pb chips. I usually bake EVERYTHING from scratch but I haven't felt like baking/cooking lately.

10 years ago

SMH--you look great. I definitely don't see what you see! It makes me so happy to see your bump growing! :)

10 years ago

beyond sorry about BFN and sorry about your health problems :( I hope you still have a BFP coming this month! It can take some time for the HCG to show up in the urine :)

1stTTC glad the u/s went well, I have never heard of that theory though, what is it??

Cam I am so glad AF isn't getting you down this month! Make that long shift your biotch today! ;)

lawbride holy yum! I am so impressed that you can bake from scratch! Not exactly a common least in my house haha ;)

SMH just checked out your bump photos and you look adorable, not at all fat actually! Just pregnant, which is the point ;)

AFM 5 DPO and temps have been similar, which is fine because they really skyrocketed after O. So I think I had a nice strong O! I have made bowel movements the last two days which is extremely good. I'm gonna stop taking the Miralax for a while though because after I had it today I had stomach pains. Boobs seem bigger and nipples seem darker and bumpier, but that is normal for me, just not this early of a DPO. Annoyed with my husband because he whines whenever I remind him to take his fertility vitamins, and I feel like I go through way worse things than taking vitamins. I do take vitamins, and probiotics and baby aspirin and Clomid and a catheter up my hoo-ha. And then I'll have to be pregnant for 9 months and give birth and be singlehandedly responsible for being up with the baby on weeknights because my husband will be working and I won't. So I think the menfolk should STFU about taking a few vitamins :-/

10 years ago • Post starter

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