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October 2015 Babies!!

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Here I go again. Day 1 of a new cycle. Let this one be my month! Tired of being disappointed month after month. If it wasn't for the site I surely would have given up long ago.

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640 Replies • 9 years ago



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Updated due to improper grammar. (Typed from a phone, sorry)

Ok so ladies of October ttc-ers. Let us play a ttc game. All you do is have to pick a question and answer it. Nothing more. So hereeeee we goooooo!!!!

Scenario 1. You just took an hpt and those agonizing three minutes are not passing by fast enough. You constantly look at the clock. "Why is time moving so slow today" you ask yourself. You go to the bathroom and peak at the test and to your surprise, there is two pink lines. You're so excited that you cannot contain yourself. You took the test alone. Oh no! DH or partner does not know. (respect to those who are same sex and/or not married.) I have to tell him but, how" crosses your mind. So, question is, how do you plan on telling your SO (significant other) that y'all are expecting a child?

Scenario 2: You and your SO is together while you take the test. You jump for joy as the 1 to 2 weeks flash across the screen of your Clearblue digital. "This cannot be" you tell your significant other. In his mind he says, "it had no choice but to be after the year and a half of us trying and me still living up to your expectations of bding even when I was too tired to. Something got to give. (Hopefully SO is a bit nicer than that lol, it was just funny to me.) You run to your computer and sign in to Facebook to tell all your family and friends but then you stop, "I am only 1 to 2 weeks. "Should I wait to tell others," you ask yourself. So, question is: When do you plan to start telling family and friends?

Scenario 3: Your sitting at the doctors office in the waiting room trying to wait patiently for the doctor to call you in. You look at the band-aid on your arm as the blood tries to peak through, reminding you that you completed having your blood drawn for your hcg levels to confirm pregnancy. The sweat is starting to pile up on your head. Nurse Jane walks in and say's "the doctor is ready for you now." You get up and walk briskly to his office. You get to his office and sit. The doctor is still not there. You wonder why she said he is ready if he is not here. You hear his familiar voice down the hall. Every steps he takes his voice increases in volume to your ear. Your heart starts to beat fast. He walks in and greets you again. You return the greeting but just want to get to the results. "So I got the results back from your test" says the doctor. He halt in his sentence, opens your file and then slowly puts on his glasses. Your blood level shows 502 mlu/ml. Which is the average levels for someone 4 weeks pregnant so congratulations. You and your SO embraces each other. The news brings tears to both of y'all eyes. You wonder, is it a boy or is it a girl. Oh, we got to think of names. So question is: Did you and your S/O pick out names and if so what are they?

Again, you don't have to answer them all. If you want then go ahead. If you don't want to then fine as well. No hard feelings. :-) I would answer but I am going to be polite and do the honors. as y'all can see I love writing. I also love taking pictures. I guess that is why I am trying to get photojournalist career up and running. If it does not work out for this cycle I may have to delay ttc.

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9 years ago

Cjsmommy Welcome! As you can see from the last several posts you're in a good, caring group. FX'd you get your BFP!

AFM, I thought I O'd yesterday with all my cramping but my temp this morning went down .02. I guess this cycle is gonna be a little more off than I expected.

Ababy, I love how descriptive your scenarios are! I'm going with scenario 2, when to tell friends and family since I faced this last month. First of all, I am not good at keeping exciting news to myself unless it's someone else's news and I'm sworn to secrecy. So when I got my faint positive last month I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it from my family. And I did tell them. The way I figure it is if I were to have a miscarriage (I had a cp last month for those of you who are new) the same people I'm excited to tell are the same people I'd want support from. It sucked having to tell them I was no longer pregnant, but their support was very nice too.

Thanks ladies for keeping me sane!

9 years ago

Idk3333: I do not know how I managed to write that from my cell phone lol. Oh wow, i never thought of it like that. My thing was to wait until I know that it is a viable pregnancy. Nobody knew I was pregnant with DS until I was 4 months pregnant. Some even found out when I was 8 months.

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9 years ago

Believe it or not, I am thankful that the witch just arrived! I feel free and that I can move on and plan on a thanksgiving baby.

Ababy2love: you are a great writer and I hope you get a lot of success in journalism. I would pick Scenario 2 and will try to tell family and friends probably at the end of first trimester if I can hold it that long.

Moving to Nov forum... Wish you all who are still waiting get your BFP soon!

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9 years ago

Thanks everyone for your kind support.
I'm officially stepping out this cycle, I had a positive opk on cd 15, and then a super strong positive cd 16 (yesterday) but the last time dh and I had a chance to bd was cd 12. Very slim chances that his swimmers are still viable in there. I'm sure I actually ov last night since I had pretty strong ov pains, but DH had a bad headache and fell asleep before I got DS to sleep. Then this morning we were awake early (before the kids) but my back is killing me, so we may try tonight but I think it's a bust for this month. (At least I will have a non stressed two weeks.)

Dsinha- sorry the witch got you. See you on the November boards!

Ababy- Very descriptive scenarios! You are a good writer. I hope you are able to get your photojournalism career up and going!
scenario #1, I am not sure if I want to tell DH until after it is confirmed by a doctor that the pregnancy is viable, but I know he will want to know asap too. I just want to shield him from another heart break. He makes me coffee every morning so I am thinking of nonchalantly saying "Decaf for me today please...and probably the next 9 months or so..." then showing him the stick.

Scenario #2,
Definitely not opening our mouths to anyone until 12 weeks, 15 weeks would be better! Not so much because I don't want to have to tell people incase of MC, but I just want that time to enjoy a little secret of our own before everyone wants to throw in their two cents. I'm not even planning on tell the kids until we know if it's a boy or girl(If we decide to find out this time around)

Scenario #3
Isabelle Katherine and William Joseph, both of them are to honor relatives who have passed.

I'm pulling for all of you ladies to get those Bfps! Best of luck!

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9 years ago

Dsinha - Sorry the witch got you but in someways it's a relief to at least know one way or the other.

Mom2b - I'm sorry you feel like you've missed your window this month. On the bright side you can always have a nice glass of wine without worrying.

Ababy - Scenario #1 I'd probably just tell him that he needs to come see the test. He got upset with me when I didn't tell him about the faint positive last month when I first saw it.

Scenario #2 - If I get my BFP this cycle we'll tell my family when they come down for a visit at Easter which is just past 8 weeks. If not I'll probably hold out telling them for 12 weeks; However, I will tell my best friend right away because it would affect her wedding plans.

Scenario #3 - Owen Clyde if it's a boy... we can't agree on a girls name yet.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Scenario 1 I will test in secret from day 10 po and weather it's positive or not I won't tell my husband i will test with him the day after AF is due just because we had a cp last April

Scenario 2 we won't tell anyone until after 20 wks I had a tiny baby boy last January at 18 wks we called him William I told my kids and family at 15 wks after scan then I told work at 18 wks 3 days later I went into labour an gave birth

Scenario 3 no names

Hope every one is doing okay to all still waiting to test

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9 years ago

This is fun.
Scenario 1- I plan on testing day before Valentines day. If its positive I will tell him on Valentines day!

Scenario 2- I plan on telling family at 10 weeks.

Scenario 3- We are already fighting about names. I like Ayla Rae for a girl and have no clue for a boy!

Dsinha- Good luck. I hope you get your Thanksgiving baby

mom2bx3- You might still have a chance if you get a bd in there. Its hard I always feel like I am ovulating at the most inconvenient time for my DH. I am always like "by the way I need a donation"

AFM- So I know I have officially Ovulated. The Ovulation pains with Clomid were quite strong. I have 2 days of sore cramping type pain on both ovaries and uterus. With lots of EWCM. The pain is totally gone today. Only thing is I did still have some EWCM. Is that normal for 1dpo? Just leftover I would think? Maybe some swimmers to as we BD last night? I over think things I know. This is such a new cycle for me. I haven't been consistent with Temping because my night shifts and work has been a gongshow! I am so sleep deprived!

Hope everyone is doing well. Lots of to you all!!

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

9 years ago

Ty idk3333

I'm going with Scenario #1... After the everything my DH has told me not to tell him until I am absolutely certain that I am pregnant... SO if I can keep it a secret long enough I am thinking about waiting until after I go to the Doctor to confirm. I will have to go early and have blood tests done to make sure hcg is rising once it does happen.

Scenario #2... We won't tell until probably around the 3 month mark. I told as soon as I found out last time and then when it ended people asked me all kinds of questions and I don't think I could handle that again.

9 years ago

I had my today , it still feels a bit unreal. Didn't expect it at all. This was our first cycle TTC#1. Really thought I was out for this month. Absolutely no symptoms, at 10 dpo and 12 dpo. When AF was late I didn't want to get my hopes up, but I caved and tested was 16DPO today.

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9 years ago

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