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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

421 - 430 of 611 Replies | Last Page

Cathy welcome! Have you done Clomid before? I am on my second cycle of Clomid and it is a hell of a drug let me tell you :-P That is awesome that you have PCOS and two kids, that is very hopeful for other girls who might be going through it! :)

lawbride I agree, tis the season ;) I don't have too many Christmas wishes but that is one. A nice implantation dip on Christmas LOL!

JLH hopefully you'll be able to pamper yourself after a baby! I probably won't have to give up much since I don't do much anyway, but definitely I won't be able to enjoy "home alone" time anymore. I like to be able to burst into song at any moment :-P haha

LJT sounds like you've got at least one trying "in-law", if she is such a shrew I can see why your DH's dad hasn't married her! Good grief! Your mom has a good attitude though. Reminds me of RuPaul saying "what other people think of me is none of my business!" :)

Holly you are a rockstar with the injections! So glad you had a good experience and now you won't have to worry anymore :) I hope they work to make your lining super thick this month!

Cam that was smart to save your break, now you're in the home stretch! Hope you have tomorrow totally off so you can sleep in!

10 years ago • Post starter

Good morning all you beautiful ladies. Happy Sunday!!!

Day 1 of my 3day detox diet done!

I received a text this afternoon from the GM. The mediation will most likely be on Wednesday sometime.

Not looking forward to it:(

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10 years ago

Good morning lovelies :)!!!

9 DPO today. Dip strip - stark white negative.
Temps have remained high since 2 DPO. Dipped by 1/10 of a degree this morning. Hoping this isn't a trend for the next 5 days!!! This is my first cycle BBT'ing so I am doing my best not to read into it too much.

Sleepy yesterday and holy moly irritable!! Had a nap when DH was driving home which isn't like me. I can't sleep in vehicles. It is a bit of a phobia for me. Mood came out of no where! My poor DH and children!!! I did warn them to stay clear of me for a few hours!

Have a wonderful day ladies!!!!

10 years ago

Gm ladies 4-5dpo temp 98.5 like yesterday still have a site throat but I'll survive lol. On my way to church then work ttyl ladies smooches.

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10 years ago

Dev, I'm glad I wasn't the only one feeling like a monster yesterday. I have been so irritable the last couple of days.

10 years ago

Nicolene GL with the mediation! And with your 3-day diet! :) I hope it's not too extreme haha!

Dev 1/10th of a degree is literally nothing, don't worry unless it drops by half a degree or so!

Cam oh no you have to work again today?! Eek! GL today!!

ttcbaby sorry you're irritable, I can definitely relate. The hormones get us bigtime. And men do not understand!

10 years ago • Post starter

@lawbride88 - Hopefully you'll feel more energized soon!

@amag11- I hope you have a good shift at the nail salon!And hopefully AF stays away.

@CathyGurly - Welcome! Hopefully you get AF soon. And if you don't, maybe it's because you've been extra lucky this month and actually did get pregnant!?

@Holly3307 - I used to give myself an IM every month. And every time I'd have to pump myself up to do it. haha Hope every time you do it, it gets easier for you!

AFm, CD4. Af is actually almost finished with. So that's good. Feels like -34C outside today. So I don't really want to have to go out there. Haha. We did most of our Christmas shopping yesterday. I never go into the city and am not really a fan of shopping. So I am happy to get that over with.

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10 years ago

@luv: I hope you don't have to go to Church with your MIL. That sounds terribly awkward.

@Cathy: That would be wonderful if you are pregnant! Good luck and welcome to the board!

@JLHart: Glad you had a great time at the salon. You deserve to be pampered! And glad you made it back in bed to relax!

@LJT: Sorry about your headache but glad you got home to relax. Haha! I forgot completely about the spreadsheet! That was super useful!!

@holly: I am so glad your IM injection went in easy!! Where was the injection site? Upper butt/lower back? You are lucky it didn't hurt! I am sooooo looking forward to Thursday for you. I have a feeling you'll see lots of follicles and a thick lining!!

@Dev: Your wedding sounds fantastic. Hopefully your negative turns into a positive soon! Your symptoms sound great!

@cam: I hope your sore throat goes away soon! Have a great time at Church and I hope work goes quickly for you!

@nicolene: Good luck on your detox diet :) And at mediation. I am sending you good thoughts and strength!!

@baby#2: Sorry you felt like a monster! Lol!

@blue: You are so lucky you are almost done with Christmas Shopping! I haven't started. Its freezing here too! We haven't been above 32 degrees in a couple of days but I think today we have a high of 42! Woohoo!

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10 years ago

@So_much_hope- I would love to have 32 degrees!! haha. It would feel so warm.

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10 years ago

Good morning ladies! I missed some of the conversation last night because I was at my husbands work party. I have read a few pages back and I hope everyone is doing well. After I read everything I will pop back in! :)

TTC Baby #1

10 years ago

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