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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

411 - 420 of 611 Replies | Last Page

Law: Those numbers are amazing. Full steam ahead from now on girl. Tnx for sticking around[h5]
Costco, yay I love going there. Think smh will agree hehehehe

JLH: Tnx for the shout out. I'm glad you are feeling better. I hate having a cold. It's the pitssss. I'm CD26 today but only about ??DPO. I ran out of OPK so who knows[confused] I've been having metallic taste in my mouth, but could also be my GORD playing up. Who knows. I am expecting AF on CD30/31. I can totally see you in your uniform :)

Dev: Not sure if I welcomed you the group? [wave] Welcome. 65% of women will get a bfn on 8DPO and be preggo. You're not out by a long shot. We will be here to support you either way. [hug] [congratulations] for your wedding, OOOO not far away now [eek] wedding in the mountains. Lots of people start ttc before marriage. You're in a loving committed relationship [heart] and that's all that a lil bub needs. FX it doesn't take 6 months.
Clever thinking of the names.

Cam: [eek] 16 hours.[good_luck] girl. Do you think you're coming down with something?

Luvto: [hug] [hug] [hug] [hug] [hug] [hug]
a NY [bfp] will be AMAZING

Afmedic: Sorry for the bfn and temp drop. Glad you feel better now. Did you eat something that made you feel yuck? [baby_dust] it turns into bfp.

Mill: Welcome. [fingersx] for this cycle.

smh: yay for a lazy day. Enjoy some time off, you deserve it. Y&R [lol]

amag: You're a busy lady. 15DPO [eek] but agree, if you had cycle longer then I would wait to test. Either way, you've got a great plan if it does not happen this cycle. Did you enjoy the party? GL at your 2nd job today.

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10 years ago

@nicolene: It is always so wonderful hearing from you! That is a bummer you ran out of opks!! Have you been bding every other day to make sure to catch the egg? I hope mediation goes well and you and your job are protected.

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10 years ago

Cam GL with the rest of your shift! You got this!

SMH LOL yes my MIL is one odd duck. Bless her heart. Fortunately that means we can avoid some of the awkward time with her. I just worry that she's gonna make us go to church with her. I am not a churchgoer anyway but her church is full of judgmental a-holes! Example: a couple years ago there was a man at church on CHristmas who was dressed pretty shabby, he looked pretty poor and possibly homeless, and the people behind us were whispering about how disgraceful it was that he couldn't make more of an effort for church. Barf. It's all about what you wear at that church and I don't own "church clothes" so I guess they'll hate me!

Nicolene thanks hun! I am so glad you are here :) I am also sorry you ran out of OPKs, that is annoying! I'm sure you got enough BD in though :)

10 years ago • Post starter

HI! I'm Cathy, TTC my 3rd. Have PCOS and am not feeling very hopeful lately. Just started with a fertility clinic again, and am hoping to get my period the end of this week so I can start Clomid. If no period, then another med to induce before I can start the Clomid, which means probably not until after Christmas or so.

The crazy thing is, I'm totally convinced I'm pregnant even though the likelihood of it is Nil! I've taken test after test even though I'm only 9dpo today... I just keep feeling like I am for some reason. Ridiculous, as I don't ovulate without meds, but I still am holding out hope I suppose. ;)

Best case scenario at this point really is just getting AF by the end of the week so we can try Clomid again... Here's to hoping! Nice to meet you all!

10 years ago

Nico--thanks and of course I'd stick around.

Jlh--I love the nail salon, have fun!

Luv--new years, Christmas....Just a technicality ;) lol its the same season

10 years ago

The nail shop was great, I go every other week. Also got my eyebrows threaded...feeling more myself ;) wonder how much of that will change with a LO? Anything y'all know you will have to give up?

Luv, I am a New Year's Day baby, so that will be awesome if you find out then :)

Law, great numbers! Everything is sounding great for you!

Cathy, welcome and gl!

Nico, awwww thanks!! So. Glad you are back with us and in better spirits ;)

Cam, how are you holding up?!

SMH, hope your day went well!

Amag, hope you got some good rest.....

AFM, back home after running errands, too many people out, blah...made dinner and now back in bed resting, LOL! This is the life :)

10 years ago

Sorry it has taken me a few days to reply again. (hey, better late than never). I went Christmas shopping yesterday for my son and luckily it wasn't too crazy out last night. Today I went to the hospital to visit one of my friends who had her baby 10 weeks early and then went out to try and brave the stores, but it was a mad house every where we went, so we didn't do any shopping today, and I'm totally okay with that. :) I also had a killer headache so I came back and laid down and napped. It s amazing!

I am having a hard time keeping up with who is testing and expecting AF/BFP I'm sorry. I miss our spreadsheet days. :) I will try and pop over to the pregnancy forum that was made too.

Goodluck to those getting ready to test. And I'm sorry for those having to deal with AF. She's a witch!

Goodluck to everyone that has to deal with the in-laws. Luckily I don't see mine very often. I like my DH's dad, but his dad's GF is a total bitch, and it's very hard for me to bite my tongue around her. But my DH would say the same about my parents, so it's ok. LOL. My mom thinks everyone is entitled to her opinion....

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10 years ago

DevLanCayBeth - 8dpo is still early. Maybe you will get your BFP within the next few days. Fxd4u!

Camasia - Sorry to hear you have a sore throat. Hope it goes away soon!

Luv/Cycle Buddy...he he....I'm CD 6. BFPs here we come!

JLH - I'm a reservist like your DH. I had drill this weekend. [sad] I also get my brows threaded. I love doing that. I started when I was in the middle east and prefer that over waxing or tweezing any day! It lasts much longer.

afmedic109 - Sorry you were feeling under the weather, but hope you are on the mend. I also hope your temp jumps back up tomorrow!

Lawbride - Great betas. Glad you will be graduating to sticky bean!

Amag - I hope a BFP is in your future!

CathyGurly - Welcome! GL this cycle!

AFM - CD6. On my 4th day of 5mg of Femara. I also started POASing for my Clearblue Fertility Monitor (it starts on CD6). Also, I took my first self injection of Estradiol about 30 minutes ago! I was terrified!!!! I was worried for nothing. It was so easy. I thought the needle was going to hurt since I was giving the intramuscular (IM) injection to myself, but it went through my flesh like butter!!! I was so shocked. I guess I can stop being afraid of giving myself IM injections. Just in case anyone is wondering, my RE prescribed the injections to help thicken my uterine lining. I go in for my U/S on Thursday to check my follies and lining. Sure hope I get some good news then.

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10 years ago

@law......just a small intimate wedding. We are so much more excited to have it small and intimate than large and crazy, not to mention very draining on the bank account!!!

@nicolene12.....thanks for the welcome.

@holly3307.....I know 8 DPO is still pretty early. Implantation quite possibly hasn't even occured yet. I am a PAOS addict and starting at 3 DPO!!! Wanted to start getting baselines to see if anything changed. I am extremely regular 28 day cycle. Tomorrow will be CD22 for me. Getting a BFP would be such a great birthday and Christmas gift :)

10 years ago

Thanx holly. Nico it's crazy I honestly never get sick. Luv and JLH it's going great I'm ready to leave I saved my break until now sooo I have a hour break then when the nurse comes at 11 pm I'll be ready to go I guess I'll leave at 1115 pm lol

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10 years ago

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