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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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411 - 420 of 697 Replies | Last Page

SMH my Daughter is Lilyana, kinda funny how I got my Hubby to agree. When I was like 12 weeks, I kept calling the baby her and he got aggravated so I told him fine I will stop saying she if you agree to my girl name, he said fine because he was sooo sure she was a boy, well needless to say I got my way. He did get his name in as her middle name....Lilyana McKinley.

10 years ago

SMH: yeah this time of year is nuts at work!! but I will be doing my best to jump on the computer at home when i can to update and to check on all you ladies!!

Cam: that is great that the dr agreed to do the hsg! I have the same insurance BCBS and my plan did cover it so im hoping yours will too.. the only part that sucked for us is i have a $1000.00 deductible so i pretty much paid out of pocket for it!! but it was worth it!! good luck hope they get you set up quickly!

law: i do not temp just because i am awful at remembering to do it that early in the morning. i am not a morning person at all... as it is just having to remember to take my new meds in the morning before coffee is awful!! i have to wait 30 min to an hour before i eat or drink anything other than water with the new meds!! but i do OPK's usually!! Most of the time i really dont need them though because my body seems to be pretty good at letting me know when i ovulate. i go from nothng to EWCM then the next day ill have slight bleeding in with EWCM and then i ovulate with the cramps and all then it just all so i use the opks just to make sure to catch the initial surge to really start BD then just keep it going for a day or two after i stops.

Rice: i love that DH was so excited and happy! and bravo to you for pulling it off!! i definately would have mad my dh open the gift bag in the middle of dinner because i wouldnt be able to wait! so happy for you guys and glad you will be hanging around! Luv and i dont want to be left to our lonesomes although i think she is going to be next!!

afm: that is a great story and i love your daughters name it goes very well together too!!

10 years ago

amag--well, it sounds like you don't really need to. I like your method of confirming O.

afmedic--I have to wait until the results come back--I'm guessing Monday or Tuesday--at which point my doctor is supposed to call me with the results.

AFM not feeling great today. I think it's the fact that I've had decaf coffee 2 days in a row. I ran out of regular after my cup of coffee on wednesday and I bought decaf last time we were at the store since I knew I'd have to stop eventually. I have this heaviness in my abdomen, feels like AF is coming but I know that isn't true because I'm taking progesterone....such a weird feeling.

10 years ago

smh: Thanks for asking. Hopefully nothing is going on with my aorta. But just in case, I need to have the scan. I have a condition that puts me at increased risk for aortic dissection and abdominal aortic aneurism.

10 years ago

Thanks ladies my Dr wrote the script already now I have to figure out who and where! I've met the deductible this year after the ectopic so I have to hurry before the new year!

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10 years ago

afmedic: I'm sorry to hear about your kitty scare, but I'm glad to hear that he has a favorable prognosis. I totally understand...I'm approaching the one-year anniversary of my baby kitty girl's brush with death (diagnosed with kidney failure but one kidney miraculously recovered!). I swear I love her more than I love some people. lol My husband actually gets jealous of our relationship!

law: Withdrawal symptoms suck. I don't drink caffeine, but I understand how the body becomes accustomed to medications. No fun. I hope you start feeling a bit more "normal" soon.

cam: That's awesome that your doctor is on board and that your test will be covered. I hope that the results give you some answers and help your TTC journey.


I feel blah tonight. Second night of constant chills (not feeling cold but rather waves of goose-bump sensations). I'm also oddly itchy all over. It's mild but enough to drive me a bit nuts. I'm now officially 13dpo (it's after midnight, lol) and not feeling particularly motivated to test in the morning. Perhaps it's because I've already gotten myself down to one remaining test (we won't discuss how many I had 4 days ago lol).

10 years ago

Good morning ladies,

I hope you're all doing well. My period has pretty much gone from 2 days of crazy heaviness to nothing today. It is weird because normally my periods are like 2 weeks of hell. I took a test just in case and of course it was neg. I just wanted to rule it out. I have my appt on Wednesday for my full check up. I'm hoping for an u/s and possibly some clomid because of my history of long periods of anovulation. Fingers crossed!

@Rice - I love how you told your husband. My dh is so active in the baby making department that he likes to be with me when I take the test. He is so excited to be a daddy! However, it does take away the opportunity for me to surprise him. I am thinking of ways to surprise my mother instead. DH and I are living in the UK and our families are back in Canada, so we will have to be creative. I talk to my mom almost every day and I am really bad at keeping secrets.

I love the names everyone has picked out! Rella is very pretty and unique. We have had a hard time picking out names because my family is German/English speaking and his family only speaks French. We needed to come up with names that were neutral in both languages. We have about 7 names for each sex picked out (along with middle names). We are hoping to have a large family, so it will be easier to choose names lol. My favourite for a girl is Eva (after my late aunt), and for a boy my favourite is Ignace (pronounced "in-nee-as", it is French for Ignatius). My husband likes Elie for a boy (it is pronounced Ee-lee, and was his grandfather's name) and for a girl he likes Gertrude (Trudy for short) or Brigitte. My sister named all her kids after plants, so mine won't seem so horrible lol.

10 years ago

Wow I didn't write much yesterday and now I am overwhelmed! Lots of talk of names, I am leaning towards Katherine Pauline for a daughter (Pauline is a family name and I am the sixth one - middle name - in a row!) and I like several boy names but I want my husband to have final say in that one. Middle name would be Ronald though after his late father and his own middle name. I tend to like names that are fairly classic regardless of how common they are. I saw Emmett somewhere up there, which I like a lot! Unfortunately my husband hates it...what a boob he is


lawbride don't worry about the caffeine deprivation! As someone who has quit caffeine many times over the years, I know it usually takes three weeks to stop feeling headache-y. Drink lots of water! It's worth the pain now to get past it :)

rbk good luck at your appt! Weird AF but that's probably because coming off the pill makes things change up a bit for about...a year or so? haha :)

beyond sorry about the blahs :( I hope AF stays away and you get a BFP on that last test!

amag put the medicine bottles next to the sink before you go to bed, that way when you get up in the morning you can't miss them ;)

afmedic sorry about your kitty but glad it's on the road to recovery! Exciting that O is coming up so soon! You should definitely see Catching Fire!

SMH hooray for your good glucose test! I have actually had that glucose drink, they gave it to me when I almost fainted after my colposcopy, LOL. It is pretty gross. Just hold your nose and chug ;) I think you'll be able to sell DH on it. Why not use MaherLee as a middle name for Rella?

AFM going to TODAY'S 9 AM show of Catching Fire with ANOTHER friend...then I will go tomorrow with my husband. I will single-handedly get this film to set opening weekend records :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

luv---a second showing? wow, I applaud you. I couldn't do it but then again...popcorn for breakfast? Yes please! I took an excedrin and realized it has aspirin and that's a no no. Oopsy. I'm glad you like Emmett...we are certainly naming one of our sons that if we have two.

rbk--katherine pretty. It's classic! :)

afm--not feeling so great this morning. got this bloated, crampy feeling...well, maybe pressure is a better description. not sure what that's about. I did a short jog this morning on the treaddy--only 30 minutes and extremely slow. made me feel good to do something after lazing around all day yesterday.

10 years ago

lawbride you've already got preggo brain! Katherine Pauline was mine ;) Glad you like it though! A jog sounds lovely! Glad your DH didn't freak out about it heehee ;) Yeah the popcorn for breakfast was pretty glorious. I won't be getting popcorn again today though!

10 years ago • Post starter

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