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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Oh, Carla. I'm so sorry. Don't lose hope yet. Brown could be old blood. Keep us posted!!

I got the hcg went up to 237 so it looks good so far! FX!

I'm going to move over to the countdownmypregnancy side...but I'll still be checking in here. GL to all of you wonderful ladies and thank you for your knowledge, positivity and kindness. You are all wonderful women and I wish you the very best!!!

11 years ago

@lizhaa - If all I had to go by was your BBT and one positive OPK I would have said 13, with the dip on 15 being a fallback rise. They're all above your cover. However, your CM pattern supports 15 better. There's a chance that if you had continued testing you may have seen an additional LH surge on your OPK on 15, but we can't know that for sure. I lean toward 15 for now just because it lines up better across all your fertility signs, but let's see what your next couple of temps do.

@carla - fingers crossed that it's just old blood.

@jess - Thanks for the well-wishes! Sounds like you're really learning the ins and outs of BBT and you're getting all the tricks down with the mucinex etc! (Is it weird if I'm kinda proud of you? Ya know, since we're two grown women who don't know each other? ) You're doing great! I have my fingers very crossed for you this cycle.

@Mommasa - YAAAY! That's great! Sounds like maybe you really did O later! I love the jump!

Also, have your Vit D levels been tested? I had poor quality sleep like you and constant fatigue and found my levels were low, which can cause that. It's incredibly common. Just a side note.

But YAAAAY! Hopefully I'll join you on the other site someday. My old profile's still over there under the same user name.

@Cristi - Yes I am itching to test. So much so that I broke down and took one this morning which was stupid because of course it was a BFN. I try to always make myself hold off until at least 10dpo but I went bonkers a day early. Blargh.

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Christ, I am praying praying praying for you girly!!

Grants, I cant wait to find out about your test, and I too hope you have a great trip!!

And just to make note, I have been having some weird things going on with my body this cycle! For one I threw up twice yesterday in town, but the kids had had a bug a few days previous so I may have just caught it. Two, I keep having a hard time breathing, like I just cant catch my breath even while I am just resting. Three, my stomach hurts sooo bad, like I have been doing situps. This morning it hurt so bad I could hardley sit straight up!! Four, I am exhausted, which is kind of normal seeing that I have three teenage daughters who are involved in everything and a 1 year old son! Five, I have been a emotional rollarcoaster, and my husband keeps telling me I am pregnant! I wish I could say I dont have my hopes up, but I always do! Its ok to hope, it shows I have faith in God! I have had tons of symptoms before and not been pregnant, so I know its not gaurenteed. But I will say that my stomach muscles have not hurt like this since I was pregnant with the last baby, so I am getting pretty excited. They say the stomach muscles will hurt because your body is producing a chemical that loosens the muscles, thats also why your back will hurt. And my back has been hurting and I have had bad gas!! SO WE WILL SEE!! Today I am 6dpo and counting!! And I take a wondfo test every morning!! I just havent found the strenth to wait to test yet. I know its near impossible to even get a postive this early, but what the heck, I am just ready for two lines!!! Hope yall are all fertile mertiles this month!!!

11 years ago

Well ladies, it looks like I have a lot of catching up to do on this board! What a busy feed! Im only on CD3 so i have a long wait ahead of me! We have been ttc for 10 months for #2 without any luck. Our daughter just turned two. If we conceive this month, I will be due Aug. 19 and they will be two years and nine months apart. My fingers are crossed! We been trying the old fashioned way, with a little guidance from the calendar. My cycle is like clockwork and I don't want to make myself any more crazy than I already am so I didn't want to do much more than that. This month however I stocked up on super high quality vitamins and started taking my prenatal again. the icing on the cake is that i had acupuncture done the day of ovulation (Tuesday). My SIL practices traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture so I felt more comfortable using her as our next step than anything else. She said from the looks of everything (on paper and in my body) that we don't have anything working against us. She showed me some conception meditations that have been very relaxing and they are slowly getting easier. I won't test until December 12 (at the earliest) but I will be checking back daily for all the BFPs! Baby dust to you all!

11 years ago

Good morning ladiessss..

CarlaEL-praying hard for ur bfp..

Gratsmama- been reading all ur advices.. Simply greatt..:)fingers crossed for ur bfp too..

Sorry to hear about all the AFs. Will pray for more bfpsss..

AFM: i am exactly 6w today. I feel reallyy scared waiting for my gynae appt which is oni aft christmas. I had a very bad sharp poking pain in my left lower tummy. I woke up crying thinking its all over but luckily it didn even last for more than a minute n went away. Went to see a normal gp dr n she said nothing to worry as long as no bleeding n it doesn las for days.

I just feel really so worried n praying very hard tht my little bean is here to stay. Sometimes i cry over the worrys. I just wait patiently for another 4weeks. By then ill b 10w n a u/s will b able to pick up everything..

11 years ago

Hello ladies! I'm new to this thread..just joined countdowntopregnancy today :) my est. Due date is Aug 21st 2013 if all goes my way and I get my bfp. I'm only 2 dpo and am anxious to start testing. I'm a bit of a poasaholic :) I hope everyone gets their BFP! baby dust to everyone!

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11 years ago

Hey ladies. My frustration is over with all the BFN's after that singe BFP on ~6-7DPO.

I tested this morning with a brand called Inovacon (or something like that) and I could see a very very faint discolouration like a shadow line after the read time and I knew they aren't as sensitive as others so I went out and bought a 3 pack of FRER. I've taken 2, four hours apart on SMU and 3rd urine. Both faint positives... so now that I've had 2 positives in a row same day I'm confident to say I've had my BFP. NOw I have to wait until i'm "due for af" and pray like nothing else that she doesn't show her face. I'm shaking pretty bad because I'm nervous it's not gonna stick.....

I will keep you updated.

For you symptom trackers - I think I'm one of those that didn't seem to notice as many as other months that I thought I was pregnant.
Normally I get really sore bbs from about 4DPO til 12 DPO then gradually get better.

THe ones I noticed different this month were:

1DPO sore nipples. Never had that before!
2DPO as above, VIVID dream - breastfeeding, dry CM - normally have creamy right throughout luteal phase
3DPO as above but stopped from here on. VIVID dream - BFP
4DPO Vivid dream - bfp and cruelty to the child? abondoning?? (woke up feeling very upset)
5DPO - Not much - temp drop massive, backache (very new), twinges
6&7 DPO really bad diarreha, thirs increasing, dreams vivid, backache (very new) BFP??? followed by bfns
8 DPO thirsty, dry mouth, backache (new) bfn
9 DPO - 2 x BFP

Gonna wait until AF is due then go to the doctor for confirmation. I have lots of tests left so I'm gonna try get a progression photo as soon as the BFP shows on the cassette ones.

11 years ago

Ladies, tomorrow I will be 10dpO/IUI. Should I test or wait it out? I want to so bad but I don't have any tests in the house so if you all think I should wait, I'll hold off. This is my first 2ww after IUI and I'm going insane!!!

Congrats to all the BFP's!

Me (26) + DH (32) TTC #1 since January 2011

11 years ago

Has anyone noticed that fertility seems to come in waves on these threads? Three months ago it was a BFP Bonanza. And I don't remember any sad stories of loss from that group. Two months ago we had a bunch of chemical pregnancies and one slightly later miscarriage. Seems like last month was a lighter month for BFPs. Now this month seems to be another super-fertile avalanche of BFPs! I think we're on a roll this time ladies. Keep up the good work.

@Sha - Don't worry so much! (I know it's easier said than done.) But if you don't have bleeding along with the cramping it's probably ok. Sounds like it's your uterus stretching. It sounds weird because the bean is still too small to stretch your uterus, but your mommy parts know what's coming so they actually do little stretches to prepare. It's like your uterus is exercising to get in shape.

@Yummy - That's great! Congratulations! I don't think you need to wait til AF is due to go to the Dr. If you're getting lines on hpts, then a blood test will definitely confirm. I'd just head on in for a pregnancy confirmation!

@Mars - Ooo how interesting! Keep us posted on the Chinese medicine and acupuncture! Love to hear more about it and how it goes.

WELCOME to all the newbies!

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

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