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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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lawbride88 - Exercise during pregnancy is great! Just don't overdue it. . It's just not healthy to be 5 months pregnant and then suddenly decide you are going to be a weight lifter or something. I struggled with many family members. They pretty much treated me like I was useless. No, not useless, my range of motion just went a little downhill. ha It didn't prevent me from renovating my house at 8 months pregnant, though.

kait62881 - I didn't think it would take so long either. Especially when you see so many people trying to prevent pregnancy and still end up pregnant. But it seems once one tries to get pregnant it takes time!

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10 years ago

Today is cd 27 no af yet but I will wait a longer because o hate being disappointed.

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10 years ago

3lil--trust me I know that all too well! Clomid and progesterone must have caused a 6-8 pound weight gain. Follistim seems to be okay right now. No added hunger or anything but i have a heap of progesterone to take after O so I'll definitely be changing my eating patterns to prevent what could be a disaster.

10 years ago


luvto; Thank you, it's nice to know that I can contribute to the ladies here even thought I was not ttc. I might not reply every day but I read the post everyday as soon as my alarm goes off in the morning I am glad that this whole thing is over too. I've still got some bleeding and now mixed with watery cm. I'm on cd15 today. I normally get a pos opk on cd19/20. Going back to the ob/gyno on the 6 november for follow up.
I'm stoked that your dh SA came back better than before. Hopefully you woun't need the IUI next cycle Talking about glasses: I had mine checked 3 yrs ago and can feel the affect now

amag: with dh SA test. Hopefully he can get it done before work and you can go ahead with either IUi or IVF. I'm wishing a bfp for you like yesterday!!!!
Hostile cm??? Can you just imagine what or how they would have diagnosed this in the olden times hehehe

luvto;amag: I can picture it now ladies. luv and amag sitting in the tree. IUI and then 2 heheehehe Sorry it sounded much cooler in my head.

1stt: I'm soo very happy that your body is back to normal. Those opk were BLAZING girl. I've got a good feeling for you!!!

law: I am very proud of you
Concurring your anxiety about the needles. I am looking forward to hear about your next follie scan result and hopefull you can get the trigger asap.
Sorry, I'm not sure if I've or someone has asked the Q whether you told the RE about the time issue?
Those muffins you made sounds yummeeeee

jlh: So happy that your bleeding has settled down. Have you contacted the ob yet? Hopeful for some good news!!

kait: welcome to the forum. Amag is right it can take a while for your body to go back to normal after bc. Got fx We're all in the same boat, please don't get discouraged

bluerose: Don't you just hate the fact that early preg and pms symptoms are EXACTLY the same. gmmmff Your symptoms does sound promising. your way.
Have you used the FRER yet? Tempting, very tempting. can you hear that little voice sayin" DOOOO IIIT? That would be me sending you "test vibes" via the internet. hehehe

3lil: That is my saying: I'll sleep when I'm dead" My dh complains about not getting enough sleep when I want to do something and I tell him that the world is passing us by while we are sleeping. Hahaha in your case it is not by choice. You must be used to it by now? I'm very eager to hear about your new employment search. Hope and pray you get something that will suit your family life with the kids.


I am getting excited for all our testers. Can not wait to see all the

I am sore allover. Did a session at the osteo this morning. Then decided to go and weed the whole garden. My osteo will say that I stuffed up all her good work by working in the garden:)
It was our 9yr wedding anniversary yesterday and instead of going out we decided to go to bed early because bot of us could hardly keep our eyes open at 9pm. How funny is that. Just shows you how important sleep is.
I made up for it by making dh favorite risotto dish for lunch today. All is forgiven.
Next on my list: youtube how to change a tap in the bathroom.

Happy Monday everyone

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10 years ago

Nico--I told the intern who told my RE. So, yes, she knows. She said that she doesn't think it should take more than 3 cycles for us to get a BFP. I am praying that this is our cycle. Awww, that was sweet. Risotto seems so finicky and quite intimidating. I love cooking and am generally a great cook but risotto scares me.

10 years ago

law: yay I'm happy that your RE is confident that you'll be preggo within 3 month. I used to think the same about risotto. Making it the old fasion way is a no no for me. I have a quick fale safe recipe that you bake in the oven. Works everytime

2005 2007. 2008 1/2013 6/2013 User ImageMake an ovulation ticker

10 years ago

@Kait: Hey & Welcome!!! :) And I don't actually test until the beginning of November... but I just couldn't leave these ladies, so here I am :)

@Camasia: FX'd for you!!!!

@Nicolene: Thank you :) And happy late anniversary!!! :))

AFM: 3 dpo today and been having some gas since yesterday. Same thing happened last cycle when I got a bfp, so FX'd!!! :) Other than that nothing new to report :)

Happy Monday everyone! :)

10 years ago

Nico--recipe please!

1st--fingers crossed for you.

10 years ago

bluerose wow I couldn't renovate my house pregnant or not! I'm impressed! :)

Cam FX that AF is a no-show!!

lawbride I think as long as you have a good plan you shouldn't gain too much weight, if you do oh well, we have to sacrifice our bodies to the fertility gods!

Nicolene happy belated anniversary! Sleeping more sounds perfect to me haha :) Did the docs say you'd be likely to ovulate this month? I don't know how recovery from D&Cs work, but I hope you bounce back this cycle :)

1stTTC yay for gas, LOL!

AFM 10 DPO nothing really unusual for the TWW, not that I care because my body constantly fakes me out. I've been pretty cranky the last 24 hours or so. As usual, though. At least my team won last night!

10 years ago • Post starter

Just popping in for a quick update. I'm 12 DPO today and thought I was out. I took a FRER and BFN. Could swear I see a hint of a line, but could be line eye, so I thought I would take a 10miu midstream test just for the heck of it. Well after 3 minutes, there was a line. The line became even more visible by the 10 minute mark. It is too light to photograph, but something is there. I'm just hoping it is still too early and the FRER didn't pick it up yet. Hopefully tomorrow, something will be darker.

Hope everyone is doing well! Back to work...

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10 years ago

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