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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Thank you for the kind words, ladies! Your support has meant so much to me!

My doc just called me... He is off today, but checked my labs and called me from his home. Numbers went down like we expected, 330. He said it was good that it is dropping so quickly, and I should be back to myself in no time. He wants to see me in 7-10 days to check hormone levels and do an u/s to verify uterine lining has returned to normal. He said that after the u/s he'll either give me the "go ahead" or tell me to wait until after the next period. Hopefully I'll "normalize" quickly and be able to start trying again soon.

@Sandra: let us know how the u/s goes! I hope you'll see something special!!

@Zuberi: I'm glad you are staying busy, that always helps with the waiting game.

@amanda: sorry this wasn't your month! My DH and I have also had the "we could be happy with just our DS" conversation. At least we know we can conceive, now we just have to wait for the right timing.

@Momma: I am so sorry about your loss. At least you didn't have a DNC, it is best when the body can take care of itself. I am SUPER jealous you get to live somewhere warm! It is exciting you get to live somewhere new!

On a side note... I used all of my stockpile of hpt over the last three weeks. At first it was because I was under the impression that I wasn't going to need them for the next 9 months, then it was craziness needing to see the line stay dark. This event has really opened my eyes, and I don't think I will want to know early. It just means more time to worry and wait. Plus using multiple tests a day didn't make me feel any better because I couldn't really see any difference in a line on the same day. Who knows how I'll actually feel as the time gets closer, but right now I'm feeling a less is more vibe.

11 years ago

hey ladies!

Apparently I missed basically a whole page of posts last time I posted so sorry.

Momma: I am so happy to hear from you. I am glad you are doing better and that you didn't have to have a dnc. It is exciting that you all will be starting a new chapter in life in FL. Hopefully that will be a good "restart button" for TTC. FL might just be the trick! AFM I am not close to FL. I wish I was b/c I assure you the weather her in Missouri has left a lot to be desired lately.

Zuberi: give us an update on you when you get the time. Miss ya girl!

SandraK: today is u/s day! yay! Can't wait to hear about it!

Dbjohnson: That is really nice that you doc is going to give you an u/s to check uterine lining. I would have been really appreciative of that if my doc had done it for me. It just gives you a little reassurance and in my case could have helped me by not going through the heartbreak a second time b/c my body wasn't ready yet. As far as testing goes, I feel the same way after my losses. Sometimes it is better just to wait it out and wonder instead of worry. Now come time to test this time I did test early but not really early and not every day. So I feel like I kind of have a handle on testing now. The earlier you know the longer it seems before you can hear the baby's heartbeat, get an u/s or even see your doc... if it's meant to be it will be.

AFM: well just hoping af disappears before my weekend at the lake.. spending day with DD today and we are going to do some shopping :)

11 years ago • Post starter


@amanda: A weekend at the lake sounds amazing! I hope AF disappears soon, so you can really enjoy yourself!

@Sandra: Can't wait to hear about your exciting u/s!!!

AFM: I passed some tissue this morning, looked like a small red squid... I am still cramping a little, but not bad. I figured there would be a lot more blood and cramping, but I guess I was still pretty early. Got me appointment set up for the u/s next Wednesday. Started temping again, I figure I got to get back in the hang of it

11 years ago

Hello? Anyone there?

I know we are all busy, but I miss you ladies! I hope everyone is well.

AFM: still lightly bleeding/spotting. I am surprised on how calm I am. I mean... I have cried in the past when I've heard your stories of loss, but I haven't cried about this event. I am looking towards the future and trying to stay positive.

11 years ago


Nice to hear from you. I have been wanting to get on here last week, and tell you how very sorry I am. My heart sank as I read about your update last week. Although I don't know you all personally, just being on here, and hearing your stories has made me feel bonded and connected to you. I have even shared with my dh about you all! I know the pain of miscarriages as I have had two, and I'm so very, very sorry.

How is the rest of you doing? It's been quiet here, and hoping everything is okay.

On my ultrasound last Tuesday, they saw a gesational sac and yolk sac, and measured a few days ahead. Tech said that is what they expect to see at that point as far as just seeing yolk sac. I have another ultrsound this coming Wednesday to see the heartbeat and baby, and my first appt. with doctor. I said in a previous post I hadn't had too much nausuea, but I spoke too soon. It hit a few days ago so bad, and hasn't let up. I wake up sick and go to bed sick, it's all day. All has gone out the window lately with the house and life... lots of movies for the kids, no cooking and just managing to do what I can in between vomiting.

11 years ago

Hi everyone,
how is everyone doing? Not last cycle but the previous one, I was really sure that it would be the one, lol thought I had every symptom going and was so excited. I waited to test until 11dpo but BFN :0( I was gutted. Last month I had nothing so figured maybe that would be the month, lol. I didn't even bother testing and AF arrived bang on time. This month was my first month trying OPK and also my first month trying to be good, not reading too much into things etc I tried to keep myself off this lol so that I wouldn't think about it! But have sneaked the odd peak :0)
Well I gave in today at 12 dpo and had that beautiful second line!!! I couldn't believe it!
I'm a whole big bundle of emotions, excited, scared after my first m/c and terrified it will happen again. But so so excited. I even had a glass of wine on Friday because I was thinking it would be the same as last month. Yikes now I feel guilty about that.

Anyway I'm keeping everything crossed that things work out well!

Wishing everyone good luck for this cycle :0)


1084 / 6000 Emojis


11 years ago

@tanialnz: That is SO exciting!!! Congrats! Don't feel too bad about one glass of wine (unless it was a GIANT glass), especially if it was before your expected missed period. Wow! I am SO happy for you!! I know you have had quite the bumpy journey. This is your time, I really hope you enjoy it!

11 years ago

Heeeyyyyyy Ladies!

I miss you guys so much. I accidentally erased the forum and I could not find it so I sent Amanda a message and she gave me the web address. whew....
But im all caught up on everyone.

Tanz: Congrats... I am so happy for you!

Dbjouhnson: I pray you are feeling better

Amanda: Thanks for the reply

AFM: I got a very faint yesterday and a faint this am. I am going to make an appointment in the am to comfirm.
I have not told DH yet. I want to have a blood draw first. But...... I will update you guys as soon as I get a confirmation!

11 years ago

Z- I'm am ecstatic for you!

11 years ago

Hey ladies!

Dbjohnson: I am glad you are on ease about your experiences. Being relaxed will help in time! Have you deccided what your next actions will be?

SandraK: Excited about your next ultrasound!

Tanialnz: That's so exciting! Anything you drank before your missed period shouldn't cause you any worries. Especially if it was just a glass of wine. How are you feeling? any symptoms?

Zuberi: I am so excited for you! I can't imagine how you are keeping this from DH but I said that when I finally get my BFP that I'll be keeping the secret as long as possible too. So what were your symptoms leading up to your bfp?!

Momma_C: how are things going? have you decided your next steps on this journey?

AFM: I had a BLAST at the lake this weekend! It couldn't have been planned at a better time b/c AF was leaving and I could drink b/c I didn't have to worry. So now that I've had my fun it's serious baby-making time! lol I am on CD 9 and I missed 3 days of temps so I'm trying to get back into the routine and am looking forward to starting opks. I am trying clear blue this time b/c I feel like they might be easier to read. They aren't the smiley face ones b/c my second cycle trying I used first response smiley face one and I got a smiley on CD 8 and it turned itself off and I had to buy reg opks b/c I knew I hadn't O'd yet. Anyways.. I'm just nervous b/c there are only 9. DH and I have an understanding that we are really going to try this month.. so we will see what happens!

11 years ago • Post starter

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