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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Well ladies I am sad to say I must move on to September 2013, AF showed her face this evening....

Keep trying and GOOD LUCK YO YOU ALL!!!!

11 years ago

I hope you ladies don't mind I join you! I haven't read the whole thread yet but am working on it! I just can't seem to fall asleep tonight even though I am so tired! Blah!!

Anywho if this is my month I would be due August 10th :) . I am currently WTT but I can't be on the pill anymore due to it messing with my body way too much, so we only use condoms....but I think we weren't careful enough this time! Due to being on the pill for 2 years I have found my cycle really hasn't gotten back to normal after 3 years, so when I get my period is unpredictable.

Usually I can tell when I am about to get the period, like moodiness or crying over nothing (I cried last cycle when there was no corn for turkey lol) but this cycle, a few days after we dtd I started feeling light headed and super tired and the symptoms kept coming such as hungry all the time and now pressure in my pelvic region with slight cramping and weird pains I have never experienced before.

I don't want to test just yet, I plan on going to the doctor in a few days since my dizzy spells haven't really gone away and I have no energy for Christmas decorating.

11 years ago

Hey ladies,

I hope everyone is well.

I am now on CD30 of a 28 day cycle. know everyone's encouraging me to test and I did catch the fmu to test but I changed my mind and threw it away. DH is away and I think I prefer to test when he's here so we can share it together. He gets back tonight so if no AF by tonight I'll do a test.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone.

11 years ago

Good luck CarlaEL!!

Me (26) + DH (32) TTC #1 since January 2011

11 years ago

Grants mama-I started temping and it got screwed up because I am a terrible sleeper, up every few hours. Around the time I thought I was going to O I started Opk's but missed a couple and gave up. My estimate is 4w6d today but I could be off a couple days. I think I O'd around the 12 th because I was consistently tracking cm and had cramping around that time that I assumed was O cramping. My mc in August screwed my cycle up a little but I'm normally 28 days. The last 2 cycles were 35 then 32. So I don't know for sure when I O'd and I know my dates are probably off a tad. I'm trying to stay positive. I'm just scared.

11 years ago

Maricle thank you and fx for you!!!

Carla fx sticky vibes!!!

Grantsmom i hope you get a bfp fx and good luck!!! Sticky vibes!!!

Afm im cd11 and had a positive opk last night, will keep testing to ensure no more surges.... dh and i bd'ed this morning and will continue bd'ing through sunday then go every other day after again.... hoping the baby asprin and mucinex works in time for o... took my 2nd dose this morning, hopefully its enough time...ive been really trying to enjoy bd with dh... it can be so easy for me to turn it into work with ttc but im really trying hard to not think of it like we are ttc this time. Im praying really hard that we get a bfp before laporscopy surgery jan. 28th. Good luck ladies ttc and in the tww :) fx and sticky vibes!!!!!

11 years ago

Jess, I like that you are trying to keep it fun in the bedroom. It can become work, but when you enjoy it it doesn't seem like work at all. My mind was always racing whenever we did, but I had to relax some. I think that really helped this cycle. I even sprayed some relaxation spray on our pillows from bad and body works. Good luck!

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11 years ago

Sorry @taylorsmom I know how disappointing that is. Good luck for next month.

Good luck to those of you still waiting and congrats to those who got their BFPs!

AFM I need some help interpreting my chart and figuring out which day I actually oâ??ed. Iâ??m either 5dpo or 3dpo. I got a positive opk on CD12 and that morning I had a temperature spike that significantly shifted my coverline up. CTP said I had oâ??d CD13 (I continued taking opks the next few days and they were negative every time). Because of that one high temp I didnâ??t register a temperature shift until CD16 and now CTP is saying I actually oâ??ed on CD15. Which do you think is more accurate? The positive opk or the temperature shift? Would it be abnormal to o 2+ days after a LH surge? If I toss out that one random high temp, my temp shift look like it occurred CD14. Thanks for your help!

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11 years ago

Bjohnson thank you and i might hsve to pick up the relaxation spray your talking of lol...

Lizzhaa i think u o'ed either cd13 or 15... the dip on cd13 could have been a fluck that is why im leaning toward cd15... those temps seem more consistant with the temps prior to the dip... usually you o according to a temp rise of .30-.60.... a positive opk just means lh surge not necessarily o... hope this helps fx and good luck just keep banging it out :)

11 years ago

I've started spotting. It's brown in color but this is how AF started last cycle.

11 years ago

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