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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Sorry to those I have missed. In a hurry getting ready for work here!

@michgurl30- Sorry to hear you have been feeling so crappy. Hopefully it was worth all youe suffering!
@1stTTCMommy- I am not sure sure when I am going to test. Hopefully not until afte a missed period if there is one.
@Janise- Sorry to hear about the pap! I know how that feels!
@luvtowalkfast- Sorry to hear that you lining isn't cooperating. And that all the sperm were dead! That's crazy! I am glad to hear though that you have a new plan. I am hoping for the best for you!

8 Temps started dropping yesterday. And although still above coverline according to FF. The last two days have been close to going under. I feel quite warm though.

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10 years ago

Janise: i am feeling really good right now. not liking the progesterone much but otherwise feel great. i have not been symptom spotting yet only because we havent implanted the embryo back in yet. that we actually do tomorrow. All of the eggs still looked great so we are waiting until day 5 to put it back in...hoping all goes well. how are you doing ?

SMH" sorry your are not feeling well. hoping its just lack of sleep and not an actual BP issue but if you arent getting enough sleep it can start to effect Bp as well. Hoping you get a chance to get more rest.

Jada: i am really glad the Dr. is so forthcoming and moving you along quickly i will be praying for you that all goes well and smoothly for you!!

luv: so sorry about the sperm thing. that is really strange. Hoping maybe the Dr. can get you in quicker with the RE but glad you are being so positive. Hopefully the femara will but much better for you than the clomid.

blue: hope you have plenty of time to BD this cycle and things go well. good luck girl!!

AFM: as i said above im feeling really good still. dont really care for the progesterone suppositories. i feel like a never ending fountain down there...ugh!! Had to start taking a stool softner because of the new meds but all is well otherwise. I was a little confused about the need for a three or five day transfer but looked it up and realized that its a good sign if you do a five day. that means the majority of your eggs were still splitting and dividing appropriately to feel you could wait until a day five. if they had stopped or were of poor quality we would have done a day 3 transfer. so now i will be going in tomorrow morning for the transfer!! i will keep you all informed on how things go tomorrow!! right now im off to my nephew 2nd birthday party !!

10 years ago

Amag enjoy the festivities, blue is 8 dpo not on cd 8. I'm on cd 24 I'm just waiting patiently for either way. Going to take a nap before work at 3 pm

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10 years ago

janise you'll be fine, the vast majority of women who need bizarro cervical procedures go on to have normal pregnancies, and you don't even know if you'll need it! :)

1stTTC sorry about crazy work! GL with your house stuff :) I have heard that the lining does thicken a bit after O but not much. Boo!

michgurl so sorry about the bad Clomid effects! Clomid is not fun whatsoever. I really hope it does the trick for you this month so you don't have to stay on it! Be careful because I have discovered that being on Clomid for a while (I took it four times) can make your lining thinner, which sucks! I hope your TWW goes fast though :)

bluerose it sucks that your temps aren't very stable but at least this month your ovulation was pretty obvious, that is definitely a good sign :) Hopefully the low temps are implantation! Yeah DH's dead sperm was a bit of a weird moment, that has never ever happened so I'm wondering if they killed them somehow, like if they used a bad sperm wash or something.

amag that is AWESOME that they are waiting for a day 5 transfer! Those are more likely to be successful than 3-day transfers. Probably because it's had a bit more time to grow and day 5 is closer to a normal implantation day. Super excited for you now!!!

Cam enjoy your nap! :)

AFM 1 DPO and my temps are super high! Could not produce a BM today which is typical. Ugh. I take two Colace and Miralax every day. I stopped taking the magnesium because I ran out and honestly taking that many stool softeners is a recipe for dehydration! Is anyone seeing Divergent this weekend? I loved the books and DH and I are going to see it tomorrow morning (hopefully most people will be in church, I hate crowded movies)!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies! Well, DH and I spent the day in Boston yesterday. That was really fun. Just did some sightseeing, went to an Indian buffet that was phenomenal and i ate entirely too much, had froyo and a cannoli. All very delicious but feeling like poop today. I still managed to workout. My motivation to write my paper is waning and that's starting to stress me out--I'm now 5 pages behind schedule and feeling the pressure. Ay ay ay. I just want this to be over already. Sitting in the basement of the law school doing NOTHING is just making me more angry with myself so I better get to work. Hope you're all having a wonderful Saturday!

10 years ago

lawbride I hope you scraped up the motivation to get through the paper! Just think how good it'll feel to be done with it. Sorry you feel crappy today but your meal sounds awesome!

I got a pineapple and am going crazy on it. Just had my first pieces and I am already friggin' sick of it! I can tell this is gonna be a rough few days. Good news is yesterday my real-life friend told me she is pregnant after her second "frozen" IVF cycle (she had a successful fresh one 3 years ago and now is working on a second child, first frozen cycle failed). So that is good! She is very understanding of what I'm going through and we are rooting for each other. Hoping my pineapple core will do the trick for my thin lining and plump it up. She reassured me a bit and said she thinks 0.6 cm is all you really need to implant so I am pretty damn close. Just need a bit more!

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: I had no idea that is what caused the page to get all catty-wompus. Good to know! I hope your body responds well to the femara/letrozole!! Fx for no side effects. Bigger fx you won't need it because you get your BFP this cycle. That is great your friend is pregnant on her second frozen ivf cycle. Why did she need ivf? Is this the friend that was ignoring you for sometime? Glad you O'd!! And I bet your lining will get thick enough :)

@afmedic: I didn't end up checking my blood pressure because my headache let up.. It's been coming and going though today.. I think it's due to lack of sleep. I am constantly comparing myself to other mommies and that really makes me feel like a failure. The most I get when I pump is an ounce and a half.. Some women can express an ounce and a half by simply sneezing. Ugh! And I'm actually not smelling like maple syrup. Perhaps I drink enough water where it doesn't make me smell? I looked up Mothers Milk and ended up ordering some. I'm gonna try it. I know I should be pumping more than once a day, I just hate it so much. And Rella tends to not go down for her nap after I feed her when I've pumped before hand so it makes me think she's not getting enough at that feeding. All so stressful. Isn't your scan coming up? What day is it again?

Cam: Praying for your BFP!!!

@janise: I had laser vaporization of the cervix four years ago and it didn't compromise my pregnancy at all. Hopefully whatever is going on with you will clear itself up.

@1stTTC: I forget, what do you do for work again? I hope it calms down for you!

@mich: hey!!! Good luck this cycle! Welcome to the tww! Sounds like you have great timing!

@blue: Hopefully the temp dip is an implantation dip!!

@amag: Hey Girlie! I am so excited for you tomorrow!! The progesterone suppositories suck huh? I'm so sorry. How often do you have to use them? They are worth it in the end though :) Thanks for the wishes of rest; however, it's not happening...

@law: Sounds like you guys had a great day in Boston :) I'm hoping today was a productive day on your paper.

@JLHart: hey lady! I hope you are having a great weekend!

Sorry if I missed anyone.

AFM: I'm pretty sure I have to cutest baby in the world. I'm soooo in love! Sorry.... I can't help it! I wish I could figure out a way to post more pics. Or if you want to view my Instagram I'm lissa9461.

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10 years ago

Morning my ladies on my way to church. I'm on cd 25 so I'm still waiting I'll hold off until Wednesday if nothing happens. Time will tell. Smooches I'll check in later.

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10 years ago

@cam: have fun at church. Prayers and fingers crossed for you!

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10 years ago

Hi ladies. I'm in Europe for work. Busy, but wanted to pop in. Hope all is well with you guys. You are all in my thoughts and prayers!

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10 years ago

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