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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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lawbride on the minus side, he is being very unreasonable. On the plus side, you will get out of a LOT of chores. Tell him cleaning is too difficult for you, physically. :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--haha. that's a good one. I guess I'll have to milk it. :)

10 years ago

Hi ladies! Thanks for the welcome and support! It's great to be able to talk about this- it seems all of my friends only have to look at their significant other to get pregnant :) I hadn't even considered it would take months, although thanks to this website I see I am definitely not alone.

Amag: been off BC since March. I guess some people's bodies just adjust more quickly when the go off BC than others?

Lawbride: Just using CM to track ovulation at this point so I guess I am not really "confirming" ovulation. Do you think it is much more accurate to chart temperatures?

Did everyone already test this month?

10 years ago

kait welcome again! I know what you mean about all the friends getting pregnant immediately, it definitely seems that way doesn't it? Nobody talks about having trouble in real life so that's why we're here to help and get help! I definitely think charting is the way to go. When I started I only used OPKs, but then I had a cycle after an early miscarriage where I ovulated 2 weeks late but had positive OPKs earlier. Now I swear by a combo of temping and OPKs! If you have any questions about it, we have a lot of "experts" among us ;) Some of us have tested and some haven't, we're all at different points in our cycles but it's better that way, if we're in a "boring" part we can at least get excited for someone else who is testing :)

10 years ago • Post starter

kait--definitely agree with luv. I don't temp but that's because my sleeping is quite erratic. I am also sympathetic to the friend situation. My friends all seem to be pregnant right now with minimal effort. It's slightly annoying because many of them have pregnancy complaints that I'm quite unsympathetic about given my situation with TTC.

10 years ago

kait: it definately is not the same for all women. like i said it took me a while to regulate after being on BC for so long where as my friend had been on it just as long as got pregnenat within 3 months so its all up in the air unfortunately. i already tested for October but luv usually will make a new forum for the next month at the end and post the link and we all just jump over there....!! i like having people at different times in the month like love said when you are in your dreaded waiting periods its nice to take your mind off yourself and cheer on the others!! Good luck we will be routing for you !!

law: i understand the wanting to be as active as possible i am the same way. i love being active and my DH has the same concerns. i understand where he is coming from but its frustrating especially when all you want to do is be able to feel great during your pregnancy. ugh ..they just dont understand sometimes how we fee.!!

10 years ago

ooh yeah i did speak to the lab today dh has an appt for his SA on friday. He will be able to bring it down but we dont know if his work will allow him to go in late. if not we are going to have to reschedule until the following wednesday but we will see.. i just wanna get this going!!!

10 years ago

amag--can't you take it for him? Would that allow him to make it to work on time? And yeah, I totally agree. It's hard because he doesn't understand what it's like to struggle with an ever changing body and feeling insecure and just awful about myself lately. I want to be healthy and happy and he wants the same but his view of what that means is different than mine.

10 years ago

Nicolene: I will sleep when I am dead LOL. I have one who is a night owl and one who is an early bird. I spend my nights planning revenge when they are in high school and want to sleep in.

Amag: my husband is my husband. I keep my expectations low and I am going to start sending out my resume next week when I hit the 2 week mark.

law: some of the fertility drugs they put you on can cause an increase in weight gain and in appetite. But, it sounds like your follicle size was good =)

12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

10 years ago

amag yay for the SA appointment! Make sure you don't try to "save it up," BD plenty in the meantime so his sample is fresh ;) We had WAY better results with the second sample because it had been only 2 days since we last BD'd instead of 7!

10 years ago • Post starter

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